1,000 DOWNLOADS on a set! (Button Give a Way2)

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1,000 DOWNLOADS on a set! (Button Give a Way2)

Published by on August 28th 2012.

To celebrate the circuit cursor set reaching 1,000 downloads I am going to give a free button to the first five people to respond to this post.

Currently: 0 Button(s) remaining


  • You must be a registered user on this site
  • Only one per person
  • first come first serve

Button give a ways

  • When I reach 1,000 downloads - not available any more
  • When I reach 10,000 downloads
  • When I reach 25,000 downloads
  • When I reach 50,000 downloads
  • when I reach 75,000 downloads
  • When I reach 100,000 downloads
  • When one of my sets reach 1,000 downloads - not available any more
  • When one of my sets reach 5,000 downloads
  • When one of my sets reach 10,000 downloads
  • When five of my sets reach 1,000 downloads
  • When five of my sets reach 5,000 downloads
  • When five of my sets reach 10,000 downloads
  • If I beat Cosmic Journey
  • If someone beats my high score on the first stage of Cosmic Journey they will get 10 buttons (currently 17,286)

This list may change
Button amount may change depending on the downloads

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on August 28th 2012

me (jojois74).

user icon cdl contributing user on September 6th 2012

Cool idea! icon-image/7488-24x24x32.png image
Button GiveAway!

Too bad that I already gave most of my buttons away!
Maybe I'll borrow the idea when my bag grows a bit fuller!

I believe that leaves 3 buttons now in the give a way!
Hiya jojois74!

user icon egarcia1360 registered user on September 6th 2012

Hi! I came to e-order my e-button. Please e-mail it to me. 8-)

user icon oriolego registered user on September 20th 2012

how do you send buttons to people? your cursors are epic im not just saying this for the buttons ok i kind of am i need buttons so i can get a liscence for icon editor and do stuff on that. |-)

user icon Richard registered user on October 14th 2012

I would like a button. 8-)

user icon Anonymous on April 16th 2013


user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?