Media packs #1-#5

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Media packs overview

The media packs can be downloaded directly from within the respective application that includes support for media library from the Online page.

Created by Kudesnick on March 27 2006.

A set of images allowing you to assemble icons of various symbols placed on round background. Create icons online.

Created by Kudesnick on March 27 2006.

A set of images allowing you to assemble icons of various symbols placed on triangle background. Create icons online.

Created by Kudesnick on March 27 2006.

A set of images allowing you to assemble icons of various symbols placed on shield-shaped background. Create icons online.

Created by Sirea on June 2 2010.

Create a egg-shaped icon or forum avatar. It's fun! Create icons online.

Created by Vlasta on August 4 2010.

Create icons with blobby alien look. No aliens were killed while making this media pack! Create icons online.

Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?