Bruh it's just the DiamOS cursor pack and the real link is here:https://www.deviantart.com/vladsukhetskyi/art/VS-Cursor-12-0-Premium-927166733
Hello! As once again, a new cursor set from internet!
Here is the author: https://www.deviantart.com/vladsukhetskyi, here's the link for the original cursor set: https://www.deviantart.com/vladsukhetskyi/art/VS-cursor-version-4-870316288. Hope you enjoy. The author himself said that these are inspired by Mac OS.
Tags: ■ Black □ White Windows 10 Simple
Bruh it's just the DiamOS cursor pack and the real link is here:https://www.deviantart.com/vladsukhetskyi/art/VS-Cursor-12-0-Premium-927166733
i like this!
cursors Vs cAKEOS
come its gome
can you remake the link cursor
no anonoymus on april 14th
Eu dou a bunda pra vários homens, chupo um monte de pinto, dou a bunda pros caras, eu vou bater o recorde mundial em dar a bunda. Eu sou um estuprado, eu sou um arrombado, eu dou a bunda para 2050 homens diferentes. Os cavalos comeram minha bunda, eu dei a bunda pros cavalos,
this got enemy tanktrouble.com
haha 8-)
os cara só comenta coisa errada, mds
It Looks Like An Mac Cursor
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