Ok ,I tested 4 stars and applying them I worst this pointer is 5% than multi user interface windows 10 and 10x8
I switched out of cursor And turn of X mode of 2020 concepted cursor and choose normal cursors of windows 10 like pointer
I mistake windows 10 cursors
:-( I mistake windows 10 cursors
My cursor like www.toastytech.com
switch out cursors
I switched out of 10X cursors From pointer files to alternate cursor files it's bad for windows 10 normal edition or RTM to 22h2 in 2024 Cursors may be not affected to icon cache database
Vietnamese Lang files
cursor not be affected after restart and new cursor cache added to icon cache database
This is windows 10x cursor seeding for windows 10 better ( windows 10 (Linux seed))
I resettled explorer
I restart explorer no affected
This page called DMZ I don't try my cursor like this
i am sorry to tell you this. but this is a linux cursor called DMZ i dont know wht the first one is thought I Won't be page called DMZ