Does anyone dislike apple? - RealWorld forums

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Does anyone dislike apple?

on February 8th

for a company that revolutionized the world, their products are overpriced and sucky they got ZERO freedom and buggy

microsoft is better

on February 8th

so is android, which is android is based off linux

Dark Falcon
on February 13th

Microsoft sucks too! The only solution i got is Ubuntu, and yes apple is a terrible company, you also forget to say that you have to pay alot of money just for some accesories

on February 13th

Watchout blud or i will burn yo balls

Dark Falcon
on February 14th

apple user getting salty

on February 14th


on February 14th

apple is trash especially apple vision pro

on April 1st

atleast iphones have imessage unlike android which i dont know how android users sends messages

on April 1st

how is bro this fucking stupid?! EVERY MOBILE OS HAS A MESSAGING APP!

on April 1st


on April 3rd

nuh uh

on April 3rd

why you should switch to iphone: good camera more security imessages and better emojis ;-)

9 replies were left out.

Dark Falcon
on May 12th


on May 12th

false info btw, also nokia is an android

Dark Falcon
on May 12th

yea, though they still make phones, they have android as default os, unless they are using a very old model (e.g s40v3a or Nokia 5800, which in that case, they would be using Symbian™)

on May 21st

...and symbian was slow af, no wonder why it stopped existing

on May 21st

never knew nokia was an android, i guess u really do learn something new everyday

on May 24th

macs are trash, but chromebooks are worse, so sticking with windows 10

on May 25th

I've always hated Chromebooks because of their limited functionality and freedom, especially that schools are switching to Chromebooks.

Back in Sparkman High School (Alabama), I had my own Chromebook, to which it had the Securly extension, and TechPilot (which Securly also owns). This bundle of 3 extensions blocks sites, but rather in a clunky way in my opinion. You can simply get freedom on the internet if you use HolyUnblocker; the discord server has a tool to generate mirror URLs just in case the school blocks them. It is nearly unstoppable.

Back in middle school, we had Windows 10 laptops issued to each student in the entire district, and had Lightspeed Systems for the firewall and DyKnow for monitoring (which I shit you not, can shut down your laptop without any warning message). I eventually found out about an ancient VPN called UltraSurf, which worked nearly flawlessly for bypassing the firewall.

I never ever used a Mac or Linux device in any school grounds. I have used several iPads in elementary school back when I was on my lunch break (and this was in 2012ish).

Edit: Just found out UltraSurf is an internet censorship circumvention application, not a VPN! The more you know!

on May 26th

me too, sadly my school uses them because of being cheap :-(

on May 28th

Wow, I wish I heard about this HolyUblocker sooner.

on June 5th

who needs a camera when theres customization?

on June 7th

i agree with this post unfortunately i got no other choice than using a mac :-(

on July 6th

virgin iphone user vs chad android user

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