A set of comic related cursors
Tags: Comic Animal Character Game Fantasy □ Multicolored Sci-fi Robot TV series Smiley Movie Anime Abstract 3D
i like the HD iron man helmet
it was so amazing :-D
oye no ofendan
4 out of 5 stars.
The cursors are well made, and I like the spiderman Idea of the comic book. I also like how you completed the whole cursor set and animated a lot of the cursors. The work is wonderfully made and I like the design and Idea. I bet this took a lot of your time with a lot of hard work. I value these cursors. They are very good, thanks for making these. I hope you could make more of these kind in the future or sometime. I also like how the hotspots are made fully and correctly.
My rating decision will be a high amount, judging from how could you made these cursors, I really like them. I also like everything about the cursors. The idea is very good and etc.
Q: How long did this take you? Why did you decide to make these type of cursors?
I have made my decision.. I will give you a 4 out of 5 since you didn't add venom in there.
Still like how you made the whole ass super hero comic cursors! Like the look of it!
4 out of 5 stars.
os cursores sao bem feitos eu gostei da ideia do homem aranha dos quadrinhos animou muito mais a qualidade esta muito boa mais vou dar 4 estrelas porque ainda tem o que melhorar se voce melhorar suas artes vou dar 5 estrelas <3 nao sou o melhor criador mais reconheço que voce e a melhor <3
gosto de herois dos quadrinhos e que não sao de lá tambem cara isso ta perfeitoo <3
tenho uma pergunta
P: quanto tempo voce demorou ?
glue: acho q demorou horas
8-)muito bom não vou usar
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