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Unknown author (2009-10-24 02:52:41):


MichaeEmeraldBreeze (2009-11-01 18:07:09):


Unknown author (2009-11-06 08:14:15):

It's beautiful

Unknown author (2009-11-09 11:29:13):

hi guys

Monty166 (2009-11-11 17:23:33):

(found out why icons can't be made by kids)

Unknown author (2009-11-22 16:48:16):

merci aux contributeurs

Unknown author (2009-11-27 15:55:11):

hello friends

mike101103 (2009-11-28 21:23:15):


Unknown author (2009-11-29 11:15:18):

Can someone make a highlighter curser? That be really nice. :-)

Unknown author (2009-12-01 09:24:08):

Very nice

Teddy (2009-12-05 12:50:17):

how do u mean highlighter cursor? a cursor witch looks like a highlighter or a cursor 4 to highlight things?
thx 4 the answer
PS: i'll design one if i know whatcha meaning ^^

depapabear (2009-12-05 22:18:56):

I am in awe of not only the contents but also the extended time in dedication by so many folks. Thank you so much for sharing!

Unknown author (2009-12-08 20:48:16):

hi im new here & i love paint so much i'd like to challenge somebody if he is better than me so who can do that ... bring it on ...im waiting

mic (2009-12-11 15:58:01):


layre (2009-12-15 05:08:19):

Bueno mira yo soy un chico comproblemas de vista y nesesito un cursor tipo lupa que cuando yo mira algo o este sobre algo se agrande automatica mente

valda091 (2009-12-15 19:44:24):

I created A set of 3 animation sword, include :
- A Dragon blade - A Light saber - A Soul Caliber
Plz, enjoy it. (^_^)
Here is link to cursor set :

Unknown author (2009-12-16 16:45:49):

whats up everyone

sixλxis (2009-12-17 03:46:44):

We don't post requests here please go to the requests section for that please.

valda091 (2009-12-18 15:49:18):

New 1 set of sword & saber here:
Hope everyone like it

ZeroNOT (2009-12-20 08:06:57):

А где тута русский язык включить?оО

Unknown author (2009-12-20 16:42:57):

How do i get those cursors ....i already downloaded it

Teddy (2009-12-28 00:11:22):

look for my sets :-)

Erik (2010-01-04 11:20:52):

Who has seen my new icon set?

Unknown author (2010-01-05 12:27:25):

hi im Mr T Jones

51272792 (2010-01-15 08:04:20):


sissiaupalais (2010-01-20 19:18:55):

je viens juste de créer mon premier curseur avec une photo de mon mari, c'est vraiment génial, mais il faut un peu de temps pour comprendre comment faire, surtout en anglais.

Unknown author (2010-01-23 07:39:30):

how do i use of it wont let me ='[

Unknown author (2010-01-31 04:35:29):

how come i cant use the cursors?

Unknown author (2010-01-31 04:37:49):


Unknown author (2010-02-06 00:29:28):

ye,how can i set a curser too how do u do it?

russian (2010-02-08 11:25:45):

how do u get cursors comments plz

shanny xx (2010-02-08 14:09:36):

wtf ho understands this thing omfg x

Biker (2010-02-14 05:06:36):

Save to cursor in windows

Unknown author (2010-02-18 01:07:37):

were are you

Unknown author (2010-02-23 13:06:00):

u need to click on it and then save as.
then click on start, control pannel, mouse, pointers, browse. and then click on the one that you saved, click apply and then ok. and ur done wooooooooooo :L hahaaaaaaaaaa

sixλxis (2010-02-25 18:32:25):

My friends are loving these programs too!

Anything but photoshop!

I'm going to attempt to see if i can get all the people in my class to use Paint.com!

lil lynch (2010-03-03 14:13:08):


will (2010-03-07 16:02:39):

i need glitter cursors

mrmcgoo (2010-03-08 14:30:09):

@ all: Put any requests in the request section!

wale (2010-04-13 12:36:19):

check out my rs account lvl 138 whith full 3rd age

sixλxis (2010-04-19 21:01:33):

No-one here cares about your RuneScape thingy. This is not the website for that.

sixλxis (2010-04-28 21:00:00):

Is there a complete list of users?

Vlasta (2010-04-28 21:28:56):

The complete list is not available on the web - it is very long and there are lots of inactive users.

Erik (2010-04-29 17:14:52):

Maybe there are only the active users.

hawar (2010-05-25 10:52:26):

I need kurdistan flag cur&ini

Cursurboy (2010-06-01 14:17:52):

How to log out?

Unknown author (2010-06-01 22:33:38):

check out the avast cursor's i made and avg1 avg2 and more..

Unknown author (2010-06-05 10:12:23):

Hey! How do you do that Anon guy. You don't have an account!!!! Tell me

PokemonCursorMaker (2010-06-08 23:55:35):

hey, looks like you did it too. Also, how do you upload a cursor set? Check out my pokemon cursors of gengar, mew, and mewtwo. Mew has the most detail and i like it the best.

PokemonCursorMaker (2010-06-09 00:02:22):

Hey guys, for all of the images you need that originally came from a gaming system, go to www.spriters-resource.com or www.spriters-resource.net I use it for my pokemon cursors.

untitled (2010-06-14 12:50:23):

how do i upload my cursors?

Unknown author (2010-06-27 20:37:00):


master of rs (2010-07-01 10:20:39):

wazup ppl

anyone there
Abandoned (2010-07-06 14:56:42):

huh this is so gay -.-

Unknown author (2010-07-19 19:03:25):

Just I create a small Icon, but it do not work in Visual Basic

Unknown author (2010-07-22 23:42:13):

I love making icons BUT now iv done that I wont to do 3D ones
now but can I not?

corz (2010-08-17 01:37:20):

You all are gay and suck balls

sixλxis (2010-08-17 06:20:50):

Hey, do not hate on other members. You will be banned if you do so persistently.

sixλxis (2010-08-17 06:28:36):

To 51272792: 很高兴看到你喜欢的软件,我们希望您的学生喜欢这一点。

To untitled: Look here: http://www.rw-designer.com/forum/1577 (2nd post)

To Anonymous(on July 22nd): Open a document in the Unicorn3D editor. To do that click on the Create tab, then click on the Earth that says Unicorn3D beside it. Only RWIconEditor has the Unicorn3D feature at the moment.

To everyone: Please get an account (http://www.rw-designer.com/account) if you have a problem. It helps us help you.

winger (2010-08-21 12:43:10):

Wow, new web design looks great!

skmdlmkamdlakmdkamdladmalkd (2010-08-25 01:47:01):


sixλxis (2010-08-25 01:48:10):

No. We're all friends here, there will be none of that please.

skmdlmkamdlakmdkamdladmalkd (2010-08-25 02:28:56):

soz bra

skmdlmkamdlakmdkamdladmalkd (2010-08-27 01:31:50):

no sely who is gay here tit??????

shawn2 (2010-09-06 09:43:44):

Those who call people gay are ball licker themselves

sixλxis (2010-09-09 14:16:27):


Erik (2010-09-09 20:47:18):

RW Designer is cool. So get an account and upload nice icons.

sixλxis (2010-09-09 22:01:18):

Exactly. *Gives Erik a cookie*

Erik (2010-09-11 21:56:06):

I do not understand that. Why a cookie?

sixλxis (2010-09-12 04:38:17):

Some stupid people above are being asshats and you are not. Your cookie is well deserved.

Erik (2010-09-13 20:06:04):

Who thinks RealWorld software is cool.

Please rate:

Unknown author (2010-09-15 00:17:23):


Unknown author (2010-09-15 00:19:04):

-9999/5! RealWorld Software Sucks!

Erik (2010-09-15 13:52:36):


sixλxis (2010-09-15 15:52:42):

See? I told you. Asshats.

Yessia_ownz123 (2010-09-18 02:00:11):

definetly 5/5 ;-)

iconman (2010-09-18 11:37:09):

i am new ;-)

ToukanLab (2010-09-18 18:02:21):

I dont understand why i am on Top 50 Users.... i made only 3 packs with less than 25 download... am i really on top 50?

Vlasta (2010-09-18 18:59:42):

No, someone played with the counters, I'll keep an eye on these sets.

sixλxis (2010-09-18 21:34:44):

I could never understand that page.

Erik (2010-09-19 10:01:29):

How does the website sort the icons?

Best rating
Most downloads
Best/most commands

Vlasta (2010-09-19 10:30:27):

Icons are sorted by date. Authors on that page mentioned earlier get points for average downloads per day for every set though there is a maximum number of points per set.

slayyou910 (2010-09-19 23:50:41):

yo how do u people make ur own cursor????

slayyou910 (2010-09-19 23:52:20):


sixλxis (2010-09-20 04:39:23):

You use the software. It's free.

Erik (2010-09-20 19:38:35):

Must my background be lighter?

Vlasta (2010-09-20 19:39:43):

No, it looks OK this way. Are you trying it?

Erik (2010-09-20 20:31:27):

Yes, of course. And I am making an image pack for Real World backgrounds.

Erik (2010-09-26 21:07:20):

Is some people german here

sixλxis (2010-09-28 16:27:40):


Erik (2010-09-28 21:28:53):

To all cursor maker: please smoth the icons, then it would be better. So not like this: cursor-18802

Unknown author (2010-10-02 14:37:30):

hi everyone, How are we doing to implement the new cursor instead of the old :-o ? (sorry, i'm french, and i'm bad in english |-) )

Unknown author (2010-10-06 01:31:16):

for some great sprites for games go to http://www.spriters-resource.com/

sixλxis (2010-10-06 01:38:49):

Yes, very nice i think i might use some of those :P

Unknown author (2010-10-07 13:51:04):


Unknown author (2010-10-14 04:27:17):

how can i use this to edit it? :-( i have a project i want to do for 100$ in my collage fund

Unknown author (2010-10-14 07:01:51):

is anyone here who can help me im just ttrying to make a circle and its not working

Unknown author (2010-10-14 07:43:13):


Unknown author (2010-10-14 07:46:12):

somebody please help me.....

Erik (2010-10-14 07:55:57):

Just an easy circle?

Unknown author (2010-10-14 11:04:19):

someone help me please

Vlasta (2010-10-14 11:11:47):

to get help, you should tell people what is the problem, preferably in the forum section so that they can reply...

Unknown author (2010-10-14 11:49:49):

all i want is a normal curser with a big red highlighted circle around it can someone make it for me please...

Vlasta (2010-10-14 11:51:31):

Did you try browsing or searching the gallery? There are lots of cursors with circles...

Unknown author (2010-10-14 11:53:23):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inuomA6F5Yk&feature=related i want one like this

Vlasta (2010-10-14 11:55:06):

Impossible - it is too big - it is added by the video recording program and not actually on the screen.

Erik (2010-10-14 12:13:29):

You should receive your cursor via email. ;-)

Is it good like this?

Anonymous (2010-10-21 11:26:00):

could you tell me how to create icon sets

Erik (2010-10-21 11:43:03):

with RWIcon Editor 8-)

Tails (2010-10-21 13:13:49):

Hey I heart my best friends Jane-Maree, Katelyn-Maree and Madison Elizabeth for eva.
xxx Besties foreva aye guys xxx

rob (2010-10-22 18:47:54):

how to upload cursor??

Erik (2010-10-22 19:31:21):

Gallery-> Cursor-> Upload

Unknown author (2010-10-22 22:20:34):

I want to make an icon for my website... just something small and identifying, can anyone give me any tips?

Unknown author (2010-10-22 22:32:22):

oh, yeah, and I'm a MAC user (above comment)

Vlasta (2010-10-22 22:41:48):

try drawing something in the online editor

sixλxis (2010-10-23 02:36:52):

And if you like that one enough then try the full program.

Unknown author (2010-10-23 18:34:18):

Are there any designers out there who could make windows 7 icons 32 x 32 and the smaller 16 x 16 size?
Email me, with an example of an icon you have made and what the costs would be, i can send you the scope of work.


Margen67 (2010-10-24 20:18:48):


Unknown author (2010-10-25 20:21:01):

please how i do for play my cursor??? :-( |-) ;-)

Unknown author (2010-10-28 11:13:35):

please how do i create a acount :-( ;-) :-o

pari (2010-10-31 12:36:07):

i create ma new a/c :-D

Locutus (2010-11-08 14:45:42):

My first cursor set:

Comments are welcome.

Unknown author (2010-11-08 19:02:21):

Dear rw-designer

I am asking for permission to pue up icon edetor on my website for download.

I will not try to copywrite.
p14wtil@kcs.cambs.sch.uk :-)

Vlasta (2010-11-08 19:43:44):

no problem

Unknown author (2010-11-20 20:44:02):

si posso no ani mare i cursori su questo programma?

Unknown author (2010-11-21 16:58:02):


kjman88 (2010-11-22 16:16:35):


Anony (2010-11-23 21:58:37):

;-) :-) :-D :-o :-( |-) 8-)

Unknown author (2010-11-24 13:05:45):

O_O :-(

Anony (2010-11-24 17:23:30):


Unknown author (2010-12-01 13:21:59):

ok not bad ;-)

Erik (2010-12-02 19:26:41):

I like this intern blogg for each user

Unknown author (2010-12-03 03:05:33):


sixλxis (2010-12-03 03:27:41):

Posts like the one directly above this one are considered SPAM and are looked down upon.

Unknown author (2010-12-04 02:43:30):

hi i dont know how this thing works... M(

Unknown author (2010-12-04 02:43:40):


Unknown author (2010-12-04 02:44:14):

help!! i speak spanish, i want change the language!!!! how can i do that????

Dan (2010-12-06 21:03:04):


Unknown author (2010-12-08 05:21:55):

c :-) ll

Unknown author (2010-12-11 10:53:49):

helppppp.............. :-D

margeo (2010-12-12 19:13:08):


graphic_bubblez (2010-12-13 15:17:15):

Download the cursor editor and click the icon at the top that looks like shock waves. It's like red curved lines all infront of eachother. That's how you get the cursors you made on the downloded cursor editor to the Gallery online. ;-)

sixλxis (2010-12-13 15:35:37):

Couldn't have said it better myself. ;-)

graphic_bubblez (2010-12-13 17:27:34):

Tommy! I've got a fresh load of lau- AHHHHHH! Mum! Calm down! I'm just doing the cramp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GoLewisLeppies (2010-12-15 18:05:41):

:-) Im new! YAY

Unknown author (2010-12-16 13:18:24):

good morn.....sir,
Kindly tell me, how i can download software of cursor

Unknown author (2010-12-16 21:07:24):

esse programa é gratis?

Unknown author (2010-12-16 21:08:02):

favor responder?

Unknown author (2010-12-17 08:15:12):

:-o 8-) |-)

Unknown author (2010-12-17 14:39:38):

hello i think this is really cool, i have a dog and a chinchilla and a turtle. i am now lokkin for a horse, but can't find one ;-)

Unknown author (2010-12-21 13:29:08):

hi this curse dont have the letter l on it :-(

Teddy (2010-12-22 20:58:50):

hey :-)

could I ask you what the coloured account-names are good for?

Teddy (2010-12-22 21:01:34):

hey wow now I found it out :-D

could you share your red with me sixaxis? =P
and thy vlasta ;-)

Unknown author (2010-12-23 07:42:03):


Unknown author (2010-12-23 22:55:28):

;- :-) ) :-D :-( 8-) :-o |-)

Erik (2010-12-24 06:30:15):

Merry Christmas

Teddy (2010-12-24 17:32:33):

merry Christmas everyone!

Anonymous (2010-12-26 04:20:31):


sixλxis (2010-12-26 11:32:29):

Happy New Year

Erik (2010-12-28 23:14:26):

I dont know what the bottle racket is for but somehow I am happy about it.

Teddy (2010-12-29 00:57:18):

Same :-D

sixλxis (2010-12-29 07:39:17):

Hmmm... rockets... this looks totally safe... *takes*

Unknown author (2010-12-29 15:40:19):


Teddy (2010-12-29 18:20:05):

hello =P

Erik (2010-12-30 20:04:04):

I wanted to make silvester icons but forgott the icons and objects on my old(broken) hard drive so I don't have any time to complete it for tomorrow.

Teddy (2010-12-30 20:08:23):

Ouh :-( at least you did it
thumbs up

Teddy (2010-12-31 09:37:43):

HAPPY NEW YEAR! enjoy your rocket ( ;-) )

Erik (2010-12-31 09:50:31):

Funny but I can't see the headding of the site ;-)


Teddy (2010-12-31 09:57:24):

5/5 here :-) cz its so nice :-D

sixλxis (2010-12-31 11:52:58):

It is now possible to launch your rocket!

Teddy (2010-12-31 12:24:57):

I know :-) nice, huh?

Erik (2010-12-31 23:59:52):

0:00 = == and the == = 1.1.2011

Happy new Year!

Teddy (2011-01-01 20:17:29):

happy new year guys :-)

Anonymous (2011-01-01 21:19:36):

happy new year!

Unknown author (2011-01-03 10:54:08):

:-o :-) eee

Anonymous (2011-01-05 00:47:53):

register and make cursor and icon sets

JDDellGuy (2011-01-06 08:34:01):

I'll be back... icon-image/4604-16x16x32.png image

Teddy (2011-01-06 10:01:15):

xD you will?

JDDellGuy (2011-01-06 20:46:10):

Yup. Hey, I don't have that emoticon. Tell me, what does the "XD" emoticon represent?

