SVG import/export in future versions

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SVG import/export in future versions

Published by on August 30th 2022.

SVG is a file format used for storing vector images (and more). It is used widely on the web and, in recent years, its use in software has grown as well. In certain situations, it replaces classic raster icons. Future versions of RealWorld Paint and RealWorld Icon Editor will be able to import SVG and the export plug-in will be more capable.

YouTube stream on Sep 1st

The upcoming YouTube stream will be mainly about SVG and starts on September 1st at 7PM CET (that is 10AM..1PM in America) Here is a link to the stream:

rsrc/svg-import-export.jpg image

What can be imported?

SVG is quite complex and not every SVG file will import perfectly, but the compatibility should be decent and a large percentage of SVG files found on web will be usable.

Imported elements

  • Rectangles, Ellipses - except rounded rectangles with different corner radii (radius will be unified).
  • Lines, Polylines - dashing may be adjusted, as RW only supports dash lengths that are multiples of stroke width.
  • Polygons, Paths - if these shapes use strokes, they will always be closed.
  • Text elements - except those using tspans.
  • Groups - RW will approximate the structure of SVG files with nested layers.
  • Images - embedded PNG images are imported as raster layers.

Fill/stroke styles

  • Linear and radial gradients can be imported - extended attributes like repeating and mirroring are not supported.
  • Patterns are not imported.
  • If a shape is using both fill and stroke, the stroke can only be a solid color.


Currently, the only imported filter is gaussian blur and it is only imported if it is applied to a layer (group).

Recent comments

user icon Account not found registered user on August 30th 2022

I never heard about the SVG file format but it sounds cool, also make an update to cursor editor with all 17 cursor roles.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on August 30th 2022

Well done Vlasta for updating all the RealWorld software, including the use of SVG images in RealWorld Paint.

Please do not forget to update RealWorld Cursor Editor by adding all the missing cursor wizards with more features and templates. This software is far too outdated and needs updating using all the cursor wizards and new features which could involve more creativity on the fly such as making complex 3D animated cursors by using step-by-step wizards. Please do that Vlasta.

Thank you for all your good work on updating all the RealWorld software.

user icon Anonymous
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