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Vlasta's profile

View Vlasta's timeline, last visit on February 15th 2025

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Name:Vlastimil Miléř

Discord: vlasta#8755

Latest art

Inflated TeaserInflated Cursors
by Vlasta481Cursors with smooth animations created in the upcoming version of Rea...
Butterfly TeaserButterfly Icons
by Vlasta541A couple of butterflies widespread in most of Europe. And one moth.
Bindweed TeaserBindweed Cursors
by Vlasta2230Having bindweed on your farm or garden is pretty bad. But having it o...
Software Support TeaserSoftware Support Icons
by Vlasta1154Users of RealWorld application may already know some of these symbols...
Umbrella TeaserUmbrella Cursors
by Vlasta4849A pinkish umbrella. I started making this set in autumn, but finished...
Burning TeaserBurning Cursors
by Vlasta1815Your cursors are on fire. Deal with it. The fire effects were created...
Soccer TeaserSoccer Icons
by Vlasta2544With the FIFA World Cup in progress, I realized there are very few so...
Discrete TeaserDiscrete Cursors
by Vlasta6046A complete set of cursors for Windows created in RealWorld Cursor Edi...
Weather TeaserWeather Icons
by Vlasta3238Icons for various weather conditions.
Da Vinci Code TeaserDa Vinci Code Cursors
by Vlasta14kCursors based on the Da Vinci Code novel and movie including fleur-de...

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Forum topics, where Vlasta participated

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user icon TenZue registered user on January 15th

vlasta u suck

user icon xTikans registered user on January 16th

Tenzue, Vlasta might ban you for saying that ngl.. You're literally insulting the creator of the website. :/

user icon TenZue registered user on January 22nd

Oh yeah

My apologies Vlasta for saying you suck. That was very informal of me knowing you're the owner of this site. I would like to show respect and my greatest attitude towards you! :-) I wasn't feeling myself when saying that.

user icon Cursor Mania registered user on February 1st

Nice reflexion TenZue!! :-D

user icon Cursor Mania registered user on February 3rd

Hi I have something new in my profile!!
Also information actualizated and added the section about me and important notice in my profile!! :-o :-D

user icon TenZue registered user on February 5th



user icon TenZue registered user on February 6th
user icon TenZue registered user on February 8th

Different Types of REALWORLD Simple Cursors


user icon ♩⊹⋆⚢☣Sotaru☣⚢⋆⊹♩ registered user about 16 hours ago

Vlasta, as you may know, there is a user named ZueTen, AKA Black Hawk, he has been making death threats towards TenZue and knows XTikans password, I recommend you block, delete and ban his account, he as been boycotting quite a few of our users and had repulsive images also known as hentai, on his page of a game character named Ankha from Animal Crossing.

user icon TenZue registered user about 15 hours ago

Власта, есть этот надоедливый чувак по имени «ZueTen», который подменил мое имя, пытаясь выдать себя за меня, и шантажировать меня на этом сайте. Он также был известен как «Черный Ястреб» — пользователь, которого вы забанили ранее. Пожалуйста, забаньте его, потому что в его профиле было неприемлемое изображение, он сказал, что взломал xTikans и т. д. Он сказал, что даже убьет моего майнкрафт-кота, что очень грубо.

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...
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