Teddy (2011-01-07 12:37:43):

cloed eyes plus big smile :-)

Anonymous (2011-01-08 09:07:05):

I am making MY OWN GOOMBA in MARIO!!! See You soon!

JDDellGuy (2011-01-08 22:47:44):

Everyone is invited to submit an entry to the cursor experiment!

The official theme for submission and rules are in my blog.

Looking forward to your submission! icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2011-01-09 08:55:44):

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you make cursors that have ur name on them?????? ; ;-) ;-) -)

JDDellGuy (2011-01-09 23:16:20):

What do you mean? Like as in the name of the file includes your name, or the cursor actually has your name written right onto it?

Erik (2011-01-11 20:48:03):

Jup, entries of Anonymous were deleted

Unknown author (2011-01-13 23:47:10):

i like!!!

Erik (2011-01-17 19:19:56):

I still have firework background

JDDellGuy (2011-01-24 05:11:55):

Uh...Welcome all new members of strange and horrible trades...
Please do not join if you are merely here to advertise um...stuff.
Please join if you wish to download or create cursors, icons, and other graphic media.
Just, uh...take your pills elsewhere...

sixλxis (2011-01-24 09:26:00):

I smell a promotion...

Teddy (2011-01-24 10:41:56):

:-D really?

Unknown author (2011-01-28 07:08:17):

i want red comix cursor set. but not big. can you do it. please. thanks. (:

Tails the fox (2011-01-28 16:21:46):

I want a zangoose plz :-D

Erik (2011-01-29 09:20:50):

100 people like RealWorld Graphics

Unknown author (2011-02-02 23:12:58):

i am new here :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

JDDellGuy (2011-02-03 03:35:54):

Welcome. You should create an account. icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

dethklok4 (2011-02-05 19:18:35):

amazed at this

ratboy10 (2011-02-06 01:41:24):

im new. that was odd.....

JDDellGuy (2011-02-06 08:49:47):

What was amazing? What is odd? I am confused. icon-image/4630-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2011-02-09 02:36:56):

:-D LoL Amazing! :-D :-) ;-) |-) 8-)

Unknown author (2011-02-09 17:55:01):

iam in school

Unknown author (2011-02-11 03:09:01):

dude i just got the blood cursor :-) :-) :-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Tails the fox (2011-02-11 18:05:28):

wow i see you alot jddellguy :-o

JDDellGuy (2011-02-13 06:01:23):

Yes, I enjoy the site and contributing to it, so I am here quite often. Even if I'm not adding to the gallery, I like to check and see what new graphics have been added since the last day.

Unknown author (2011-02-15 19:10:01):

:-o 8-) lol

Unknown author (2011-02-16 17:33:03):

:-( :-( :-( :-(

come si fa?        i am italian
Tails the fox (2011-02-16 18:01:44):

say who has a flipnote comand i can yous to see your flips

JDDellGuy (2011-02-18 09:30:10):

I don't even know what a flipnote is...

RaCii3L_SkiiLZz (2011-02-18 17:40:31):

this website is sik hed its the best :-D ;-) :-o 8-) |-) :-(

dethklok4 (2011-02-18 19:33:17):

no joke 8-) 8- 8-) )

Unknown author (2011-02-20 01:49:25):

they dont have my name

Tails the fox (2011-02-25 18:11:31):

thay are an app for the dsi. sorry

Erik (2011-02-26 20:35:34):

Now I have got a second account on flickr.com because I forgot my account e-mail and password. :-(

The Name Erik is already used, Erik-S is my first account so I am called FidelMops, like on youtube.

Unknown author (2011-02-27 02:03:34):

what's up in the world ;-)

Unknown author (2011-02-28 15:22:27):

No much you

Tails the fox (2011-03-01 02:05:59):

just wondering if anyone has a pokemon frendcode. name roy code 3911-4686-4065 add me plz

JDDellGuy (2011-03-02 14:30:50):

This might be the wrong place to be asking for flipnotes and pokemon friendcodes Fireblaze. lol, but maybe someone will...

Tails the fox (2011-03-02 17:46:47):

ok sorry i just dont have much to do sense i cant make icons or suff like that

Tails the fox (2011-03-03 17:30:58):

ok can someone tell me how to get rid of emails i have way to much

Unknown author (2011-03-03 17:32:53):

fireblaze you are so dumb |-)

Unknown author (2011-03-03 17:33:17):

so is your name haha :-D

Vlasta (2011-03-03 17:41:11):

Fireblaze, don't talk with yourself. I can see it is still you logged off. Please do not do this anymore...

Tails the fox (2011-03-04 00:49:54):

ok im sorry i wont do this any more it was dumb of me

Tails the fox (2011-03-04 03:04:10):


Tails the fox (2011-03-04 17:37:36):
Unknown author (2011-03-05 13:27:48):

i want a cursor wich it make a explosioin and it have fire... :-)

T Bird (2011-03-06 03:32:23):

I just posted a "test fire" cursor. Maybe I will take what I learned from that and make an explosion w/fire!

Tails the fox (2011-03-07 16:53:53):

wow thats a cool idea :-D

Tails the fox (2011-03-07 17:54:55):

art is an explosion!

Unknown author (2011-03-08 02:27:36):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2011-03-09 03:17:30):

Someone is happy

Tails the fox (2011-03-09 03:31:52):


Unknown author (2011-03-11 04:00:51):

do more fire crusers

Unknown author (2011-03-11 18:10:25):

Pacman is gay he eats balls

Tails the fox (2011-03-14 17:18:17):

Not cool :-(

Tails the fox (2011-03-14 17:34:13):

id love to make some but my pc cant downlode the icon thing

Teddy (2011-03-14 18:43:53):

I made some fire cursors some months ago ... try them out if you want

Tails the fox (2011-03-15 16:45:59):

plz i relly want some red panticon-image/4609-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2011-03-15 19:06:19):

wOW!!!! XD 8-)

Unknown author (2011-03-16 00:18:46):

whats so funny

Unknown author (2011-03-16 13:50:52):


Unknown author (2011-03-16 16:37:00):

WEEGEEicon-image/4605-16x16x32.png image

Tails the fox (2011-03-16 16:40:43):

omg i love weegee

sixλxis (2011-03-17 03:41:04):


ayvhin01 (2011-03-17 06:14:10):

ummm...im pretty now how do u put pic's on here? :-(

Tails the fox (2011-03-17 16:23:59):

not cool ayvhin01 we dont want your pics

Tails the fox (2011-03-17 17:05:44):

icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

Tails the fox (2011-03-17 17:12:57):


Tails the fox (2011-03-17 17:18:45):


ayvhin01 (2011-03-18 00:48:19):

hey pplz :-) ;-)

Tails the fox (2011-03-18 15:19:15):


Unknown author (2011-03-24 23:30:36):


Teddy (2011-03-25 08:07:37):


absterninja (2011-03-26 00:54:15):

What do the colors mean?

Teddy (2011-03-26 01:11:50):

Nothing they were a present to the active users, everyone got one color.
But we can share them. If I'd send you a pm I could send some purple paint with it because I'm owning the purple spray paint dispenser :-)

absterninja (2011-03-26 03:30:51):

Ok!!! I'm confused though, because it looks like most new users have a light blue, but I have navy blue.

absterninja (2011-03-26 03:35:13):

OOOHH OOOH OOOHHH i get it I'm navy blue because I have already visited my profile!!!!! its a visited link!!!!! :-D :-D :-D

Teddy (2011-03-26 11:17:47):

Lol :-D

sixλxis (2011-03-26 22:50:54):

I also have the red spray paint dispenser.

Teddy (2011-03-26 23:20:43):

who's got the . . . golden (?) spray paint dispenser by the way? Sirea?

Erik (2011-03-27 08:07:31):

Can somebody give me green paint?

Tails the fox (2011-03-28 18:35:29):

sorry i dont have any |-)

Tails the fox (2011-03-28 18:38:17):

someone plz Send me a private message :-)

Tails the fox (2011-03-28 18:39:19):


Unknown author (2011-03-28 19:00:40):

what up

Unknown author (2011-03-28 19:03:23):

who lives in ga.?

Unknown author (2011-03-28 19:05:07):


Tails the fox (2011-03-29 03:43:17):


Tails the fox (2011-03-29 17:51:39):

i just love this(icon-image/4609-16x16x32.png image)

Tails the fox (2011-03-29 18:00:13):

did eveyone have a good weekend. i did

Tails the fox (2011-03-29 23:39:52):

yes i did

Erik (2011-03-30 08:52:30):

RW Photos 2011 is released now! :-)

Unknown author (2011-03-30 15:36:58):

wuts that erik?

Erik (2011-03-30 16:14:55):

Look here

Unknown author (2011-03-30 16:33:11):


Tails the fox (2011-03-30 16:39:37):

can someone plz make a nintendo wii icon

Unknown author (2011-03-31 15:11:47):

heloooooooooooooooooooo :-o

Tails the fox (2011-03-31 17:47:14):

icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

Tails the fox (2011-03-31 18:19:26):

Look here and i spam u

Tails the fox (2011-04-01 01:54:44):

:-) ha try it!

JDDellGuy (2011-04-01 06:41:13):

So what exactly is the chat post here supposed to be used for? Just popped into my head that it's kinda a random place to put it...

JDDellGuy (2011-04-01 06:58:09):

And hey, seriously gas prices are getting so rediculously high these days that I'm going to have to start turning my truck off when I'm not using it...

Teddy (2011-04-01 09:51:25):

how high is it at the moment? in germany its about 1,60 € per litre

JDDellGuy (2011-04-01 10:01:53):

In my area, it's about 3.65 dollars per gallon.
That's roughly 2.58 euros per gallon.

I think you missed the joke though, lol...

JDDellGuy (2011-04-01 10:03:19):

They are predicting prices up to 5 dollars per gallon. About 3.53 euros per gallon.

Hold on a second while I convert gallons to litres for you...

JDDellGuy (2011-04-01 10:16:04):

Ooouuuuuch... you seem to be hurting way worse than America. It seems you pay about the equivelent of 8.59 U.S. dollars per gallon. D:

So the equivelent to what they are predicting for us is about .932 euros per litre. And we are complaining berfore we are even there yet...

Sorry to hear that... :-(

Teddy (2011-04-01 12:46:20):

we can pay that ^^ of course its disgusting ...
I read some posts after an announcement of Obama tqalking about helping japan. Many americans thougth that the money that you send to japan should be used to lower your gas prices ... thats very egoistic

Lost Girl (2011-04-01 13:22:02):

No, not with their problems at the moment.... |-)

Tails the fox (2011-04-01 16:33:04):

hay jd its 60.00 to fill up my dads truck :-( btw you can drive a car!?

JDDellGuy (2011-04-01 18:56:58):

Yep, I am 19. I drive an orange 2000 ford ranger. It's very cool. :-)

Lost Girl (2011-04-01 20:52:28):

There you go........I'm a reckless nut. :-D

Teddy (2011-04-01 23:51:57):

If the gas prices are too high for you, dont drive that much and drive cars which are needing not that much gas! VW just presented a car what can drive about 120 km/h and needs one litre per 100 km

Teddy (2011-04-01 23:52:44):

By the way german cars are the best ^^

Lost Girl (2011-04-02 03:37:55):

I hate to say it, but you're right NaughtyBear6. German cars ARE the best. :-(

JDDellGuy (2011-04-02 06:19:10):

How much for that car? How many seats? Top speed? Max weight it can carry? Available for purchase? Hybrid? Expected lifespan? I am interested...

Teddy (2011-04-02 09:21:14):

Thery will build 70 of them because they are made out of carbon, but they are fastening the production speed at the moment.
In a few years vw should have made it far enough to sell them cheaper and to build more of them.
In a few years means in 3 to 5 years.
It has got 2 seats, hybrid technology and a lifetime that ppl expect from german cars ^^
But there are many other models which need about 4 litres per km, BMW audi got some nice stuff
Why do you always drive big cars ^^ the smaller ones are cheaper and using less gas

Tails the fox (2011-04-02 18:43:54):

Longst chat iv ever seen on here

JDDellGuy (2011-04-03 07:57:10):

haha, I actually think that our S.M.A.R.T. cars are kinda cool. I don't think they get 100 km per litre though. I'm not going to convert that to miles per gallon right now.

Yeah, I haven't seen many Hummers on the road since the gas prices started going up...

As far as why...It makes us feel powerful. Big cars are cool. Do they use "cool" in that context over in Germany?

And hey, this all started over a joke that I made, and nobody even noticed that part of it!

Oh, well, at least credit me with starting a real conversation on the site...

Teddy (2011-04-03 11:02:42):

:-D youre right at least we're not posting any spam
Yes in germany you can use cool in that context

Oh and you know that the smart cars are build by mercedes? :-D
And minis are build by BMW ^^

Of course big cars are kind of cool but small cars are SMART and funny, and if you have to pay 100 euros just to fill up your car . . .

JDDellGuy (2011-04-03 22:42:53):

Oh hey NaughtyBear6, I forgot, How's the hand doing? :-)

Teddy (2011-04-04 10:32:44):

Its okay again :-) thanks
but I suffered from "bronchitis" two weeks long ^^ let me see what bronchitis means in english
google translator said I can write that :P

JDDellGuy (2011-04-04 15:37:25):

Bronchitis would be an illness of the lungs I believe. Coughing, and the sort. Not fun. :-( Glad the hand is better though. :-)

Teddy (2011-04-04 16:29:11):

Jup I had bronchitis. Coughing hurted quite bad . .

JDDellGuy (2011-04-05 06:29:10):

Just saw Tangled. Fun movie. #randomcomment

Tails the fox (2011-04-05 15:41:07):

can you tell me some more on the movie

Unknown author (2011-04-05 17:43:51):

icon-image/4586-16x16x32.png image

shadowkiller119 (2011-04-05 22:57:04):

me too. is it any good? would you recamend it?

absterninja (2011-04-06 04:56:26):

I just saw hop...it was bad...they ripped of alvin and the chipmunks cuz the random talking cartoon animal with musical talent comes into this random dudes like and messes everything up. :-D Ripped it off completely

JDDellGuy (2011-04-06 06:32:53):

I DEFINITELY recommend it. I'm a straight guy- and that was a "princess movie." I thouroughly enjoyed it and plan to see it again soon. It's also very clean- no nasty jokes, etc. like some movies are tossing in these days. It kinda has a musical aspect, once in a while, the characters sing- Like in other Disney movies, but that's fun too. Flynn Ryder is a ton of fun too, quite funny.
One of my favorite Tangled quotes...

Rapunzel: "Something brought you here...fate...destiny..."

Flynn Ryder: "A horse..."

JDDellGuy (2011-04-06 07:21:59):

@absterninja wow, that's exactly the plot from Chipmunks, I think I'll skip that one... haha, sometimes I wonder how those ripoffs get approved as being worthwhile to produce when they kinda already exist.

Erik (2011-04-06 15:15:23):

Do you also "hate" people who rates with 0,5?

JDDellGuy (2011-04-06 15:47:08):

Me? No, i don't hate them, and i really don't care if they rate me .5

However, if they are rating everyone .5, then I start suspecting trolls. Trolls are what I don't like.

Teddy (2011-04-06 18:01:00):

Did you see "Sucker Punch" yet?

Tails the fox (2011-04-06 18:01:57):

i wish

Tails the fox (2011-04-06 18:11:59):


Teddy (2011-04-06 18:13:00):

its epic and its unbelievable senseless
a great movie :-D

Tails the fox (2011-04-06 18:15:38):


Tails the fox (2011-04-06 18:16:16):

the Vlasta McDuck is so funny

Unknown author (2011-04-07 19:21:19):

8-) golden pistol

Tails the fox (2011-04-07 23:30:27):


Tails the fox (2011-04-08 17:50:09):

icon-image/4584-16x16x32.png image is nice

Tails the fox (2011-04-08 17:52:50):

cows? come on now this isnt the site for that

airboat233 (2011-04-10 22:52:41):

i posted a help post in RWP. can some one help me find it? thanks :-(

Teddy (2011-04-13 00:40:59):

Who is playing Halo here? I'm asking because I made a cursor set out of a halo item and I'd like to know who might be interested in it.

Teddy (2011-04-13 10:50:51):

because I'd like to know how many downloads I can expect.

JDDellGuy (2011-04-13 15:45:55):

Here, base your estimates off these.

Teddy (2011-04-13 15:58:53):

I already did that and I think that my set (out of energy swords) could be the best halo set on this site, I'd just love to know who's interested in that

Tails the fox (2011-04-13 17:31:37):

icon-image/5328-16x16x32.png imageicon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

JDDellGuy (2011-04-13 18:17:54):

Hmm, not a Halo fan myself. That's one down, 300+ to go... :-)

Vlasta (2011-04-13 18:23:04):

google send about 20 people per day that search for halo, not everyone downloads of course...

Teddy (2011-04-13 19:31:09):

Thanks for that information vlasta :-)
Whats going on with sixaxis? I know that he's a halo fan but he's never online ^^

Teddy (2011-04-13 22:24:46):

I finally loaded this set up. Look for it and comment it please.

