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2mG's profile

View 2mG's timeline, last visit on March 19th 2022

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Latest art

Clothes TeaserClothes Cursors
by 2mG266A clothing/sewing themed set
fnf arrows Teaserfnf arrows Cursors
by 2mG2302A very basic friday night funkin arrow set. I'm open to suggestions o...
Spinning rupees (WW) TeaserSpinning rupees (WW) Cursors
by 2mG1015A set that includes the rupees from the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker.
Fixed light and basic rage TeaserFixed light and basic rage Cursors
by 2mG36fixed light hotspot and a basic animation for rage
Blood colors TeaserBlood colors Cursors
by 2mG237Blood colors to match your zodiac, trollsona, or just your mood!
Aspects TeaserAspects Cursors
by 2mG1492Aspect loading cursors for all your homestuck needs!

Forum topics, where 2mG participated

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user icon nibbler forum moderator on April 15th 2019

Welcome to RealWorld Graphics! icon-image/14879-16x16x32.png image
Enjoy your time here!

user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?