Thank you!
For those who just want simple, unadorned, functional and highly visible left handed cursors--and don't want to make them. Lefty utility cursors are not all that easy to locate on the net, so here is the whole gamut for those who just want to do their thing with the left hand.
Tags: □ White ■ Black □ Transparent Windows XP Triangular
Thank you!
right ?!
thank you! I've been searching for just this type of solution for weeks
it is very very good item.
Mucho danke shan! Microsoft finds 14kb of cursor files bloating Windows 10. Maybe it's the proverbial last straw
Awesome, just what I needed. Thanks so much for making this!
5 out of 5 stars.
Thank you very much, I am a left-handed person!
5 out of 5 stars.
Thanks for those cursors, and yeah left-handed cursors are very hard to find on the 'net, I like these cursors because they're especially made for left-handed persons. Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much for these cursors, really!
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