Transparent Cursor Cursor Details

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Purple/Black/White/Transparent Cursor.ani

Purple/Black/White/Transparent Cursor.ani
  • Published on August 12th 2011 by .
  • Released under the Attribution+NonCommercial (CC by-nc) license.
  • Designated to be used as a Normal Select cursor by right-handed people.
  • Animated cursor with 18 frame(s).

This cursor starts black, then goes to purple, then to white, which fades transparent, and then turns back to black and starts over.


HTML cursor code

To use the cursor on your web or a MySpace profile, add the following code to your page:

<style type="text/css">
body {cursor: url(;}
<a href=""
title="Get free cursors for your web.">Purple/Black/White/Transparent Cursor.ani Cursor</a>