Well Riddler, the "AnnoFrame" ones are found
within the .exe file, respectively :
-The in-game arrow
-The get aboard ship/set gather point
crosshair w/ a downward arrow pointing it
-The atk crosshair
-The can't atk slashed-circle
(used on goner mobile entities yet to despawn) ;
-The downward arrow w/ pennant,
used to bookmark warehouses/marketplaces
-The board foe ship cmd cutlass
(found in the expansion) ;
-A variation of the above with a skull,
substitutes the aforementioned as one hovers
over a foe ship ;
-An unused pointing hand ;
-An unused open-hand glove.
As for the custom ones, well...
they're either alterations of the game's cursors,
or either drawn black&white atop in-game assets,
may or may not constitute a Step From Developer Practice :
watches seen in the games' selection list,
the loadbar before getting in-game,
one question mark was drawn atop the expansion's
player statistics button from the in-game Options menu,
in the same menu under the music tab I took
an other "?" from the Play song button,
the "i" is from the index section of the help button,
Mac-esque alias& custom alias 1 are made
on the rotate view arrow(near mini-map)
at diff. reolutions, 2&3 alter it
w/ a piece of the boarding cutlass cursor.
The globe is the button for bookmarking
marketplaces&warehouses found when
a ship or explorer is selected (methinks).
Text-wall, g.g.!
Oh, there's also a main menu/loading screen cursor,
but it looks like a lumpier, uglier Windows default arrow,
so I didn't bother xÞ