Tails the fox (2011-04-14 17:32:19):

im new can someone help me with some stuff plz

Teddy (2011-04-14 18:12:36):

I could

Tails the fox (2011-04-14 23:50:19):

Sweet so first how do you downlode icons and make them

Teddy (2011-04-15 00:26:19):

Just download the icon editor for to make some

Tails the fox (2011-04-15 17:31:11):

ok done how do you get your name green

Teddy (2011-04-15 17:37:48):

You need green paint
You can get that by finding the user who owns the green spray paint dispenser and asking him for some

Unknown author (2011-04-15 19:30:00):

wut the !@#$ i cant log on to weegee and fireblaze has my comments

Tails the fox (2011-04-15 19:34:48):

i dont know whats going on?

Vlasta (2011-04-15 19:45:47):

Fireblaze, creating multiple accounts and posting nonsense I have to delete is not funny. If you keep this stupid behavior, you will not be welcome here.

Tails the fox (2011-04-15 19:46:42):

my name was red what the fu@# stop doing this

Vlasta (2011-04-15 19:47:05):

yes, your color is gone now

Tails the fox (2011-04-15 19:51:31):

hay its not your site

Teddy (2011-04-15 20:11:58):

It is his site . . .

sixλxis (2011-04-16 05:12:29):

Vlasta is the Administrator of this site, he OWNS, RUNS, and PAYS for it. His word is law here, so show respect.

hot mamma12 (2011-04-16 18:17:56):


Teddy (2011-04-16 18:22:26):

Sixaxis is right

hot mamma12 (2011-04-16 18:24:58):

wus goin on i just loged on and all this is goin on

JDDellGuy (2011-04-18 01:32:25):

Anybody have any green paint they can send me?

sixλxis (2011-04-18 01:33:58):

I need green paint as well.

Teddy (2011-04-18 11:52:31):

Me too ^^

JDDellGuy (2011-04-18 13:19:33):

Whoever has the green paint machine needs to start pushing that button...

JDDellGuy (2011-04-18 21:47:08):

Ooh, just noticed the glow on my name. Doesn't work in IE though- Firefox shows it though. Does it stay even if I change the color?

Vlasta (2011-04-18 22:54:15):

Yes, the text-shadow style does not work in IE (not even IE9)... Using color spray removes the glow, but whoever is responsible for it can re-activate it ;-) .

Teddy (2011-04-19 14:57:35):

wow that looks cool :-) is this also available for other users like me?

JDDellGuy (2011-04-20 07:09:28):

Neat. I feel special. icon-5300

Erik (2011-04-20 07:28:28):

icon-image/5300-16x16x32.png image

JDDellGuy (2011-04-20 08:00:39):

icon-image/5300-256x256x32.png image



Erik (2011-04-20 09:29:31):

Not anymore

icon-image/5322-256x256x32.png image

Teddy (2011-04-20 12:24:24):

what the ... :P
where is this one from ^^ and why did you geht this glow around your name ^^

Erik (2011-04-20 12:33:37):

It was a present for the users with black names, because you can't read their names with "Glow (by sixaxis)" enabled. Unfortunately Internet Explorer doesen't support shadow styles.

JDDellGuy (2011-04-20 15:06:54):

I don't know if that's entirely accurate. I seem to be the only person with a black name that has a glow. Unless you have to specially request it. maybe it's the Blacklight?

JDDellGuy (2011-04-20 15:07:50):


It originated from this code.

Teddy (2011-04-20 15:42:19):

thanks I saw it

Panovola (2011-04-22 20:06:57):


Teddy (2011-04-22 23:48:48):

Hey :-)

Panovola (2011-04-23 20:59:16):

icon-image/5300-256x256x32.png image

P.J. (2011-04-26 18:52:03):

Hi everyone 8-) :-) :-D :-P

P.J. (2011-04-26 18:53:11):

I love this web :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2011-04-28 15:39:26):

icon-image/5300-256x256x32.png image

Rista (2011-04-28 20:52:03):

Hoi :-)

sixλxis (2011-04-28 21:23:39):

lol SMILE! :-D

JDDellGuy (2011-04-29 05:02:20):

Well... I think I cam up with a way to rapidly progress the feed here... Lots of smiles people! Yeah, I still watch the gallery and all, I'm just too busy to do much rght now. Only a couple of week until I'm done with college for the semester! YAY!

Teddy (2011-04-30 23:40:43):

nice :-) get it done

Boss (2011-05-01 13:22:12):


Teddy (2011-05-01 20:46:28):


Unknown author (2011-05-04 10:02:35):

vvvvvvvvgood |-)

peter (2011-05-05 16:20:29):

icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2011-05-08 10:41:37):

:-D hi

Unknown author (2011-05-10 19:30:21):

GOO-GOOD :-D |-) 8-) :-o

vichu (2011-05-12 07:23:18):

COOOOOOOL :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2011-05-12 12:31:38):

best website ever

sixλxis (2011-05-12 19:08:27):

Damn Straight. <3

Unknown author (2011-05-13 11:29:28):

how to sAVE IT ?? :-o

Boss (2011-05-17 23:00:47):

THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!!!! :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o OH NO!!! :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

Boss (2011-05-17 23:01:07):

jk 8-)

Tails the fox (2011-05-18 15:34:21):

dont say that its bad luck

sloppy joe (2011-05-18 15:35:44):

go to my web site-gnuck.wikispaces.com
and sloppyjoesblogs.wikispaces.com
and my friends chicks12.wikispaces.com

sloppy joe (2011-05-18 15:36:39):

hi boss

Tails the fox (2011-05-18 15:37:55):

its hes site trust me I KNOW SO DONT SAY SAY THINGS LIKE THAT bty im sorry for the way i acted in the past

Unknown author (2011-05-19 04:59:27):

Why won't the glowing ones won't work, after like 3 seconds. It won't glow or sparkle or whatever it does. It justs stays the same. Does anyone know how to make the thing glow or sparkle?

JDDellGuy (2011-05-19 05:40:11):

Anonyomous. I have NO IDEA what in the world you are talking about. What does "it" refer to?

Teddy (2011-05-19 06:26:51):

good question JD Oo

Tails the fox (2011-05-19 16:31:22):

look up farting cats funnyst youtube vid ever i almost cryed

Teddy (2011-05-19 21:36:09):

lol ^^ thats real platinum spam man ^^

sixλxis (2011-05-20 05:46:03):

I agree.

Unknown author (2011-05-20 16:29:41):

this website is good!!! but if they had the wanted and nathan sykes icons then this website will be amazing!!! :-) :-D

Unknown author (2011-05-23 04:06:18):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D awsome |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-)

Tails the fox (2011-05-23 16:08:00):

what does platinum spam mean? if its a bad thing im sorry

Tails the fox (2011-05-23 16:12:44):

and what are Bitcoins!

Tails the fox (2011-05-24 15:51:22):

whats up

Tails the fox (2011-05-26 18:13:42):

i just made a Facebook. :-D

Unknown author (2011-06-08 19:20:02):

I love the site is totally pro-to

FeniulaPyra (2011-06-09 04:51:02):

Does anyone know how to change the color of your username??

FeniulaPyra (2011-06-09 04:52:17):

Also, the cursors that I make don't show up in my profile. How do you make a set???

Vlasta (2011-06-09 09:43:10):

Cursor sets can be created here.

FeniulaPyra (2011-06-09 16:34:35):

Thank you, Vlasta!

FeniulaPyra (2011-06-09 18:28:05):

where do you get a color machine?????

Unknown author (2011-06-09 18:44:44):

icon-image/4579-16x16x32.png image

Tails the fox (2011-06-09 18:51:35):

i dont think there is one

FeniulaPyra (2011-06-09 19:42:45):


airboat233 (2011-06-11 18:37:23):

I love ALL this stuff!!!!!!!!!

FeniulaPyra (2011-06-12 03:16:52):

Buongiorno! Come si chiama? Come sta? (to the anonymus person who is Italian.)

Sentinel (2011-06-14 20:13:29):

I am having difficulty finding some of the tools and wizards.

How do you:

  • Launch the Create Icon from Picture wizard
  • Launch the Remove Empty Border function

The help is not much good for these questions and I cannot find these functions, and probably more in the future, on my toolbar.


Vlasta (2011-06-14 20:28:17):

For the first one, open a new window, click on the big Create button be the left side and then there is the wizard.

The second one: open an image file like .png, go to menu Image and the second item is Remove border. It it also in the toolbar with the same icon.

Unknown author (2011-06-16 17:10:49):

Wasnt helpful it's shit

Teddy (2011-06-16 18:34:54):

its not, youre too stupid to find out how it works (and thats not hard)

FeniulaPyra (2011-06-18 02:56:27):

there is a lot of bad words here.

celebrity (2011-06-19 21:18:07):

ok, i have to understand more.

Unknown author (2011-06-21 18:19:15):


Unknown author (2011-07-08 21:32:00):

one kid i kno has a penis cursor and i want one haha 8-) i just cant find one :-(

ramnath555 (2011-07-12 11:05:32):

Great utility...thanks for your efforts

sharnalol (2011-07-13 11:10:40):

so boring this website and :-( |-)

FeniulaPyra (2011-07-14 23:34:16):

then why did you make an account, sharnalol?

Teddy (2011-07-15 11:14:34):

good question huh ^^

Unknown author (2011-07-18 10:32:18):

hahahahahahahahahaahhahahaah hehehehehehe

Corzapro (2011-07-19 09:13:50):

I'm Aweosme

Unknown author (2011-07-19 13:13:29):


Unknown author (2011-07-20 22:48:00):

prosom vas kdo poradi jak retusovat vlstni foto na int. nebo na jake strance to mohu najit dekuju :-)

FeniulaPyra (2011-07-23 16:34:37):

what does "prosom vas" mean, and what does "vlstni" mean?

Ricon (2011-07-23 18:30:34):

ஃஇ, ஈ வஸ் ஜுஸ்ட் வொன்டெரின்க், கொஉல்ட் அன்யொனெ மகெ அ குர்ஸொர், எx Pலனெட் Tய்பெஸ் ஒஃப் குர்ஸொர்ஸ்?


Hi, I was just wondering, could anyone make a cursor, ex Planet Types of cursors?

مرحبا ، كنت أتساءل فقط ، يمكن لأي شخص جعل المؤشر ، وأنواع من كوكب السابقين

(P.S.) Arabic is read backwards, if you didn't know.)

JDDellGuy (2011-07-25 07:17:20):

And of course you picked Arabic and Tamil, because everybody on the site writes in those languages, so it just seemed like the logical choice... :-P

painterross (2011-07-25 08:18:21):

Well this my turn out to be an interesting situation, geuss time will tell

Teddy (2011-07-26 17:42:09):

I like this guy ^^

Unknown author (2011-07-31 03:44:11):

:O 8-) :-o

Unknown author (2011-08-01 20:49:44):

I like making icons;)

FeniulaPyra (2011-08-02 01:19:29):

me too

parth (2011-08-07 15:11:30):


Unknown author (2011-08-09 04:12:45):

how the hekk do u make a courser???

FeniulaPyra (2011-08-10 01:21:28):

here's the online link:
here's the link to download the full thing (it's free):

JDDellGuy (2011-08-10 05:54:06):

Anybody here into Steampunk? It would be cool to see some other people's steampunk cursors and icons in the gallery.

Unknown author (2011-08-10 20:25:25):

I can not able to save different size of icon file in Windows. Does it always appear in one size in XP? Please advise.


Vlasta (2011-08-10 20:39:00):

What you see in Windows is the last image of an icon. Details here: ICO files in Explorer

owenjrome (2011-08-12 14:10:31):

i forgot my pasword |-) what do i do!

FeniulaPyra (2011-08-12 16:23:43):

dont really know :-(

JDDellGuy (2011-08-12 21:30:18):

you are still signed in...

However, there is a "Send me my password" button on the sign in box if you enter the wrong one.

Unknown author (2011-08-18 07:03:58):

heeeey :-D

Teddy (2011-08-18 13:29:32):

hey ;D

Unknown author (2011-08-20 15:37:39):

hola k tal

JDDellGuy (2011-08-26 06:38:59):

Any new ideas cooking anyone?

Teddy (2011-08-26 12:55:07):

acutally not :O Im pretty surprised of myself, I have to get started again

shima@yahoo.com.my (2011-09-04 03:26:43):

hye everyone

8-)hye what"s up?

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-04 04:23:17):

how do you get buttons?

JDDellGuy (2011-09-04 06:08:43):

Cool! When you write a review (A comment and a rating) you get a button!
Be sure to check out the how to write a great review page for some good comment/rating tips! (A link to the page is also available within each comment box that appears within a cursor or icon set.)

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-04 17:58:56):


can I comment randomly?

does anyone know when the cosmic journey page is going to be done?

Vlasta (2011-09-04 19:38:49):

cosmic journey it is more or less complete, pretty hard, but winable

btw, when reviewing, it pays off to follow the JD's guidelines ;-)

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-05 01:05:57):


how do you know how many buttons you have?

how many buttons do I have?

JDDellGuy (2011-09-05 03:17:54):

I you go to your workshop you will see a "bag of buttons." It will say how many buttons are in it.

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-05 03:27:52):

i have written a lot of reviews since the button thing was added but only have on button. why is that?

JDDellGuy (2011-09-05 04:23:29):

Did you include star ratings with your comments?

I also encourage the use of detailed, decriptive comments. It really helps the artists out. :-D

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-05 04:36:03):

I did add star ratings.

JDDellGuy (2011-09-05 04:47:29):

Perhaps the site also determines whether or not you actually wrote a detailed comment. If you simply wrote "Cool" or "Interesting" it may be "smart" enough to realize that you did not put any time into the review. Try leaving a detailed review on a set and tell me if that helps. Check out one of my reviews for an example of what a detailed review looks like. I left a good one on Hellfire's Blue and Fluid cursor set and on Koby_elian's Blue White Transparent Cursors set.

The buttons are supposed to encourage good comments, not just all comments.

Vlasta (2011-09-05 11:28:12):

Indeed, there are hidden rules and they will change if needed to best accomplish the goal. Which is to give a small reward to people, who help the authors by providing useful feedback.

I have updated the September topic with some more info on the buttons.

jojois74 (2011-09-05 22:11:25):

This is a very good idea. Now comments will become more useful!

jojois74 (2011-09-06 00:47:40):

I have six buttons!

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-06 03:30:22):

I ran out of buttons on my shirt XP

four buttons!

absterninja (2011-09-06 03:43:51):

could you explain what all of the gnomes items are? because i dont really want to buy something that i dont know what is is

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-06 04:22:51):

spray paint changes the color of your username and the spray paint dispenser gives you spray paint. that's pretty much all I know. ;-)

JDDellGuy (2011-09-06 05:13:30):

The spray can changes your name.

If you are using Firefox, look at my name. It glows. That is the black flashlight.

The spray paint dispenser makes as many spray cans as you want, but only in one color. I don't know if you get to pick the color.

I don't know what the stonemason's tools are.

The voucher is a free license for RW Photos.

Vlasta (2011-09-06 13:47:02):

Just a quick note, the snowflake trophy is now usable...

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-07 03:24:39):

what's a potted button pom?

jojois74 (2011-09-07 04:26:23):

I got twelve buttons in one shirt and now I have a trophy. Do I get a new shirt tomorrow?

sixλxis (2011-09-07 04:27:56):

Potted Button Porn!?

jojois74 (2011-09-07 04:28:08):

What's the potted button pom?

sixλxis (2011-09-07 04:28:30):

IDK :|

jojois74 (2011-09-07 04:28:58):

And, do I get a new shirt tomorrow?

sixλxis (2011-09-07 04:29:37):

Basically, you get a brand new shirt every 24 hours.

jojois74 (2011-09-07 04:35:51):

Oh, ok thanks. :-)

Is this gonna go past this month, because, with 12 buttons a shirt, you have to review a lot to get 250? It's possible, but, hard in just a month.

sixλxis (2011-09-07 04:36:27):

IDK i just heard of this now too XD

JDDellGuy (2011-09-07 05:17:58):

Ooooh, I am proud of my new trophy. icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image Check it out on my profile! I got it way back when we did the snowflake cursor experiment and now I finally get to use it!

Vlasta (2011-09-08 14:59:27):

Scunkie had a change of heart and made some items cheaper.

jojois74 (2011-09-08 23:40:27):

Thank you Scunkie! And Vlasta! :-)

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-09 02:15:39):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

how do you get the same color spray paint as jddellguy's username?

jojois74 (2011-09-09 02:56:01):

That's the black flashlight.

Oh sorry, only six buttons a shirt.

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-09 03:57:07):

Don't you think you should be able to sell things?

JDDellGuy (2011-09-09 06:34:06):

icon-image/4574-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4576-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4577-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4578-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4579-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4580-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4581-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4582-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4583-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4584-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4585-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4586-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4587-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4588-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4590-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4604-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4605-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4607-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4608-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4609-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4611-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4612-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4630-16x16x32.png image
Just a reminder to people that I have a list of emoticons custom created for use in the quick code bar. Enjoy! icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

Teddy (2011-09-09 14:42:17):

can anyone tell me where I can check how many buttons I have?

JDDellGuy (2011-09-09 14:43:48):

In your workshop.

jojois74 (2011-09-09 20:34:50):

What do the stonemason's tools do?

Teddy (2011-09-09 22:48:13):

damn, that means that Ive got no single button :/ how can I earn some?

jojois74 (2011-09-09 22:55:36):

Make good comments on sets and include ratings. Long ones are good, too. There is secret criteria.

I got the stonemason's tools.

