Google trouble

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Google trouble

Published by on September 29th 2012.

You have probably noticed that the ads served by Google on the pages in the Gallery section disappeared 3 days ago. These ads have been bringing a little money and helped to keep the site running. Now the ads are gone and Google does not seem to like rw-designer anymore. So, until the situation is resolved, you'll see a very different kind of ads. Ads that are not really ads.

Something has recently changed at Google and the change has not affected just rw-designer, but many more sites. The incident that got the most attention involved an e-book author that decided to share his e-book via piratebay. Google automated filter decided that linking to piratebay is not OK and limited his advertising account. Why the Google mastermind decided to turn away from rw-designer after many years without problems is anyone's guess, but I suspect it had something to do with a Chuck Norris icon on the cited "problematic" page.

Always look on the bright side of life

So, anyway, because I don't feel like begging Google for explanation, I have decided to use the ad space to promote some cool places on the internet. The first place I want to bring attention to is this:

rsrc/donationcoder.png image is a community of software authors and users and you can find many useful utilities there as well as software reviews and helpful people.

rsrc/reactos-banner.jpg image

ReactOS is next in the row - this project attempts to create an open source operating system compatible with Windows XP. It is not stable yet, but it can run some existing software.

rsrc/manybooks-banner.png image is a website with thousands of free e-books for your readers.

rsrc/mypaint-banner.png image

MyPaint is an open-source image editor totally focused on the Brush tool. People can draw amazing things with it. Tablet is recommended.

The banner shown above is now being displayed on every icon and cursor page. In the next days, it will be replaced by different banners linking to other worthy sites on the internet. What sites? I am not sure yet and I am open to suggestions.

What web sites should receive this free promotion?

If you are considering suggesting a site to promote for a day or two on rw-designer, it should fulfill some of these criteria:

  • offer something unique,
  • be of medium size (if it is too big, promotion on rw-designer would not be a big help),
  • and be interesting for the kind of people that visit rw-designer (designers, customizers).

Know any such site? Leave a comment or send me a PM.

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