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View Gabe27's timeline, last visit on January 17th 2025

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Pac-Man (SNES) Cursors (28 cursors)

Released on June 10th 2020 by Gabe27

Pac-Man and the ghosts are back in 16-bit glory! The sprites used in this cursor set are straight from Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. These cursors are great for Pac-Man fans and people who just love the 80's (or people who just like video games in general).

I do not own the rights to Pac-Man. The Pac-Man series of games is owned by Bandai Namco Games.

Sprites ripped by Tocf on The Spriters Resource:

MAJOR UPDATE (July-05-23): Whew... Time sure does fly by, doesn't it? Anywho, after 3 whole years, I finally decided to add some finishing touches on this cursor set of mine, which updates the Vertical + Horizontal Resize, Move, Precision Select, Help Select, and Handwriting cursors (and reordered the update descriptions so that the newest ones are first). Hopefully this'll be the last update for this cursor set unless I decide to add anything else. Enjoy!

UPDATE (June-17-20): Added left versions of the Pac-Man Working in Background and Pac-Man Busy cursors.

UPDATE (June-15-20): Added the Intermission Busy Cursor.

UPDATE (June-14-20): Removed the Eyes Unavailable cursor since it is unnecessary to me.

UPDATE (June-11-20): Added the Eyes Unavailable cursor.

Latest art

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by Gabe271113Pac-Man and the ghosts are back in 16-bit glory! The sprites used in ...
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Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on June 6th 2020

seus cursores sao legais

user icon Gabe27 registered user on June 6th 2020

@Anonymous Gracias!

user icon Anonymous on June 15th 2020

Only One Cursor?? ;-) ;-) :-( :-o

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on May 10th 2022

Welcome to RW designer page

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I know it's a bit late but...
We all hope you will have tons of fun here and create many wonderful works of art!

Please check out the May TOTM (Theme of the Month) Contest!


Hola Bienvenid@

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on January 6th 2023

Please check out the January 2023 TOTM (Theme of the Month) Contest! :-D

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user icon TenZue registered user on February 23rd 2023

░╚════╝░░╚════╝░╚═╝╚═╝░░╚══╝╚═╝ Marchs TOTM

user icon Anonymous on November 27th 2024


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