**SPOILER ALERT** TOPIC: What the stonemason's tools do.
*The stonemason's tools
*allow you to change
*the link to your
*profile from the
*numbers to whatever
*you want.

jojois74 (2011-09-11 02:36:55):

Says when I use them a second time that I can't use them anymore and that I should give them to a friend. Anyone want them?

Teddy (2011-09-11 16:34:16):

yeeeeees please!!!!

Teddy (2011-09-12 16:17:06):

whos the next to get the stonemasons tool?

Tails the fox (2011-09-13 21:28:58):

whats a button? :-o

absterninja (2011-09-14 05:12:59):

Can i have it?????? icon-image/5328-16x16x32.png image

Are there 4 buttons on your shirt? Because people have been saying things about like 6 buttons or 12 buttons, but I never seem to get past 4 icon-image/5331-16x16x32.png imagelol

absterninja (2011-09-14 05:45:29):

i got up to 6 buttons!

jojois74 (2011-09-15 00:01:15):

Exactly 6 per shirt.

JDDellGuy (2011-09-15 16:50:46):

Question. Why am I able to re-size my comment box while typing in it? I have a "re-size corner" in the bottom right corner.

Vlasta (2011-09-15 17:20:51):

It is a browser feature. Latest versions of Firefox and Chrome allow this by default.

Unknown author (2011-09-15 21:34:35):

русские есть? возможно ли русский язык поставить? было написано что есть русский язык! lihte@yandex.ru

JDDellGuy (2011-09-16 08:05:36):

Hmmm... I just watched Tron Legacy. Now I want to make a Tron III cursor set using Blender. First, I need time. Second, I need to learn how to animate glowing in Blender. Third, I need to decide which incredible effects I will animate the set with.

This could be exciting. But don't get too impatient waiting for it. It will be quite some time if it happens at all...

Vlasta (2011-09-16 09:20:29):

Making the glow effect purely in 3D could be very hard, especially when it should be visible on transparent background. Maybe adding the glow in 2D would suffice.

JDDellGuy (2011-09-16 16:06:23):

Blender supports rendering with a transparent background so that would not be an issue. However, it might be easier to add it into the frames after rendering. I may try that when I make the set.

Unknown author (2011-09-16 21:00:55):

i like more of your cursor

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-17 00:58:07):


Erik (2011-09-17 08:20:43):

Maybee you could use a halo around your object to become a glow effekt ;-)

Vlasta (2011-09-17 09:16:34):

Hm... Did I mention you can now earn few buttons playing Cosmic Journey? You get 2 when you successfully finish a level for the first time and 1 when you'll make a top 10 score.

FeniulaPyra (2011-09-17 14:35:54):

cool! ...but I probably can't do that. :?

JDDellGuy (2011-09-17 17:58:31):

I was thinking about rendering a halo Erik. I know it's not the best way, but it might work. I'll have to look into that and a few other methods when I get started. icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

owenZ (2011-09-17 23:09:22):


Erik (2011-09-18 06:22:12):

Has somebody green spray paint? I can give you red :-)

Wolf link (2011-09-25 17:20:51):

Guys come see my cursors! there all to do with zelda tp. :-D

absterninja (2011-09-25 20:33:10):

Does anyone want stone mason tools? Send me a message if you want them.

Teddy (2011-09-26 20:14:44):

you didnt even thank me ^^ im gonna cry :P

Teddy (2011-09-27 09:39:13):

what is a potted button bom ^^

Tails the fox (2011-09-28 18:43:23):

does anyone have some red paint. i RELLY want some. :-o

Teddy (2011-09-28 21:44:15):

nope sorry, just purple, orange and green.

Unknown author (2011-09-30 08:38:28):


Ricon (2011-10-01 17:21:31):

I want green spray paint and the black flashlight.

Erik (2011-10-02 07:38:52):

fireblaze have you green?

jojois74 (2011-10-02 08:45:18):

I have two buttonless shirt trophies so anyone want one?

jojois74 (2011-10-03 04:18:36):

Three buttonless shirts!

JDDellGuy (2011-10-03 07:29:08):

So I've been playing around with Windows 8 Developer Preview. It's looking pretty cool. A big focus on touchscreen usage and a some wild new changes. Anybody else been looking at it?

And this is probably because it's just the developer preview, but I'm noticing that there is no calculator...

Vlasta (2011-10-03 08:47:55):

Ooops, thanks for reporting the multi-shirt bug. Everyone is supposed to only get one (more are useless anyway). Will fix it soon ;-).

I downloaded the Win8 preview, but I still did not find time to actually install it. I will have to do it soon and test RWPaint there before I can ship the final version.

Erik (2011-10-03 11:57:35):

Where can I download W8?

JDDellGuy (2011-10-03 14:03:06):

You can get it here Erik.


Remember, it's just a developer preview- not even Beta yet.

Unknown author (2011-10-03 14:07:21):


jojois74 (2011-10-04 03:25:49):

Yay, I got the black flashlight. I'm glowing.

Can you keep the black flashlight forever?

And aim it at different people?

Teddy (2011-10-04 18:18:27):

if yes, aim it on me ;D

Unknown author (2011-10-04 19:06:45):

wow this is an awesome website you kno 8-)

melisizwe cambridge (2011-10-04 21:55:52):

Whats up ppl?

Tails the fox (2011-10-06 19:02:56):

will someone plz help me. i dont know how to yous the Emoticons II Icons in comments thank you :-D

jojois74 (2011-10-07 03:42:31):

Can you keep the black flashlight forever?

And aim it at different people?

And if I use a green when I am red, will it make me yellow?

jasu99_V2 (2011-10-07 07:00:19):

Hey everyone!
This is just a friendly reminder: i am jasu99
Thanks just telling so you wont get confused

Teddy (2011-10-07 09:44:42):

alright :-)

jojois74 (2011-10-07 20:55:43):

Now I look sick! Even though I'm green not yellow.

JDDellGuy (2011-10-18 07:03:29):

Anybody else here play Edgeworld?
icon-image/4608-16x16x32.png image

Tails the fox (2011-10-18 19:10:19):

sorry no

jojois74 (2011-10-18 23:43:58):

Weird, this has never happened to me before, but I got a button, and there was no picture for the button.

BioWolfZX (2011-10-19 00:37:45):

how do i upload cursors?

Tails the fox (2011-10-19 18:52:42):

icon-image/6116-16x16x32.png images rocks

jojois74 (2011-10-19 22:06:47):

I will trade a purple spray-paint for any other color spray paint.

Teddy (2011-10-20 17:33:33):

got infinite purples ^^ sorry

Tails the fox (2011-10-21 19:09:16):

just fornd out how to use a quick bar yeah! icon-image/5734-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2011-10-22 17:25:47):


Ricon (2011-10-22 21:52:01):

I need black flashlight please.
I got red spray paint and RW Icon Editor Voucher.

jojois74 (2011-10-23 01:51:34):

Sorry, I can't give you the black flashlight. It took me a lot of buttons to get it.

P.S.: Anyone else want a purple spray paint?

Ricon (2011-10-24 04:19:25):

I know. I was just asking anybody.

Unknown author (2011-10-25 01:23:07):

can you put Abby loves Justin Bieber

jojois74 (2011-10-25 04:53:02):

Omg, anyone with cyan spray-paint, if you use it and then use the black flashlight you look AMAZING! It is so bright. I was experimenting with the glow on an HTML page.

Yellow is cool, too, but it is impossible to read. It is so light.

White is nice, too, because you just see the outline on a white background, (which is usually what you will see it on as it is the default). The outline makes up the words.

Good old fashioned blue looks similar to green. Like mine.

I think that... cyan is the best.

Also, my purple spray-paint offer is still up. I will trade it for **any other color.**

Erik (2011-10-25 07:34:01):

Can I have purple?

Tails the fox (2011-10-25 16:47:48):

can i plzzzzzz have red paint a want it sooo bad icon-image/4584-16x16x32.png image

jojois74 (2011-10-25 22:40:20):

Erik, if you want purple you have to give me something else. I will trade it for **ANY OTHER COLOR**.

sixλxis (2011-10-25 22:41:14):

Cyan color? I require this nao.

jojois74 (2011-10-25 22:47:31):

You want cyan or you want to trade it?

sixλxis (2011-10-25 22:48:38):

I have an extra purple i want to get rid of.

jojois74 (2011-10-25 22:49:24):

Oh, me too.

sixλxis (2011-10-25 22:52:53):

gdi... well just give me a Cyan then.

jojois74 (2011-10-25 22:54:32):

I don't have a cyan.

sixλxis (2011-10-25 22:54:55):

... *rages*

jojois74 (2011-10-25 22:55:48):

ha, yeah, sorry. ;-)

jojois74 (2011-10-26 01:21:43):

Anybody want a purple spray-paint for anything now. I will trade it for almost anything. Not only other color spray-paints.

Teddy (2011-10-26 15:00:08):

ive got infinite purples and orange and green. anybody wants to trade?

Cooper30013 (2011-10-26 19:59:36):

what do you trade with exactly? i mean, seriously. sorry i'm new. :-)

Ricon (2011-10-27 01:04:56):

I'd like THA Green. icon-image/5604-16x16x32.png image

jojois74 (2011-10-27 01:56:49):

Ricon, how come you keep on clearing you color. And how?

Teddy (2011-10-27 08:55:47):

sandpaper erases your current color. and what will i get from you if id give you the green one?

Tails the fox (2011-10-27 19:10:30):

if i dont get red panit by monday i will be icon-image/4584-16x16x32.png image ... plz i cant be the red flame if im not red

Teddy (2011-10-27 20:21:54):

i have no second red im sorry, ask sixaxis

jojois74 (2011-10-27 22:31:29):

I have a purple. I don't want it because I have two. I will trade it for almost anything. What do you want to give me for it? I will take almost anything. I will take buttons, also.

Teddy (2011-10-28 09:13:50):

how i already said, i have infinite purples

Tails the fox (2011-10-28 16:55:44):

ok thanks icon-image/4631-16x16x32.png image

absterninja (2011-10-29 17:23:10):

If anyone wants to enter a Halloween costume contest, then you can enter at my website: http://abbysawesome.com

The rules are stated on the website!

We hope to have some entries! icon-image/5334-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2011-10-29 17:45:09):

My computer doesn't want to Install it... Is that problem in my computer or the program or something? Can somebody help me? :-(

absterninja (2011-10-29 17:48:59):

install what?

Roblox Master (2011-10-29 17:53:28):

The program for Painting! :O

Ricon (2011-10-30 02:03:18):

I want a orange,gray,red,purple or any other spray paint for no buttons.
:-o : :-o Plz!

jojois74 (2011-10-30 06:28:38):

I'll take like five buttons. Not that much.

Unknown author (2011-10-30 17:17:11):


jojois74 (2011-10-30 20:00:32):

Also..... I will trade an orange spray-paint because I have two of those now, too.

Teddy (2011-10-31 10:11:30):

what do you want for it?

no wait I dont need it, thanks anyway

Unknown author (2011-10-31 18:13:35):

;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-)

Tails the fox (2011-10-31 18:16:36):

hi anonymous icon-image/4584-16x16x32.png image

Ricon (2011-10-31 21:50:09):

Ok, me want orange!
I will give one or more buttons when I get some.

absterninja (2011-11-01 00:46:53):

Halloween costume contest! abbysawesome.com!

submissions by 11/1/11

jojois74 (2011-11-01 01:42:22):

Now I have another orange!!! I will get rid of one orange, and one purple.
I just want something.

Tails the fox (2011-11-01 17:43:51):

i will take the orange... for free icon-image/4631-16x16x32.png image

ZeloZelos (2011-11-01 20:03:38):

I wish i knew what you guys were talking about? what are these buttons n stuff all about?

jojois74 (2011-11-01 22:05:59):

You see how some people's names are in different colors? That's what a spray-paint does. You collect items in your workshop. When you leave a good (and long) comment and rating on a set, you may get a button. Buttons can be exchanged for prizes, like a spray-paint, in Skunkie's stand. See the top of this page.

Teddy (2011-11-02 12:58:09):

some of us did also get spray paint dispensers a few months ago, for being active for a long time now or something like that :-) you can ask for different colors and you might get them via a personal mail. I do for example own a purple spray paint dispenser, if you want purple, just tell me. Sixaxis owns a red one I think. Sirea owns an orange one, and if Im not wrong, Eric owns green.

And does JD own black? Im not sure

Tails the fox (2011-11-02 18:12:08):

i love this icon-image/6281-16x16x32.png image

JDDellGuy (2011-11-02 20:46:53):

Yes, I own the Black machine.

Ricon (2011-11-03 02:26:36):

Spray Paint Introduction
Spray paint is something you get from the button gnome.
You just buy it for 5 buttons. It gives you a random
color spray paint. For ex, lets say red.
If you want to access it, press workshop.
Now you have gotten your spray paint.

You get buttons by commenting on other people's icon or cursor
sets. I know that you get a button-less shirt trophy.
I have gotten it but then it disappeared.
You can give buttons and other items to some people in a

Good Luck!

Teddy (2011-11-03 11:03:34):

could I get a black spray paint jd?

Tails the fox (2011-11-03 13:26:47):

im haveing a contest to see who has the most buttons by 11/10/11 go to my profile for more info icon-image/4631-16x16x32.png image

Ricon (2011-11-04 03:08:17):

Someone took it.

jojois74 (2011-11-04 03:25:13):

Me. I can give you up to an orange and a purple for it.

Ricon, you changed your name to Vlasta? I thought that it was a bug that all of my messages from you said that they were sent from Vlasta. Then I realized... :-o :-D

jojois74 (2011-11-04 19:56:33):

How do you get a piece of sandpaper?

Unknown author (2011-11-04 20:20:42):

heyy everyone :-D :-(

LIL_MISS_BAD_ASS (2011-11-04 20:36:43):


Shadow The Hedgehog (2011-11-05 01:14:15):

I Got Green spray paint!!!!!!!!!!! 8-)

Teddy (2011-11-05 10:19:49):

the sandpapers were spreaded at the very beginning of that whole stuff ^^ Ive got two i think, could give you one

Ricon (2011-11-05 15:37:03):

I need someone to take purple spray paint.
Exchange for black,gray,red,green or 5 buttons.


LIL_MISS_BAD_ASS (2011-11-05 19:25:51):


jojois74 (2011-11-06 05:55:27):

I got a piece from Sirea, thank you.

Unknown author (2011-11-06 12:13:08):

thankz..very nice

Ricon (2011-11-06 14:16:34):

What is sandpaper?

Ricon (2011-11-06 15:07:17):

Finally got coral!

jojois74 (2011-11-06 18:37:53):

Go to the forum of Ricon, Splooshkid, and jojois74. http://icoandcur.proboards.com/

jojois74 (2011-11-07 00:28:08):

I like the new split buttons feature.

I have a red and an orange spray-paints. I will trade any of them for eight buttons.

Now I am purple.

LIL_MISS_BAD_ASS (2011-11-07 15:26:07):


Tails the fox (2011-11-07 18:47:06):

11/10/11 my birthday!icon-image/4631-16x16x32.png image

Ricon (2011-11-08 03:05:38):

Happy Birthday Tails the Fox!
Have a splendid day!

I told absterninja to request to Vlasta.
P.S. I came up with idea of split buttons.

jojois74 (2011-11-08 03:09:05):

Ok, cool.

Ricon (2011-11-08 03:13:36):

I am going to use coral and save up my buttons.
From now on, my spray-paint will be 10 buttons.
I have gray,blue,orange,purple, coral,red,black.
Just kidding about gray and blue and black.
If you join our forum you get 3 buttons.
Forum link

jojois74 (2011-11-08 03:20:09):

I am still willing to trading a red and an orange for eight buttons each.

Tails the fox (2011-11-08 14:15:25):

thanks ricon

ricon in the lead with 34 buttons

LIL_MISS_BAD_ASS (2011-11-08 19:22:19):


Tails the fox (2011-11-08 19:27:56):

thanks buts on thursday

jojois74 (2011-11-08 23:34:44):

What does the potted button pom do?

Ricon (2011-11-09 00:46:00):

It makes your username white.

jojois74 (2011-11-09 01:06:13):

So why does it cost 125 buttons?

LIL_MISS_BAD_ASS (2011-11-09 15:47:19):


Ricon (2011-11-10 03:45:50):

I got black!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

abby in
spore kid
spiabby kin

jojois74 (2011-11-10 04:18:09):


LIL_MISS_BAD_ASS (2011-11-10 15:45:24):

whatss gucci :-o

craziinlove (2011-11-10 17:01:00):


Tails the fox (2011-11-10 18:51:35):

my birthday today. got a cell phone and a red 3DS icon-image/4631-16x16x32.png image

LIL_MISS_BAD_ASS (2011-11-10 23:29:11):


Unknown author (2011-11-11 16:51:46):

go and play league of legends its GREAT game :-) :-) :-) :-)

absterninja (2011-11-11 20:13:37):

HAPPY 11/11/11 11:11:11!!!!!!!!

Unknown author (2011-11-13 22:41:12):

السلام عليكم

ممكن نتعرف

jojois74 (2011-11-14 00:49:12):

مرحبا -- "Hello" -- from Google translate (Arabic).

mujop (2011-11-14 13:40:42):

i no right :-D

Tails the fox (2011-11-14 18:38:50):

here eat some icon-image/5740-16x16x32.png image i know you want some....

