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RIDDLER (2023-07-05 22:32:37 / 5 stars):

I like those sketchy cursors.

The Male Boss (2023-07-07 22:54:25 / 5 stars):

This is an excellent sketchy cursor set.
You’ve included all 17 cursor roles and have got all the cursor hotspots in the right place.
The animations look cool and funky as they change in shape from frame to frame.
I like the choice of colours you’ve used particularly the way you’ve used the same colour for the diagonal resize cursor sans a different colour for the horizontal and vertical resizes.
The sketchy handraw is my favourite design of of the set.
Well Done

Unknown author (2023-07-17 19:54:17):

suka blyad

Unknown author (2023-07-17 23:45:53):

How do i make the zip files into .cur files so can actually use them?

ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN (2023-07-20 04:33:34):

You need to right clik the zip file and click "extract"
For the rest this may be useful: http://www.rw-designer.com/using-cursors

SILLYSPIDER2099 (2023-07-22 00:22:32 / 5 stars):

this is so cute :-D

baller baller chicken dollar (2023-08-25 08:36:27):

am 800th download

Unknown author (2023-09-03 02:56:06):

I, Morgan freeman; Agree with this message

Unknown author (2023-09-27 15:18:34):

Morgan freeman; Agree with this message

this is so cute :-D |-) 8-) :-o :-( :-D :-) ;-)

Animelove_1105 (2023-10-16 20:19:00 / 5 stars):

I actually like these cursors! I love how it's more of an actual sketch-style animation and the different color palettes you used for each of these. And it doesn't look too lazy, which I really like! Keep up the good work

Unknown author (2023-12-07 17:58:39):

Sketchy person

Unknown author (2024-04-25 05:01:09):

i hate this

Unknown author (2024-05-31 17:50:42):


> Bacon

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