Icon Set - Audio Devices

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Audio Devices Icons

Audio Devices
  • Published on October 3rd 2005 by .
  • Released under the NonCommercial Usage Only (CC nc) license.
4.8 out of 5 stars. (12 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

A couple of audio-related devices and tools.

Tags: Audio


by Vlasta

See also

Mega Man X TeaserMega Man X Cursors
by 0003203"Mega Man X Cursors", Sprites from "Sprites Resource"
Sora TeaserSora Cursors
by 0001369Sora Cursors, Sprites From "Sprites Resource"
Sonic Mania TeaserSonic Mania Cursors
by 0007465Sonic Mania Cursors, Sprites From "Sprites Resource"
Shovel Knight TeaserShovel Knight Cursors
by 000930Shovel Knight Cursors, Sprites from "Sprites Resource" El ultimo se l...
Naruto Uzumaki v2 TeaserNaruto Uzumaki v2 Cursors
by 0005105Naruto Uzumaki v2 Sprites from "Sprites Resource"
Son Goku TeaserSon Goku Cursors
by 0007023Son Goku Cursors, Sprites from "Sprites Resource"

Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous on July 26th 2008

cool icons thx

user icon MEGADETHFAN3000 registered user on July 30th 2008

Nice 3D effect, they're simply wonderful!

user icon Anonymous on February 16th 2009

wow....now these r kewl


user icon Anonymous on April 7th 2009

Thank you that's what i needed you saved my day

user icon firefly431 registered user on May 23rd 2009

Anonymous this is the realworld ICON sets not real things dummy

user icon Anonymous registered user on January 16th 2011


user icon Anonymous on June 26th 2011

:-(I don't know how to actually use them on my computer.Can someone help?

user icon Ludwig registered user on January 9th 2014

Anonymous: The programs on your desktop are only links to the programs, so you can modify their icon. Rightclick on it and select Properties. Then click on "use a different symbol" (this expression could be different because I use Windows in german ;-) ) There you can select another icon.

Vlasta: Very nice set! icon-image/10134-16x16x32.png image

user icon nibbler forum moderator on December 8th 2016

5 out of 5 stars.

One time, I've got an iPod with some icon-image/121-16x16x32.png image. In PE Class, the scoreboard has a icon-image/124-16x16x32.png image. There is a icon-image/123-16x16x32.png image on a stage in an auditorium. Another time, my parents got a icon-image/126-16x16x32.png image that has icon-image/122-16x16x32.png images, and you can use the icon-image/125-16x16x32.png image to pump it up.

Nice job! :-)

user icon theladarks77 registered user on August 6th 2018

5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you. Great art.

user icon Anonymous