Unknown author (2011-11-16 15:50:59):

Hiya Adria is here. I found this website just in S.S and i wasted most of my time playing around with it. HA HA!!!

Shadow The Hedgehog (2011-11-18 02:27:47):

Who Wants Linux?

Tails the fox (2011-11-18 15:18:03):


Ricon (2011-11-23 03:36:19):

I have a Windows 7 and XP and Vista.
I also have an Mac for some reason.
Nah, I don't have a Mac.

Unknown author (2011-11-23 12:41:47):

My sister loves justin bieber can you make a justin bieber cursor please ! 8-) ;-) :-) :-o

rushani (2011-11-23 19:28:01):

me to i love justin bieber <3

absterninja (2011-11-25 20:44:02):

i have jb icons

absterninja (2011-11-25 21:22:10):

abbysawesome.com and nyan bunny are now likable...like them!!!!!!!!!!11 icon-image/5334-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2011-11-27 15:56:54):

justin bieber's a faggot :-)

Tails the fox (2011-11-29 14:11:43):


duncan (2011-11-29 17:55:02):

haha agree justin bieber is a fag lol so anyone between 14-25 on here that can help me work this site

sisi (2011-11-29 19:56:39):

YEa yall rite justin bieber is freakkin gay as idk wat.....he also uggg as crap

sisi (2011-12-01 15:08:55):

Hey is any1 on 2day

duncan (2011-12-01 19:34:06):

im on is anyone else on?

Biker (2011-12-01 20:50:53):

8-)The only reason people say some is gay or a fag, becaues whom ever says it or types it is gay or a fag. Im on and Im back. Not to be a jerk butt those that comment as anonymous, grow a set.

Applefan (2011-12-02 22:31:24):

anyway, jb is really a faggot xd

jojois74 (2011-12-05 00:19:35):

anyone want to give up free buttons?

Ricon (2011-12-05 03:57:57):


jojois74 (2011-12-06 03:02:17):

OK, thanks Tails The Fox!

absterninja (2011-12-07 03:06:45):

I have a purple spray paint. I will accept 5 buttons.

jojois74 (2011-12-07 04:05:38):

Nice, you got black flashlight.

bieberlover (2011-12-07 20:32:56):

Justin Bieber is AWESOME so get it right !!!

Tails the fox (2011-12-08 14:17:41):

icon-image/5316-16x16x32.png image

coolcursors (2011-12-08 18:43:29):


JDDellGuy (2011-12-08 21:17:44):

How goes it people? Just poking my head in. Almost done with school for the semester. Maybe I'll make something over winter break. icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2011-12-09 15:26:19):

Me too.

JDDellGuy (2011-12-09 21:30:19):

Hey what's up with these rocks, logs and skulls, lol? icon-image/4612-16x16x32.png image

Vlasta (2011-12-09 22:26:48):

End of the year is close, something could happen in a few days.

jojois74 (2011-12-11 03:40:31):

ooooh, mysterious...

you should probably make the "Rubble pile" title the same size as "Scunkie's stand".

And i'm taking a skull cuz the other stuff seems the same, so i want to take the different one.

duncan (2011-12-12 15:51:43):

ya winter break cant wait!!! :P

Tails the fox (2011-12-15 14:13:49):

i hope you all get good icon-image/2806-16x16x32.png images

SiSinJoe (2011-12-15 17:46:45):

I dont see why i send a message to people and they never answer like i mean i know you see the message so why not answer it or reply...I mean we might not know each other but if you talk to me maybe you will..

JDDellGuy (2011-12-15 18:09:30):

Dude, you've been a member all of one day. It's a hobby site. Not everyone's on all the time. icon-image/4630-16x16x32.png image What are you messageing them about? Random conversation? That's better placed here or in the general chat forum. Welcome to the site though, looking forward to any work you submit. icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

SiSinJoe (2011-12-16 18:34:04):

Umm i mean i dont give a crap what kind of site this is i mean they should answer when i send a message.. ANd first of all im a fucking GIRL

Ricon (2011-12-16 21:15:51):


jojois74 (2011-12-16 21:18:55):

What does the Potted Button Pom actually do?

absterninja (2011-12-17 01:03:59):

sisinjoe: haha now u no how i feel icon-image/5334-16x16x32.png image

Teddy (2011-12-17 11:06:47):

lol ^^ this is the first time after like 40 - 50 days that I visit this site again and the first thing that happens is that i grab a skull out of a few logs and stones. what the fuck? :P

SiSinJoe (2011-12-17 20:45:10):

Huuuu its s boring i cant wait until Christmas.. :-) ...... But i miss my baby.... :-( I love him so much... Baby please come home...Please :-(

Mr Lloyd (2011-12-18 15:49:07):

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Mr Lloyd (2011-12-19 09:55:40):

:-D i made my cursor


jojois74 (2011-12-20 04:53:40):

Waiting for the "soltice" on the 22nd. Skunkie in his "wagoon".

Vlasta (2011-12-20 10:53:30):

sorry for that, I was in a hurry

jojois74 (2011-12-20 16:07:32):

that's ok.

SiSinJoe (2011-12-20 18:24:33):

People inbox me to chat. :-D

JadeAlyssaMilano (2011-12-21 12:00:11):

Im JadeAlyssaMilano's friend and guys she is single and looking for a guys :-D

Teddy (2011-12-21 12:35:48):

lol somebody trolled her.

Tails the fox (2011-12-21 14:30:11):

thats nice... icon-image/5318-16x16x32.png image

Teddy (2011-12-21 16:15:53):

no its stupid

Mr Lloyd (2011-12-21 16:49:37):



Tails the fox (2011-12-21 21:27:10):

haha yeah teddy

SiSinJoe (2011-12-22 00:23:10):

Do any one have a facebook.??

Tails the fox (2011-12-22 19:12:29):

kenny m tolar

Ricon (2011-12-22 21:48:19):

Anyone want pink spray paint.
That vortex is useful.
icon-image/5604-16x16x32.png image

P.s. that spray paint I got is 6 buttons.

SiSinJoe (2011-12-22 22:01:16):

Sure i love pink thats my favorite color.. :-)

SiSinJoe (2011-12-24 22:12:11):

Happy Holiday to all.. :-)

jojois74 (2011-12-27 19:53:03):

what do the vortexed items do?????

absterninja (2011-12-28 00:05:52):

my purple spray paint turned into purple spray paint icon-image/5331-16x16x32.png image!!!!!

I got red and green spray paint....6 buttons each?

Unknown author (2011-12-28 20:12:01):

wtf i'm not english ;-)


jojois74 (2011-12-29 02:19:48):

what do they do??????????????????????????????? :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

absterninja (2011-12-30 01:39:55):

ha pink spray paint! no one will think im a guy now!! icon-image/5386-16x16x32.png image

jojois74 (2012-01-02 19:56:31):

what do the rocks skulls and sticks do? i spent so many buttons...

Unknown author (2012-01-03 18:31:46):

hey! that's my icon! >:(

riverson angry!

Ricon (2012-01-14 02:17:50):

vortex items when you
put the little twig or rock it has

if spray paint you put
it turns a different color.

jojois74 (2012-01-15 04:34:57):

i know but then what with the eyes ones?

Ricon (2012-01-16 19:29:40):


buildhard8 (2012-01-17 12:28:51):

this is gonna sound stupid, but where do you upload cursors to the site? :-(

umm... never mind :-D

SiSinJoe (2012-01-17 17:18:31):

Hay! People Inbox me

absterninja (2012-01-19 03:27:56):

STOP SOPA AND PIPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! icon-image/5331-16x16x32.png image

Vlasta (2012-01-19 11:51:26):

They will be stopped. If they pass, I as a web admin would be responsible for any anonymous user posting a link to something copyrighted. And the whole web could be blocked.

Tails the fox (2012-01-19 19:25:24):

what are you talking about stop what? icon-image/5318-16x16x32.png image

Ricon (2012-01-20 00:08:21):


SiSinJoe (2012-01-20 16:51:08):

How do you make an icon inbox me if you know.

Sharif (2012-01-22 17:17:13):

Dear Admin Please Include Windows XP Themes To Your Software Gallery.

Unknown author (2012-01-23 16:12:07):

This website sucks :-D :-D

FeniulaPyra (2012-01-24 05:26:55):

and you're laughing about that?

Unknown author (2012-01-25 23:30:19):

this sight ROCkS 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-D :-) :-D :-)

Cursored (2012-01-26 01:36:42):

"Anonymous" who said This websites sucks....then why are you on it? Dumb much...nobody needs to hear your shit all over the world.

absterninja (2012-01-26 02:08:34):

Anyone want spray paint for 6 buttons each?

Spy (2012-01-26 15:36:29):

What colors do you have, absterninja? :-) I love spray paint. 8-)

Teddy (2012-01-27 16:03:46):

I'd sell spray paints, too - owner of grey, purple, black, red, green, orange, pink and maroon

Ricon (2012-01-28 01:39:44):

Thanks for sandpaper Teddy.
I want maroon and I have pink.

Peter (2012-01-28 05:47:47):


This website is great! I especially luv the graphics.

Teddy (2012-01-28 14:51:30):

no problem. what will you give me for maroon?

rdwleyfield (2012-01-28 16:44:25):

Check my icons :-D

Unknown author (2012-01-30 03:01:36):

I just made my own cursor with this program!!! coolest software ever!

Teddy (2012-01-30 19:27:39):

by the way, this software introduced me into gfxling years ago, cause it was so awesome :> thanks vlasta

Spy (2012-01-31 16:57:13):

Hi everybody! If anyone wants spray paint, I am selling it for six buttons each. Send me a private message if you want to know the colors and stuff. :-D

Spy (2012-02-01 00:03:19):

Does anybody know what the stone masons tools (25 buttons) do?

JDDellGuy (2012-02-01 05:37:40):

They allow you to change your profile URL ONCE.

Spy (2012-02-01 21:10:11):

Thanks, what does the black flashlight, button pom, and spray paint dispenser do? :-)

Also, does anyone sell spray paint for 3 buttons? 8-) If anyone does, send me a private message!

Teddy (2012-02-02 19:01:05):

black flashlight is the thing JD "wears", a spraypaint sipenser gives you unlimited spray paint of one color, and I've got no clue about the button pom ^^

Spy (2012-02-02 22:09:23):

Thanks Teddy for the info! Does anyone sell spray paint for 4 or 5 buttons?

Greenzone (2012-02-02 23:54:17):

Hi, guys...i'm new here. Anyone know what you can get from the buttons and what they do? Thanks to anyone who has the time to answer! 8-)

Spy (2012-02-03 00:01:08):

Hi Greenzone,
Buttons can be earned from giving good reviews to peoples cursor sets. You can also recieve them by mail. When you have at least 5 buttons, click on the people tab and trade with a button gnome on the screen. Hope this helped! 8-)

Hi everybody,
I am trying to set a record to the number of buttons I have. Can anyone who is able to send me a few buttons so I can make a record? Thanks.

Spy (2012-02-03 00:52:32):

Hey Users,
What does a buttonless shirt trophy do? :-D I pulled too many buttons off it! ;-)

Barby The Demon (2012-02-04 08:00:27):

Hello! I'm new and I hope to learn more about cursors creation ^^ It's just the forst time I use it... so pls be patient and I'll become a good grapher ^^'''

Teddy (2012-02-04 11:50:33):

looking forward to your work :-)

ivy (2012-02-09 14:40:13):

Hi im new hear it is grate :-)

i am still geting the hang of it but other than that it is fine :-D

SoaringEagle789 (2012-02-12 18:16:13):

i have an angry birds cursor set that i don't want anymore. please, realworld graphics staff, can you delete it please? :-(

Teddy (2012-02-12 22:02:27):

you can delete it on your own as far as i know

JDDellGuy (2012-02-13 06:57:35):

SO did we ever find out what these rocks, sticks, and skulls are for? icon-image/4581-16x16x32.png image

Teddy (2012-02-13 10:53:56):

I dont think so. But I like the skull, I named it .... Teddy! ;-)

TwiSteD_L0v3rR (2012-02-15 02:57:47):

ive decided to say heyy so urhmm yo and stuff 8-)

preetyprinsess (2012-02-15 16:15:10):

wowowwo :-o :-o

bunnyboo<3 (2012-02-15 20:13:42):

how do u get buttuns ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-);-)

bubbles1999 (2012-02-15 22:01:25):

Heyyyyyyy people any one want to be my friend???? :-)

Unknown author (2012-02-17 03:14:44):

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Make an AMRA cursor in purple!! Please Please Please Please :-) :-) :-) :-)

I love Jessica Taylor indat and idat (2012-02-17 05:29:20):

hey random people :-)

Unknown author (2012-02-23 03:07:32):

sup people!!!!!!! i felt bored so im just going to hey 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-) :-)

loka (2012-02-24 22:43:10):

im so bo ;-) |-) art |-)

josat57 (2012-02-25 16:26:50):

Haahaahaa nice people here! :-D ;-) :-)

Unknown author (2012-02-26 02:39:55):


Unknown author (2012-02-26 22:47:39):

zamwar.weebly.com,,,ima just say iza cool site based on the game runescape... 8-)

TwiSteD_L0v3rR (2012-02-27 01:59:08):

im like so really happy c: prince sama has cum for me yay :-D :-) :-D :-)

Unknown author (2012-02-28 11:49:34):

hay tanks!

MCRpanic1 (2012-02-29 11:08:52):

anyone there??? 8-)

Tails the fox (2012-03-01 14:25:00):

i like icon-image/5315-16x16x32.png images

Unknown author (2012-03-01 15:49:36):

hi u ok |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) :-o :-o

zander (2012-03-01 22:13:04):

soz dint relize there waza register...now you can further identify me as zander, i created zamwar but i don't
know who created this site still,ima lvl 54 in rs and im gunu put the date any ways for me...March 1,2012.
my clan is known as the Assassin Empire, theres more than 1 but just say that it doesnt rely matter.I create stories
characters,and concept art for people. and feel free to ask me to create one or more legends ect. ;-)

u shudnt hav 2 put in ur name for the ask questions folder...

Unknown author (2012-03-03 07:33:45):


tev (2012-03-04 03:18:34):

spraypaint!!!!!!! icon-image/5604-16x16x32.png image icon-image/5604-16x16x32.png image icon-image/3332-16x16x32.png image

jojois74 (2012-03-05 04:12:01):

What do the Stones, Rocks and Skulls do?

i luv ya xD (2012-03-05 17:13:36):

Hello!!! How are you xD :-D

Unknown author (2012-03-07 08:53:17):
ellen lourenço (2012-03-07 13:22:01):

muito boom ;-)

Tails the fox (2012-03-09 14:08:13):

dude i HATE minecraft icon-image/4584-16x16x32.png image

David (2012-03-10 10:58:24):

Tails the fox... what is bad about minecraft?

Faithy (2012-03-11 21:29:55):

ya mincraft is pointless and dumb and dont forget boring!!!

Tails the fox (2012-03-12 21:02:44):

yeah its just dumb and lets not forget lame icon-image/5318-16x16x32.png image it makes me icon-image/5303-16x16x32.png image

JDDellGuy (2012-03-14 04:17:51):

I'm so excited! I ordered a 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 3D mouse. Two days and it gets here. I hope to spend spring break using it to make a really cool, high quality 3D cursor set! I'm thinking blue hexagons for the theme, but not quite sure yet. icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

Vlasta (2012-03-14 10:28:57):

Wow, nice! I wonder how much does it simplify 3D editing and if it would be useful to support it directly in RW tools...

JDDellGuy (2012-03-14 15:22:29):

I'll try to remember to come back with a review for you after I try it out a bit. icon-image/4578-16x16x32.png image

treday (2012-03-14 17:27:57):

wats up i have recently signed up 8-)

JDDellGuy (2012-03-14 20:37:44):

I've released a new concept cursor featuring geometric solid shapes in black and blue. icon-image/4612-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2012-03-17 02:54:44):

nice one thank dear?

JDDellGuy (2012-03-17 08:33:59):

Was the site down for a few hours? icon-image/4585-16x16x32.png image I wasn't able to access it for a while. I mean it was from about 11:30pm to 2:00am my time (UTC-6:00 Central Time US and Canada) that I noticed, so no real biggie, I should have been sleeping, but I noticed, lol.

Vlasta (2012-03-17 10:26:43):

Yes, it looks like it was down. I am not sure why. Maybe a problem in the hosting center.

NEOC (2012-03-17 19:52:20):

o.o o.o O.O O.O. Well, now it's solved.

JDDellGuy (2012-03-17 20:43:27):

Maybe you can get some free hosting then. I don't know what's in your SLA.icon-image/4632-16x16x32.png image

Matias0211 (2012-03-19 16:51:47):

Alguien me explica para que sirven los otros objetos que no son sprays? no se de que sirve y no quiero gastar botones sin razón

jojois74 (2012-03-22 02:17:32):

What's Joo Janta 200?

Unknown author (2012-03-23 03:36:26):

aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love JUSTIN BIEBER who dosen't love him and if u do u r so awesome and if u don't then poo u person that hates his beautiful face AHHHHHH i just want to kiss him

Matias0211 (2012-03-23 03:38:20):

Eeeeem.... :|

JDDellGuy (2012-03-23 21:34:33):

"The Bieb" Oooh Baby, he's annoyin'!

