RealWorld Graphics - online icon maker

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Online fav-icon creator

Online FavIcon Maker
- current color
Default colors:
<- transparent color

Custom color: # 

Create favicon from picture:

Professional icon maker

This web application allows creation of 16x16 icons (favicons) using simple drawing tools. If you require a crystal-clear icon with smooth edges, shadows, or other advanced effects, please consider using our professional 3D icon editor.

How to use it:

  • Select one of basic colors by clicking on a color square on the right side of the window.
  • Erase pixels by drawing with transparent color (checkboard) or erase the entire canvas by clicking the Clear Canvas toolbar button.
  • Select a custom color by typing its hexadecimal web color code to the box under the default colors and click the 'Set' button
  • Choose drawing tool by clicking a button in the toolbar:
    • "Pencil" is changing colors of pixels when a mouse is moving over the canvas while the left button is pressed.
    • "Lines" draws a line from the point where the mouse button was pressed to the point where it was released.
    • "Dropper" allows to set current color from an icon's pixel.
  • Create favicon from a jpg or png picture using the box under the editor window. (Alpha channel is not supported.)
  • Download your new icon by simply clicking the 'Download Icon' button in the toolbar.

More resources

Find out how to modify your web pages to display favicons.

Download icons from the icon library.

Download RealWorld Icon Editor to create professional icons.

Important: This online icon maker requires a web browser with Javascript 1.2 support such as Internet Explorer 6, Firefox, or Opera. If you are experiencing problems, make sure that you are using one of the supported browsers and Javascript ("Active content") is enabled.

Recent comments

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user icon pedrogames_br registered user on May 5th 2021


user icon NMF7 registered user on May 16th 2022


user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on May 21st 2022


Welcome to RW designer page

icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image
user icon Jordan registered user on September 12th 2022

█░░ ─║─║║║║║╠─░░█

user icon Jordan registered user on September 12th 2022


user icon wertas2021 registered user on December 14th 2022

0000000000 0000000000000 000000000
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 000000000
0000000000 0 0
00 0000000000000 000000000
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 00000000000000

- - +--+-- - -- -- - - - -

user icon pipo registered user on February 10th 2023


user icon christopher.andon597 registered user on October 6th 2023


user icon izzibusy166 registered user on September 14th


user icon RIDDLER registered user on October 28th

The fav-icon creator program can be improved. There is room for improvements.

Select background