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RealWorld Icon Editor and an older version of RealWorld Cursor Editor (with the 3D module installed) contain the Unicorn3D package, which can be used to create simple 3D models.
There are multiple ways to represent a 3D model inside a computer, but there are two main methods:
Unicorn3D uses the surface representation of objects and its elementary components are triangles and NURBS surfaces. It also allows higher level primitives such as spheres, cubes, cylinders, etc., but these are only shortcuts to a predefined NURBS surface or triangle mesh and cannot be used for volume operations (for example subtracting a sphere is not possible).
Unicorn3D allows parameterization of 3D objects. Parameterized objects are easier to reuse and can be used to create simple animations.
Unicorn3D is a plug-in based system and 3rd party plug-ins can extend the functionality.
To learn making 3D models for icons, read the tutorials embedded with the respective application.
More tutorials:
After you create your 3D model, continue with defining snapshots.
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