Matias0211 (2012-03-23 21:37:56):

And beliebers to :S

Scott (2012-03-23 23:51:38):

The sad part is, the person who said he wanted to kiss Justin 'The Gay Cunt' Bieber... Was a man.

Matias0211 (2012-03-24 01:38:58):

Bieber is a lesbian(?

JDDellGuy (2012-03-25 07:20:02):

Ooh, this is getting a little ugly, time to back out. Seriously though, although, I tend to take an "anti-beiber" stance, it is mostly for show. I don't really care what Justin does or doesn't do, I choose not to listen to his music and he's already sort of a "star" so the "forced into stardom young" thing is not really an issue IMO. Lol, I'll crack Beiber jokes now and again, but like I said, it's not really a true issue with me. icon-image/4632-16x16x32.png image

Tails the fox (2012-03-26 18:56:48):

hay jd did you know that the song baby playd back says let me in let me in icon-image/5318-16x16x32.png image

Scott (2012-03-27 08:16:55):

True Story.

Unknown author (2012-03-27 13:49:33):

hi evry1 how r u!? my name is nageen but u can call me nag'z! :-) :-) :-)

NEOC (2012-03-28 01:48:04):

I don't want to return back to Justin Bieber topic, but, I gott'a say what I gott'a say.

  • This is the real Justin Biever:

<< My name is Justin Bieber and it has been for 50 years, I am not some punk ass singer homosexual but because some little ass bandit has the same name as me I have to use my middle name. God dammit I'm a human and I have rights too. >>
~ Justin John Biever (Facebook profile excrept)

  • If you type "Desechos Fecales" (translated: Fecal Waste) in Google search, one or two results is Justin Biever.
  • If you type "Cantante Lesbiana Canadiense" (translated: Lesbian Canadian Singer) the result is also Justin Biever.

Ok, that's all about it.

@Anonymous "Nag'z": Why don't register? In that way, we can remember you… at least I think so…

natejames (2012-03-28 03:41:35):

can anybody tell me how to get buttons? :-(

JDDellGuy (2012-03-28 05:23:27):

Indeed. Rate sets and leave useful comments, and you will get buttons for it. icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

Matias0211 (2012-03-28 15:14:51):

I've bought Joo Janta :-(

Matias0211 (2012-03-29 18:51:49):

Pac-Maniac the preview of the set is not convincing :-(

Tails the fox (2012-03-29 18:56:00):


i love your Pac-Maniac stuff

Unknown author (2012-04-01 17:59:58):

what is this |-) :-o :-(

Mosher (2012-04-02 06:17:45):


Matias0211 (2012-04-05 22:37:13):

I want a black flashing spray :-(

Unknown author (2012-04-05 23:55:19):

does anyone knows how to get that cursor with a yellow circle around it? when you click it gets smaller :-(

Unknown author (2012-04-09 07:29:27):

:-) ;-) 8-) |-) :-o :-( :-D

NEOC (2012-04-10 00:39:59):

Anyone has a fun idea? Something vaguely fun at least…?

JDDellGuy (2012-04-10 06:51:26):

Just thought I'd mention this as I noticed someone thought this is how things worked-

When rating a set, rating it 5 stars does not increase the chances of getting a button. The amount of stars you give a set has very little (probably nothing) to do with the chance you have of getting a button. The button comes as a result of the comment. You do need to pair a rating with the comment in order for it to count as a review and then get a button, but the rating itself is not part of the equation other than that it must be there.

Please keep this in mind as you rate sets. Not every set is a 5 star set. Rating a set as only 1 star has the same chance of getting a button as rating a set 5 stars.

Thanks guys! icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

NEOC (2012-04-10 22:33:16):

Is this a conclusion, isn't it? I agree with you.

Unknown author (2012-04-12 16:26:43):

hi kenny this testing is boring

yes it is

Unknown author (2012-04-12 20:36:44):

lol i like these cursors and i want to tell a joke:
knock knock
whos there?
april who?
april fools!!
lol that joke is 4 april (6)

Matias0211 (2012-04-12 23:20:02):

Too much magic godparents

Unknown author (2012-04-12 23:30:58):
-) you sack how do you do this
Matias0211 (2012-04-12 23:33:43):


tdog5000111 (2012-04-13 22:17:15):

how do you upload your own cursers

NEOC (2012-04-13 23:00:33):

Upload them in the gallery.

Yahooo! I've just translated 159 lines of RW Paint into spanish!
¡Yuju! ¡Acabo de traducir 159 líneas de Rw Paint al español!

Matias0211 (2012-04-14 02:47:56):

jajajajaja !! felicitaciones! (?

NEOC (2012-04-14 18:02:18):

Poquito en realidad. Ya haré más…! ;-)
Edición: Yuju! Otras 120 más!

Unknown author (2012-04-17 09:33:11):

hey its nagz :-)

Unknown author (2012-04-17 19:19:57):

I just want to get my regular cursor back. Can someone tell me how?

NEOC (2012-04-17 22:33:13):

Do you mean "use again the arrow"? Just go back the control panel and choose it again.

Unknown author (2012-04-19 20:55:45):

ne razumim

hrvatski jezik :-D

JDDellGuy (2012-04-21 11:56:39):

MechBlade set in assembly. icon-image/4581-16x16x32.png image

NEOC (2012-04-21 19:00:02):

Icons or cursors? I am willing to see them.

JDDellGuy (2012-04-21 20:20:50):

Cursors. I got several done, but I may need to edit the design. It is a dual point cursor design, but the points are a little too far apart. This make it hard to tell where the hotspot is, so I may need to move the points closer together.

Teddy (2012-04-21 21:12:37):

mech blade cursors ... sounds awesome :>

JDDellGuy (2012-04-22 07:53:37):

Here is a preview. The preview is already slightly out of date as far as basic design and is not animated as the set will be. Nor does it contain the higher DPI image. Hence, it is a preview. icon-image/4632-16x16x32.png image


JDDellGuy (2012-04-22 09:28:04):

I only have 3 left to make, but it's 2:27 AM here right now, so I'm going to get to bed and work on them at a later time. See y'all later. icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

Teddy (2012-04-22 12:03:28):

thw two blade tips really are a bit apart from each other, lets see

JDDellGuy (2012-04-23 03:08:12):

I believe I have fixed the issue with the points now. I've only got one more to make, but I think some of the others could use a little tweaking/remodeling. I'm hoping to have it up in a few more hours though! icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image icon-image/4581-16x16x32.png image

JDDellGuy (2012-04-23 06:45:59):

And the set is released! Check it out in the gallery. icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

JDDellGuy (2012-04-23 18:50:30):


Hi folks, I'm trying to clean up my workshop a bit, so here a few items that I've got that I'll sell for a reduced price than the site does.
Available on a first come, first serve basis.

1 piece of sandpaper

3 buttons

1 Orange Spraypaint

3 buttons

1 Red Spraypaint

3 buttons

Black Spraypaint

3 buttons (I am the owner of the Black SprayPaint Machine. No limit on requests)

Stonemason's Tools

20 buttons

Let me know what you want! icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

Scott (2012-04-24 06:56:03):


JDDellGuy (2012-04-26 07:08:17):

I know what Joo Janta does now. :-D

JDDellGuy (2012-04-26 23:19:05):

Lol! I also just realized why it costs the strange amount of 42 buttons as well, haha.

We're all such geeks here.

JDDellGuy (2012-04-28 06:33:36):

Actually guys, I'll give black paint for free.

JDDellGuy (2012-04-29 06:52:01):

A Just-For-Fun Game!

1. Those who got my message, please direct people to me.

2. Those who did not get my message, I will not answer unless you know "what is going on" from someone else.

3. Once you contact me, and I respond, you are now a part of the team and may assist me and the others in "The Mission."

4. Do not post what is going on publicly! Only communicate via the messages!

For those with no clue about "what is going on," try to find out from someone else. Remember I won't respond to you unless you know "what is going on."

"What is going on," will become more obvious as "The Mission" progresses.

We're gonna do this ninja-like. icon-5315

Unknown author (2012-04-30 13:43:53):

hi evry 1 how r u!!! can i please make friends with u and my name is nageen but u can call me nagz!! :-) :-D bye for now!

Teddy (2012-04-30 17:33:50):

just wanted to check something that did seem like being a bug ...

alright, works, my fault

Unknown author (2012-05-01 18:06:52):

8-) :-D

Unknown author (2012-05-03 04:21:10):

Can some please make a cursor, AZRA in Blue?? Thanks!!!!!!!!! ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

nucklehead (2012-05-03 06:28:56):

make me a cursor for my birthday! a new face! nucklehead :-)

zander (2012-05-04 05:41:56):

well hi...lol ive been sidetracted lately but anyways ive been developing a storie called
acts of piracy book of treasures, and i need some characters...ive got 3 but i dont hav an
enemy or a competition character...i can make 1 myself but ur imagination insted,but it
haz to be sumthin ima agree to. ;-)

*i want ur imgination insted* lol

zander (2012-05-04 06:21:49):

for my blog u can use a fake email idc i jst want ppl to comment it in real time idc if u use
afake name i preffer that u use an email that is urs but u dnt use cus u kno about hax
if ppl get into my cite i dnt want them to get into stuf but iz up 2 u idc iz jzt for security.

im zander of zamwar.weebly.com.i still dnt undr standy a whole lot of this site...cuzy there's
sum how events but anwho i neee sum characters so can u help

im soz i talk too much.

Unknown author (2012-05-09 23:33:26):

thts it cool!

Unknown author (2012-05-10 05:38:40):

im zander i jst dint bother log on but thx for te comment


Unknown author (2012-05-11 21:18:39):

i like the cursormaker, i made one myself :-)

im going to make some cursors for my family :-)

i like the cursors

they are really nice

i love making them, how they point at stuff :-)

i just love cursors

they are what makes computers, computers :-)

cant have a computer without a cursor :-)

looooooooooooooooooooooove them :-)

i need to post soooooo many messages! i really do love these cursors :-)

im gonna stop posting now i think :-)

bye guys! :-)

see you later for more cursor fun! :-)

p.s i like the glow background :-)

hurray for cursors! :-)

oh, bye! :-)

Teddy (2012-05-11 21:30:30):

funny guy.

Unknown author (2012-05-11 23:12:02):

lol llost my password iz me zander,i thnk hes/shes funny lol :-D

Teddy (2012-05-14 00:27:46):

has anyone ever solved the problem how to implement one of the cursors hosted here into a sites CSS or HTML, so that it works not only on iE but with every browser? I never thought about asking here, and I'm a total noob - with alot of things
I mean there must be a solution, am I right?
(I remember how a website with wich I was trying to solve that problem was banned from using cursors hostet here when I tried to solve it, while it was my own cursor and my own site. That was a funny incident.)

Teddy (2012-05-14 01:12:18):


Found a solution! Simply extend your CSS body with this piece of code:

cursor:url(*url of hosted cursor*),move;

I did still load the code that this recommended on this site, so that I can display a link on the sites bottom to this page - I hope I dont get banned again :-D

Unknown author (2012-05-14 06:16:29):

hi iz zander again ive got sum othr stories im developing now cuz i dnt hav ppl communicating wth me on that pirate 1 so im workin on my othrs,i thnk if i remembr correctly i puta thread on my site to this 1 so i hope that hlps a lil,hjst te othr day my site jst roketed from 50 ppl to 7k i dnt even kno how but it did
i usualy geta avrage 30 ppl per day so iz not vry common. ive also noticed that comercials azin tv have srted usin te music i hav...i dnt kno if taz jst coencedance tho, i can name 3 comercials...sports using heart of courage,hellboy using sons of war,and avatar using exodus.

all belonging to the composer two steps from hell.
*iz still me zander* ive got threads fr sum othr sites 2


JDDellGuy (2012-05-14 07:43:07):

I think the mission is a file folks. Oh welll, it was worth a shot. icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2012-05-15 11:12:33):

can someone make a maya love toby or a maya love zayn please

Teddy (2012-05-15 11:46:29):

anyone has a good idea for a custom website cursor for a site that has the main colors gold/black and is runescape related? no edited godswords/swords, so maybe a topic for jd/sixaxis to show their creative mind and do me a favor (pl0xpl0x.)

due to the fact of how I'll "implement" the cursor in the websites css body, the cursor can be up to 80+80px big (bigger would be worse in my opinion).

I would be very happy about some inspiration and ideas :-)

Unknown author (2012-05-16 13:54:38):

hiya its nagz hows evry1 in da house :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown author (2012-05-18 12:31:37):

i like mouse cursor libary because i have my name and it is cool ! ;-) :-) :-( 8-) |-) lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Kilan (2012-05-23 05:50:30):

شكرا جزيلا

lucy (2012-05-25 14:53:43):

witammm!!! ;-)

Unknown author (2012-06-12 13:51:39):

nagz here! can i talk to 1 of u let me know if u wanna!!! :-) :-D

kit-kat1013 (2012-06-14 02:19:07):

i wanna lollipop 8-) :-D

i hate school !!!!!!!

kit-kat1013 (2012-06-15 05:09:31):

sup today a sciens experement went bad :-o

NEOC (2012-06-16 03:39:47):

Came after a long time… making a game sure takes a lot of time…

kit-kat1013 (2012-06-16 12:47:22):

i know it took me 4 ever to make the game bowl of fish :-)

Sheba (2012-06-18 02:35:08):

Hi! i'm new to this, do you guys know how to create a pointer? i'm trying to use a saved image as a cursor.

kit-kat1013 (2012-06-18 04:54:36):

no clue |-)

sory :-(

Unknown author (2012-06-18 09:59:30):

hi angel

do you know fow to set the avengers for your cursor

Unknown author (2012-06-22 12:19:36):


Unknown author (2012-06-24 04:25:46):

como faço a seta ficar como eu botei

JDDellGuy (2012-06-25 04:47:25):

Life is sweet, just had an incredible weekend.
Just felt like saying that. icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

Vlasta (2012-06-25 08:02:00):

Glad to hear that :-).

Teddy (2012-06-25 09:25:10):

Well, today is going to be shitty for me, but I'll get over it

Unknown author (2012-06-26 13:37:51):

hi guys how r u nagz! :-)

kit-kat1013 (2012-06-27 02:27:39):

peace BP :-D :-D

Unknown author (2012-07-01 22:26:18):

8-)Cool nice website

Unknown author (2012-07-04 18:09:56):

;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-)
hahahaha cool cursors !!!

Unknown author (2012-07-08 13:53:07):

yh m8

Unknown author (2012-07-08 16:20:15):

but i cant dowland but i dont no why

Unknown author (2012-07-09 13:02:51):


how ulot

Unknown author (2012-07-09 13:33:31):

very nice website.........

Unknown author (2012-07-10 12:56:56):


kit kat ure fit

Unknown author (2012-07-16 13:16:15):


love the cursers but need more like singers e.g chris brown,rihanna ect 8-)

kit-kat1013 (2012-07-18 05:11:21):

hey say banana if you think maths sucks :-D

JDDellGuy (2012-07-19 18:12:06):

Orange. I love math. icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

Teddy (2012-07-19 21:27:33):

im not that good in maths cause i never practiced in in the past 4 to 5 years. :/

kit-kat1013 (2012-07-20 05:09:09):


jojois74 (2012-07-20 22:53:20):

i like math.... i like bananas too though.... :-o

kit-kat1013 (2012-07-27 04:54:51):

math is boring!BANANA :-D

Unknown author (2012-07-27 11:59:11):

lol kit kat you rock the house baby :-D

Unknown author (2012-07-29 20:36:37):

okay... i like the icon maker! :-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2012-08-10 22:07:55):

ayuda como restauro la barra de herramientas se me borro todos los iconos del programa ya desistañe y volvi a instalar pero nada ayuda

Unknown author (2012-08-11 05:15:30):

como pongo mi cursor :-O

bunny (2012-08-14 23:09:47):

hello everyone
im new

Unknown author (2012-08-20 03:12:02):

:O |-)

Unknown author (2012-08-28 09:11:53):

kebabs <3 xxoxox :-)

Blackfox202 (2012-08-28 12:07:01):

School sucks LAMA now that's how to be random bc how's Banana random!

aquareaper (2012-08-31 04:12:34):

hello im new as well i was wondering if there were any problems with the download or cursors?

Unknown author (2012-09-01 08:44:26):


Unknown author (2012-09-06 08:00:30):

hai mga tol :-D

airboat233 (2012-09-11 04:58:13):


Unknown author (2012-09-12 01:54:15):

donde es en el que creo mi cursor :-(

Unknown author (2012-09-15 14:09:58):

helllo peoplezzzz 8-)

im lonley anyine there? i need more people dont make me cry i need more love LOL -girl

jojois74 (2012-09-21 01:02:37):

So there's still no use for pet/sentient rocks, logs, and skulls?

