jeremy do u think i can add the animals to my website? They are great by the way
jeremy do u think i can add the animals to my website? They are great by the way
Jeremy, I love your flags! Could you please make a set for Cornwall? The flag is St. Piran's flag. It looks like the Swedish flag, except the background is black and the cross is white. You'll see a picture of it here:
Thank you!
wow, i never look at my profile. Yeah sure frankg23 and i will teylu
Hello Jeremy!
I want to ask you, if I am allowed to use one of the dog icons as an icon for a commercial application. I am also willing to pay for it.
Please let me know!
Best regards!
Hi Sascha
Its probably too late, but: yes you can use it.
Thankyou for asking. I'm happy for you to use it (if you still need to!) without paying.
Sorry - but i rarely look at this page!
Hello Jeremy,
I used your chicken pic
in a game
I wrote for my site.
thanks a bunch!
thnx for create kurdistan flag Cursor
Its been long time the creator of those crusor didnt on the thing
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