Also, for some reason I can't point my Black Flashlight at myself anymore. This has been going on for months.

sniperion (2012-09-28 07:35:01):

hiii 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) i'm new here :-D :-) ;-) ;-)

rahul (2012-09-29 05:14:09):

hey everybody :-D

Bri (2012-10-06 23:02:56):

hey :-)

Unknown author (2012-10-10 11:16:22):

orite babe <3

Unknown author (2012-10-10 21:26:55):

you need links to mine craft then people can get aroud blocks

my name is cj biggar

kit-kat1013 (2012-10-12 01:14:34):


Teddy (2012-10-12 11:52:50):

change your gender from "unknown" to "male" or "female" in your account settings and/or follow these instructions: http://www.rw-designer.com/profile-guidelines

the information I just provided wasn't hard to find at all. get up your lazy butt and search for it on your account page.

sixλxis (2012-10-22 08:50:51):

is it possible for there to be a quick way to know how many buttons you have?

groovey chic (2012-10-23 19:50:30):

heyyyy pepzzzzz :-D 8-) :-)

groovey chic (2012-10-24 20:38:38):

whats up everyone :-D 8-)

SoaringEagle789 (2012-10-25 19:15:29):

vlasta, what ever happened to all the users and cursors and icons on 10/24/2012? i checked the site, and i didn't see anybody! was that just an error?

Unknown author (2012-10-25 20:09:01):

ye it is 8-)

Vlasta (2012-10-25 21:18:00):

I was cleaning the database yesterday and it was occasionally inaccessible so you may have seen empty pages.

Unknown author (2012-11-03 21:43:07):

how do you make cursor sets :-(

sonic (2012-11-03 22:06:00):

how do you make cursor sets pleeeese tell me :-( :-o

groovey chic (2012-11-06 20:00:05):

heya pepzzzzzzzzzzzz xxxxxxxxxxx

Yuck (2012-11-07 00:17:57):

nobody uploaded an icon yet? that's sad.

Vlasta (2012-11-07 09:38:55):

^ be sure to follow the guidelines if you want your icon approved

jojois74 (2012-11-09 19:54:06):

Why don't rocks, logs, and skulls do anything? I have some of them.

Unknown author (2012-11-16 23:52:21):

Congratulations for all this programs, very good idea, and exelent execution! :-)

TURBAN (2012-11-18 16:29:37):

peut-on utiliser space navigator de 3Dconnexion


one can use space navigator 3Dconnexion

Hello, one can use space navigator 3Dconnexion

Unknown author (2012-11-22 21:12:13):

How do you make cursor sets? :-D 8 8-) -) :-o :-(

greenslender (2012-12-11 12:30:51):

how can u make coursers ;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-)

hi people

bradley foster (2012-12-13 15:10:18):

hi 8-)

jojois74 (2012-12-14 02:06:40):

Just a question, how long does it take the potted button pom to replace itself?

Vlasta (2012-12-14 14:01:55):

1-2 days

jojois74 (2012-12-16 05:39:09):

is that a joke? you get 60+ buttons a day from it?

Vlasta (2012-12-16 09:49:57):

no, 0.5-1 a day

uh, you probably meant how long does it take to make as much buttons as it costs - that would be ~190 days

jojois74 (2012-12-17 22:17:32):

Ya, that's what I meant. OK thanks.

oriolego (2012-12-18 21:38:46):

how do you get pet rocks and stuff?

jojois74 (2012-12-18 22:32:12):

They were only available for a certain period of time a little while back.

groovey chic (2012-12-20 21:52:02):

merry christmas pepzz init love ya x :-D

hey everyone

Unknown author (2012-12-23 00:44:53):


groovey chic (2012-12-23 19:17:34):

hey everyone what u up 2 x

i can't believe after all this time my mum was keepin me from havin fake nail's on there amazin but just think it's cause she is init ott and op it is so anoyin init and i also can't believe we've only got christmas eve then it's christmas day :-D

jojois74 (2013-01-01 21:39:00):

I got a potted button pom....
One button so far, but a good way to get people to come back to the site frequently!

jojois74 (2013-01-09 03:06:24):

There are around 36734 users on this website.

SYNTHCRѺ (2013-01-09 22:40:02):

36752 at least

jojois74 (2013-01-09 23:42:41):

ya, i kept on entering numbers until i found out when it didnt work and found one under that, but i said around cuz of stonesmason's tools.

jojois74 (2013-01-10 01:09:15):

You want them to list the number of users? Cool.

Yes, I do read peoples' blogs.

SYNTHCRѺ (2013-01-10 02:51:28):

Thank you

jojois74 (2013-01-11 03:35:00):

haha, someone's name is blank and the person is on now i think.

SYNTHCRѺ (2013-01-11 03:59:53):

LOL, that's funny. :-D

Unknown author (2013-01-13 02:41:51):

how do you get the icon started? :-(

:-( :-(

jojois74 (2013-01-13 05:20:46):

Welcome to the site, blank user.

Unknown author (2013-01-15 18:48:09):

I will join soon, but I am wondering if this Painter will work on Win 8 64 bit. Thank you CB. 8-)

Smoky (2013-01-22 01:49:47):


Unknown author (2013-01-28 08:35:39):


JDDellGuy (2013-01-30 06:01:41):

I still check in once in a while people! icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

What's up?

*flies away again*

Unknown author (2013-01-30 07:57:39):


Hey JDDellGuy

Can u make a cool cursor set about assassin's creed?

jojois74 (2013-01-30 22:31:38):

Ok, JDDellGuy, check your profile page, there are many comments you may have missed....

JDDellGuy (2013-02-03 04:10:32):

Hey anonymous, sorry, I do not have as much time for making cursors right now. Even if I did however, I try to avoid associating with violent games such as Assasin's Creed and others, and just things that can be seen as socially unpleasant - no offense intended to you though. :-)

PuppyMat (2013-02-17 05:29:37):

How can i see how many users use my cursors or comments on my cursors?

Unknown author (2013-02-18 23:24:24):

Hi! I'm new, and I will join in a couple days.

Unknown author (2013-02-19 13:03:56):

mn is there anything cool? |-)

maddymac24 (2013-02-19 23:34:21):

8-) |-) Hello, I am new to this site. I was wondering how to change the little person or picture ;-) :-) :-D

deadly bro (2013-02-24 18:22:46):

I made an icon set just about right now called cool shields hope its good

bradski (2013-02-25 12:49:48):

kk ill check it out

deadly bro (2013-02-25 17:54:11):

i made a cursor set of swords you should check it out they are good

Unknown author (2013-02-26 12:17:13):

bradski twt .

Unknown author (2013-03-02 02:49:34):

Yeah im really looking forword to joining this site! I try to go on the site when ever I can to cheek out whats new, Thx!!!! :-D :-) 8-)

mastercow (2013-03-02 16:45:24):

supps peeps i just started

can somebody show me how to set the cursor as my cursor

MariaPiu (2013-03-03 20:28:13):


How can i see how many users use my cursors or comments on my cursors?"


Unfortunatelly you can only see the comments on your cursors that are in a set. You can check other comments in your profile.
To know the number of people who enjoyed your work, you will see below the word DOWNLOAD written "x downloads"
(this is the number of the downloaded sets). To know how many times an individual cursor has been downloaded look at the left superior corner where they are displayed.

To find cursors not included in any set click in Gallery and then write the name of the desired cursor.

This is the same for icons.

Have a nice week!

Unknown author (2013-03-04 06:55:47):

so easy to use so, i think i might join. :-D

Unknown author (2013-03-07 15:29:46):

this site is rly kwl no joke i use it 4 my school cursors :-) 8-)

rubias19 (2013-03-09 19:15:05):

hola yo tambien soy nueva saludos a todos

FeniulaPyra (2013-03-09 23:01:28):

added another cursor set.

jojois74 (2013-03-11 19:11:57):

I'm back and I like the new items.

becsnlindsay (2013-03-12 12:35:33):

hey every 1

FeniulaPyra (2013-03-14 00:06:35):


Unknown author (2013-03-23 12:45:16):

:-o cjdhgjghjgjghjh:-D :-( 8-) :-o 8-) :-o

school us the bet us.

cursor :-o :-(

jermi_bolung007 (2013-03-24 13:40:14):

Hi guys My name is jermi bolung :-)

how to make trainer games? and how to make Applications for Browser?

Thank'z 8-)

Unknown author (2013-03-25 09:35:40):

hi my name is nageen but u can call me nagz :-) :-D

kit-kat1013 (2013-03-27 00:53:32):


Unknown author (2013-03-27 15:00:35):

Hi :-)

Halo_master (2013-03-29 10:05:09):

Its me again hello everybody. :-D

Unknown author (2013-03-29 17:43:12):

:-( nose aser ese coso de la flecha

Unknown author (2013-04-03 05:50:35):

sup people :-)

Mhae Joy (2013-04-05 21:18:20):

how do you create something from cursor.i wanna make Mhae joy

cdl (2013-04-09 10:22:22):

Not sure this is a good change..
It makes it more difficult to see the users active in the last 30 days, nix that, the past week, too much scrolling. The recent active users, is that the same as in the past 30 minutes?, seems okay but I feel the rest is too much of a good thing.

LoZ (2013-04-11 15:09:18):

8-) Un saluto a tutti gli utilizzatori di RealWord. Un software ben fatto, nella grafica e nelle funzioni. Complimenti ai progettisti. LoZ.

Unknown (2013-04-12 09:18:31):

What do the items you can get with the buttons even do?

SYNTHCRѺ (2013-04-12 12:50:51):


Unknown author (2013-04-13 01:50:40):

:-o :-(

deadly bro (2013-04-14 23:52:07):

well place them in the request section in the forum someone will respond to you and make them i will try to do them myself

wesman (2013-04-16 23:27:20):

deadly bro check out myy blog. :-)

deadly bro (2013-04-17 00:43:14):


jojois74 (2013-04-17 03:47:51):

Vlasta, I'm still waiting for the sentient rocks, logs and skulls to do something.

deadly bro (2013-04-17 15:13:51):

yeah jojois74 i told him a very great idea and he is thinking in it now of making it

bradski (2013-04-19 12:34:14):


HusenPo (2013-04-20 02:39:17):

:-D hy all, I am new here,, please visit my design,, thank you :-D

MariaPiu (2013-04-21 01:28:11):

There are lots of lightsabers cursors here, you can click Gallery tab and search there too...

badman uzair (2013-04-24 13:50:59):

i all ready knew that u @@VVV>>>>>..:-D

gangster ayman (2013-04-24 13:55:31):

i already know that i been using it more then u

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-04-25 08:19:49):


deadly bro (2013-04-26 18:15:34):

thanks vlasta for the help icon-image/9428-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2013-04-29 09:38:22):

good makers.

aaliyah sykes:) (2013-04-29 11:41:43):

could someone help me i have a question ? :-(

deadly bro (2013-04-29 18:23:08):

what is the question icon-image/9428-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2013-05-01 10:04:47):


:-Dhow are you all people?

Unknown author (2013-05-02 17:46:42):

i will leave the site for a week till i finish the test of school :-(but i will visit the site from a time to another :-)

Unknown author (2013-05-02 17:48:10):

the one that has commented was me deadly bro but forgot to write who am i

:-) = deadly bro = :-)

Unknown author (2013-05-03 18:30:13):

thank you.


Rhindle (2013-05-06 21:59:07):

how do you get buttons

Unknown author (2013-05-07 12:12:36):

donno do u know

Rhindle (2013-05-07 14:26:16):

Found out how you have to sign in and play a game or rate cursors

Unknown author (2013-05-11 08:12:54):

no! ;-)

ging (2013-05-16 13:45:03):

how do you make a cursor :-)

gma (2013-05-16 20:16:10):

i don't know. i am still trying to learn this site. i am slow, so please forgive this elderly person. |-)

where is the log out button?

seriously, i am extremely busy at the moment. i will make a point of revisiting this site when i have more time. i don't like leaving a site without logging out. so again, where is the log out button? :-(

Vlasta (2013-05-16 20:32:03):

click on Account on the line under the People tab

Unknown author (2013-05-21 19:55:32):

hej co tam jestem polakiem

Unknown author (2013-05-21 22:46:53):

8-) im new :-D |-) I love monster high

Unknown author (2013-05-22 08:14:16):

I'm an lps fan :-D or littlest pet shop

Eney one els ;-)

Jada (2013-05-30 09:39:48):



Im a drawing fan 8-) B)

How do you look for a friend

Unknown author (2013-06-02 01:18:50):

Umm how do you make an account, I am dying for one!!!!!! :- |-) (

jojois74 (2013-06-02 22:52:03):

create account on top right

Charlie-may Andersen (2013-06-20 14:06:16):

im new to this account hows it work?

cursore (2013-06-21 17:40:35):

what about creating a forum on forumcommunity/FORUMFREE?

screm (2013-06-22 05:33:45):

Im new here, just joined 'bout an hour ago. I already made a set, too. This is a very nice site. :-)

CursorMaker554 (2013-06-24 18:46:49):

I'm new here, I've had my account open for only 1 day, and I made a set, I love this website! :-)

snow (2013-07-05 09:42:43):

:-D i love this website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

connor12 (2013-07-05 12:45:37):

this website is cool :-D ;-)

Ryu-Il Starhunter (kahuna) (2013-07-08 08:32:08):

wheres snow?

Unknown author (2013-07-08 18:24:45):

Chiing chong it seng song ehh ling hong mming ching! :-)

dawdeh (2013-07-09 13:13:43):

Have a nice day

Thank you for your high-end level of these programs
That I knew her more when Translated

i_am_legend300 (2013-07-18 13:04:37):

this website is...

LEGEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-) :-D

jade murs (2013-07-25 21:24:07):

how do ya design ya own cursors? ;-)

JdP (2013-07-29 02:41:41):

download the realworld cursor editor program and mess with it a bit

Unknown author (2013-08-03 18:39:26):

i just want to get to an ordinary hand pointing curser :-(

not many ladies doing this are there I wonder why that is ? a soldiers angel

Cpt-Turner (2013-08-04 05:34:02):

Hey guys message me for any cursor you want. This is my new account but ive made a lego cursor requested from somebody, feel free to message me.

Unknown author (2013-08-30 07:43:05):

8-) cool i ♥ this site .. !!!

;-) 8-) :-o :-( :-D :-) |-)

ClickTechng (2013-09-02 18:41:03):

Hello friends here , i am new today. A beginner in web .i need asistant friend for development

Vlasta (2013-09-02 19:37:20):

Feel free to ask questions in the Forum section. The search bar in the upper right corner is also useful.

Unknown author (2013-09-13 02:09:59):

how do I get make my old mouse?????????????????????????????????????????? :-(

Unknown author (2013-09-18 21:17:47):

hi :-)

Unknown author (2013-09-22 00:48:26):

hola atodos

Unknown author (2013-09-24 04:29:28):

hola atodos mi nombre es Anarchy wolf kira 8-)

Unknown author (2013-09-24 10:47:08):

Nice software, complimenti ;-)

Unknown author (2013-09-25 00:01:52):

aww I do not know how to download this :-(

Devin S. (2013-09-27 00:03:12):

Hey guys, Devin here.

Today, I wanted spray paint but only have 4 more buttons.


;-) :-D

Unknown author (2013-10-04 10:35:13):


Unknown author (2013-10-05 13:23:42):

I just want a few cursors here. :-)

My favorite site for icons and cursors is www.rw-designer.com :-D

Unknown author (2013-10-09 14:51:27):

Hey guys... What's up? I'm so bored... I'm in school learning science right now. But it's boring for me. :-( :-o
Well, luckily I have a chance to greet u guys... :-D :-) ;-) 8-)

Is anybody online??? :-o :-(
I'm so sad and I feel alone. The reason is because my cat died. She was only 4 months old... :-(

Spy (2013-10-09 15:17:18):

Sry bout ur cat... :-(

FeniulaPyra (2013-10-10 05:22:12):

:'( poor cat. Im sry... :'(

monte.bell99 (2013-10-23 18:23:32):

who else thinks this is crazy? |-) |-) |-) |-)

Unknown author (2013-10-29 11:05:23):

Vraiment cool ;-)

Unknown author (2013-10-29 21:40:37):

How do i make a cursor?

isabelle5458 (2013-11-07 20:44:21):

where to get buttons

SnowflakePixie (2013-11-07 22:25:02):

Isabelle, this page explains it: http://www.rw-designer.com/buttons The main way is by reviewing cursors and icons.

SHYAM (2013-11-09 08:55:30):

I Lick that softwere :-)

Unknown author (2013-11-11 22:10:36):

i look up that softwere ;-)

Unknown author (2013-11-12 07:45:52):

hi : :-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2013-11-12 14:31:44):

anoyed :-(

Unknown author (2013-11-14 02:22:50):

good job :-D

Unknown author (2013-11-15 03:22:05):

i like eggs 8-)

Unknown author (2013-11-19 17:09:29):

A year ago, we could just make a curser, without actually downloading the app. (I tried, it doesn't work.) :-(

Vlasta (2013-11-19 17:27:02):

It still works exactly just like it did year ago.

Unknown author (2013-11-21 05:55:08):

can someone tell me what the app is to make your own cursor?

jojois74 (2013-11-24 00:12:58):


Unknown author (2013-11-28 06:05:37):

Very easy :-D

SHAN (2013-11-30 07:46:43):

8-) HYYYY......

Unknown author (2013-12-04 02:42:38):

It works duh :-D

lashawn (2013-12-09 18:42:30):

:-( i dont know how to make me a picture

Unknown author (2013-12-09 23:51:02):

Do you have any good suggestions for good curors? ;-)

mr lolz (2013-12-11 20:39:22):

oh so its you again? ANONYMOUS

Unknown author (2013-12-12 15:24:12):

hi im nageen im a girl dunno how to change anonymous :-(

Unknown author (2013-12-13 00:36:48):

Me 2 chill out mr lol everyone is named anoymous and I don't know how to chnage it :-(

All I ask was do you have any good suggestions for cursors? ;-)

Can you tell me how to change my name 2? :-D

And my picture 2 because i really don't want to be a dude

Unknown author (2013-12-13 13:50:44):

it is pretty boring :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2013-12-15 03:14:00):


Raja (2013-12-17 10:08:13):

hello.. guys

Unknown author (2013-12-18 09:05:34):

chicken is not very good :-D

Unknown author (2013-12-18 17:03:12):

That si very random but okay do any of you guys have any good suggestions ;-)

Look up ASDF cursors made me die out laughing :-D

Unknown author (2013-12-22 07:50:17):


Unknown (2013-12-25 17:16:12):


Don't forget to smile! :-D

Unknown author (2013-12-30 15:14:27):


Unknown author (2014-01-03 10:34:02):

Can anyone make an animated cursor of Gallade....?
It's my FAVOURITE Pokemon....
I know its a big favour, but drawing isn't my forte...

Unknown author (2014-01-04 11:21:59):

how to design a house ?????

jojois74 (2014-01-10 00:28:50):

I think my potted button pom stopped working, I haven't gotten a button from it in days. I've gotten over 150 buttons from it, and now it looks like i've picked it dry... :-(

miles (2014-01-10 15:35:37):

how is everyone today :-) :-) :-)

jojois74 (2014-01-12 08:18:51):

I'm good... You?
Button Pom still not working...

Vlasta (2014-01-12 09:50:50):

Your button pom seems to look OK - it says you have picked a button not long ago. Couldn't you picked it and forgot?

jojois74 (2014-01-12 17:59:58):

I pick it every day, I think it just doesn't realize I am for the past week maybe. I'm gonna try logging out and back in.

Nope, didn't work....

jojois74 (2014-01-13 04:44:13):

I click the use it link almost every day, but each time it says there isn't a button available. I've learned quite a bit about Taoist flower gazing though!

jojois74 (2014-01-14 00:38:10):

Now it's working! Yay!

Teddy (2014-01-14 12:24:57):

Nice to see that there's still stuff going on on this website :-)

Jane Nialler (2014-01-17 18:23:15):

this is really cool! 8-)

Unknown author (2014-01-26 07:28:58):



Unknown author (2014-01-29 18:23:50):

Hi. I'm online, Anonymous. Bye, I guess. I'm going to bed. |-)
3 hours later...
Phew! I almost fell off my bed! I'm wide awake now! :-)
I'm going to the beach. Bye bye guys!!! 8-)

MeeMee (2014-01-29 18:28:39):

Hi. I haven't been on this site for months! :-)
Well, I'm back. This site works. 8-)

Ethan Allen (2014-02-04 21:40:29):

whos online ?????????????????? :-D

Unknown author (2014-02-05 18:06:44):

:-D hola ablan spañol

Ethan Allen (2014-02-06 18:24:40):

cómo te llamas donda vives. if you speak english that would help dont know a lot of spanish

Unknown author (2014-02-08 08:56:17):

I totally love all of the cursors everone makes!! :-)
I hope you all enjoy making them! :-)
I havent yet downloaded any as i have one of my own which is a moustache!! :-)
Maybe try and make a moustache and lots of other things!!! :-)

Anonymous 8-)

Unknown author (2014-02-11 18:12:24):

this is really cool 8-)

nice :P

Unknown author (2014-02-12 06:22:30):

Hello hola me llamo Rene

:-)Yo hablo español 8-)

Unknown author (2014-02-12 18:19:47):

This is the awesomest website EVA

Unknown author (2014-02-16 10:39:54):

dobry den vitam vas na vistoupení

Unknown author (2014-02-16 11:30:01):


TwistedZombie (2014-02-17 12:43:07):

Hi! :-D

Unknown author (2014-02-18 04:43:06):

I love the night mare moon one :-D

Unknown author (2014-02-22 00:24:00):

hi how do you download ;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o |-) 8-)



Nikky Stone (2014-02-27 19:23:31):

Um how do you change your profile picture

Unknown author (2014-03-03 10:59:27):

hi. great icons for mouse cursors! I really enjoy them.

Unknown author (2014-03-05 18:28:02):

People say it is hard but it is pretty easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It rocks!!!!! 8-)

Unknown author (2014-03-08 23:56:13):

minecraft ya :-D

Unknown author (2014-03-17 13:18:30):

Love this website!! :-D

Šerie (2014-03-18 14:50:09):


I<3 monecraft and The Sims 3

It`s magic

none friends

bellabear (2014-03-24 20:52:15):

I really like the minecraft one very cool

Unknown author (2014-03-30 04:24:01):

hola chicos recien empiezo.-
8-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Unknown author (2014-03-31 11:55:10):

your sexy people on here

Unknown author (2014-04-01 21:30:58):

i'mm not alowd to download!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |-)

Jordan The Hedgehog (2014-04-02 21:40:26):


hell oh? :-(

Unknown author (2014-04-04 14:37:50):

yeah go eat fried chicken! :-D

Kaitlyn019 (2014-04-07 04:13:55):

how do you edit the little faces? :-(

Unknown author (2014-04-10 11:53:20):

coool :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2014-04-12 15:15:05):

i got the one that said i love music |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-)

coooooooooooooooooooooooool thing :-D 8-)

rjarchie10 (2014-04-20 08:38:25):

I love easter!!! :-)

Unknown author (2014-04-22 11:25:59):


blackops quickscoper on nuketown 101 (2014-04-23 16:21:55):

i lov e easter so much:-)

Unknown author (2014-04-27 20:50:55):

weird pll

ghost assassin (2014-04-30 11:12:58):

how do you change your picture?

chaminpradeep (2014-05-20 10:09:37):

Hello, Hope this would help me

marishon (2014-06-09 23:13:31):

Вот и спать пора. Прагу установила. Курсор сделала. :-)

Unknown author (2014-06-17 13:22:25):

hello honest lives in baking his is 46

Unknown author (2014-06-18 14:48:39):

my years old 20

SWAG (2014-06-20 14:22:24):


mylittlepony (2014-06-20 23:55:10):

I love ponys :-D

SWAG (2014-06-23 14:06:06):

me to LOL YOLO

Unknown author (2014-06-25 19:34:56):

me dise que tengo que descargar el programa que creo windows que ago porque no ay otra manera de aser esto porque tengoi que descargar ese programa y ase que mi computadora se a mas lente ago desime chau

mengyamTails (2014-07-02 10:28:10):

wow :-D

Unknown author (2014-07-04 12:22:06):

Ok ;-)

cali (2014-07-12 12:19:27):


any help please

Unknown author (2014-07-21 11:45:37):

I CAN'T DO THIS!!! :-(

Unknown author (2014-07-24 13:08:34):

love realworld cursor editor :-D

Unknown author (2014-08-04 15:09:52):

he/she needs to put a type in commend for the light direction on the real world paint.

Unknown author (2014-08-04 22:20:56):

my download realworld cursor editor

Unknown author (2014-08-06 09:20:16):


wow having with rw cursor set!
i'm download it.

8-) YEAH!

Unknown author (2014-08-23 20:53:37):

:-D :-o :-o wow so sweet :-D

Unknown author (2014-08-24 19:33:13):

whoa :-)

I LOVE this cursor Thing I am going to have a different cursor like every day

fluffy (2014-09-02 04:20:53):

hey guys

bonnie-thunder (2014-09-02 16:36:33):

hi i dont know people haha |-)

page (2014-09-06 03:15:48):

;-) |-)

IzzyMizzyDizzyKizzyJazzyMazzy (2014-09-08 04:45:42):

I'm new

elton4321 (2014-09-11 16:03:17):



Unknown author (2014-09-15 04:07:12):


Teddy (2014-09-15 06:48:17):

it's nice to drop by every now and then

Unknown author (2014-09-18 17:53:52):

is this nice

Unknown author (2014-09-19 08:28:20):

where to find doctor icon
with white coat

Unknown author (2014-09-19 21:01:32):

i need help with mine!!!!

Unknown author (2014-09-25 23:26:29):

what do you need help with

Unknown author (2014-09-26 21:16:23):

Je ne comprend rien du tout a ce qui fau faire :-(

Imagine (2014-09-27 14:42:17):

ca cest un site pour creer des souris pour lordinateur

Imagine (2014-10-03 16:12:15):

can you give me 125 buttons for a plant please?

Unknown author (2014-10-04 15:03:07):

Bonjour :-) excuser moi , sa serais possible que quelqu'un crée des icones pour souris du groupe anglais " The Vamps" , svp sa serais cool merci :-D

hunter17p (2014-10-04 16:06:11):

You speaking French cause I don't know French but I know a little Japanese

I need some buttons please

Unknown author (2014-10-04 22:30:25):

Hi sorry , i try to speak english :-) So someone can make a icons with the english band " The Vamps" , thanks you :-D

Imagine (2014-10-06 17:56:20):

hi,i am new here

Imagine (2014-10-07 14:37:48):

Lol i am not new

Unknown author (2014-10-08 11:48:08):


Unknown author (2014-10-10 02:28:21):


Unknown author (2014-10-14 20:23:03):


names ben if you whant to know

hunter17p (2014-10-15 00:27:34):

sup ben y don't u become a memeber 8-) 8-) 8-)

Fast (2014-10-16 09:52:47):

You guys know how to get buttons?

baddie (2014-10-16 12:03:27):

hey yall

hunter17p (2014-10-19 01:49:34):


Imagine (2014-10-20 16:53:22):


hunter17p (2014-10-20 17:49:45):


hunter17p (2014-10-21 17:57:49):

If u can send me buttons that would be great

Unknown author (2014-10-23 12:45:39):

hi min nam is mitchell heath.

theROBLOXboy (2014-10-26 14:54:20):

hello i am theROBLOXboy i am new.

hunter17p (2014-10-27 00:20:40):

u need help just ask bra

hunter17p (2014-10-28 22:40:54):

how do I use templates

Unknown author (2014-10-30 14:40:09):

idk :-o

Unknown author (2014-11-01 19:50:09):

hej 8-) Jestem z polski

Ja też polak :-D :-D


Unknown author (2014-11-05 22:11:53):

:-o wow this is sooo ummm cool ;-)

Unknown author (2014-11-06 19:09:47):


Imagine (2014-11-07 16:03:00):

nope its shit

Unknown author (2014-11-10 16:45:01):


ᎶᎾᎠ_Ø₣_ᏇᏗᏒ_♥h♥p♥g♥d♥p (2014-11-11 13:00:21):

:-D wow 8-)

JamesThompson (2014-11-14 23:33:14):


Imagine (2014-11-15 19:03:53):

someone got a pom please?

JamesThompson (2014-11-17 17:06:50):

hi 8-)

amber75 (2014-11-17 17:28:23):


szapcio (2014-11-18 14:01:24):

jestem polaiem

Unknown author (2014-11-18 21:03:56):

Hola gente. Mi nombre es Juan. Soy un usuario de este sitio, pero yo no estoy inscrito. Espero que todos disfruten de este sitio tanto como lo hago!

Unknown author (2014-11-19 02:37:49):


Unknown author (2014-11-24 10:37:15):


Imagine (2014-11-24 15:11:09):

Don't poop on the floor now Oursa,you know the rules. :-D

Unknown author (2014-11-25 23:51:01):

hi guys

Unknown author (2014-11-27 23:41:22):


ربي ,عربى :-D

السلام عليكم

أنا لست العربية

Unknown author (2014-12-03 18:24:43):

I like pizza

PogChamp69 (2014-12-08 21:02:39):

Uh... Hi? :-o

pedro (2014-12-09 11:22:09):

welcome :-)


hueydude (2014-12-09 14:42:00):

Wassup fellow icon/cursor mutation managers. Really dig the site,and plan on customizing many of the booooring icons and cursor on my pc. Later dudes

Unknown author (2014-12-09 19:25:35):

im in school :-(

Unknown author (2014-12-13 14:58:47):

Why would someone read these?

ultimatemegacursor (2014-12-15 17:55:11):

lol i have a no-face icon

Unknown author (2014-12-16 16:18:45):

I love open cousor library because it is apsorloutly asome but im on a school restricon on some websites but i was able to get throgh :-D

Unknown author (2014-12-18 15:37:22):

lol people actually have time for this :-D

mugssbeen |-)

sorry my computer has a mind of its own ;-)

lawson (2014-12-19 11:02:06):

hi :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

123a (2015-01-06 19:47:07):


CrazyGirl (2015-01-13 23:37:04):

Como ponen esas fotos tan cool 8-)?? :-D

Sammy (2015-01-14 00:42:52):

Hi I'm a new user 8-) :-D :-)

Unknown author (2015-01-16 06:58:03):

Hey peeps! :-D

Unknown author (2015-01-21 01:11:53):

I love fash 8-) ion it is the bes 8-) t ever

Unknown author (2015-01-29 22:58:16):

hola? :-(

Unknown author (2015-02-03 12:46:15):

hey bros

Unknown author (2015-02-05 11:52:21):

the best :-) :-)

Unknown author (2015-02-06 22:47:53):

bien chevere pero ahora no se como ponerlo en el pc no funciona :-(

Unknown author (2015-02-09 13:37:36):


ollieando (2015-02-11 01:15:48):

love this

Unknown author (2015-02-15 15:30:35):

no tga? :-(

Unknown author (2015-02-17 17:41:26):

Waiting for linux version ;-) :-D

Unknown author (2015-02-18 00:15:04):

supp :-)peeps :-D

Unknown author (2015-02-21 03:15:47):

i totally like this program like totally how about you? :-) :-)

Unknown author (2015-02-21 12:48:54):

hola hola amigos si no saven como ponerlo en la compu yo les enseño sacan todo de la pantalla le dan clic derecho despues personalizar y ben ala izquienta arriba dise cambiarpntero de mause despues se te aparese y le das a examinar y buscas el cosito xD y eso es todo

Unknown author (2015-02-22 07:15:27):

hola :-D lo único que tienes que hacer es en la pagina de inicio dibujar tu cursor y si no quieres te vas a gallery y lo eliges pero nada mas los q dicen cursor ya q lo hiciste o lo elegiste le das click en download, ya que termino la descarga (te recomiendo que lo pongas en una carpeta y en escritorio) después te vas a panel de control y te vas a la tercera pestaña de abajo (puntero) y en donde esta el puntero que siempre usamos osea el puntero sin nada le damos click, te va a salir muchas opciones y le damos click en donde guardamos nuestro puntero, otra vez le damos click al puntero nos regresara a la pestaña anterior, le damos click en aplicar y listo

Unknown author (2015-02-27 21:04:38):


Nickname (2015-03-11 17:47:29):

Yes I speak English, Spanish, Latin, and German.

Nickname (2015-03-11 19:41:32):

No one get the triforce cursors becuase the have illuminati in them and Ninjaski11z made illuminati cursors becuase he thought they would be funny so his doesn't mean anything. What I'm trying to say is DON'T GET THE TRIFORCE CURSORS!


Unknown author (2015-03-11 22:18:36):

make a person that's name is autumn and another that's name is haden

Unknown author (2015-03-25 03:23:52):

:-D thank you for the new cursor

Unknown author (2015-03-28 11:26:59):

thank you...., finally i can get cystall clear cursor Script for my web , thank you so much :-)

Unknown author (2015-04-06 20:42:46):

hay hi u guys 8-)

Unknown author (2015-04-10 17:09:31):

he looking like stare :-D

Unknown author (2015-04-15 21:12:47):

Who hates Windows Vista?
I do. But I have an old computer and I want to bring it to Windows 7 Ultimate

Unknown author (2015-04-21 19:01:02):

Well Anonymous, i have never had a Windows Vista but i have had a lot of Windows computers and they work GREAT! Now for Windows 8, i don't like Windows 8 but....

arcade-kid (2015-04-21 21:35:17):

hey guys

my name is arcade-kid

Unknown author (2015-04-22 15:55:13):

this is so nice im in school doing the best i can

Unknown author (2015-04-23 06:11:58):

wow fr thou people :-D

Unknown author (2015-04-27 14:54:24):

hello :-)

Unknown author (2015-04-28 10:28:50):

perfect :-D

Noah Bear (2015-04-28 21:50:16):

Why is there anonymous users/some people not logged in?

Unknown author (2015-04-30 20:53:28):


why cant there be? |-)

Jazz (2015-05-07 12:49:57):

Tanki Online is my smexy life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Unknown author (2015-05-07 22:27:47):

its so so ;-)

Unknown author (2015-05-12 06:36:09):

:-) hi friends

Jazz (2015-05-19 07:46:26):


Jazz (2015-05-22 12:02:10):

JTAS Cross Country coming up.

Unknown author (2015-05-23 17:13:23):


Acrux (2015-05-24 08:16:14):

Hey there everyone .im new here so i just wanted to say hello and thanks .very nice place this is

Unknown author (2015-05-26 04:31:02):

sup :-D

sup bro :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-)

Unknown author (2015-05-29 11:35:49):

i´m anonymous? cool :-D

Acrux (2015-06-01 18:26:23):

Yeah man ,,very very cool! |-)

Unknown author (2015-06-02 11:11:28):

happy with different typo of cursor display

Unknown author (2015-06-08 16:37:04):


Biker (2015-06-11 06:54:08):

Buttons-Buttons who has the buttons!! :-D 3:)

Biker (2015-06-14 15:22:54):

I have 2 Boo-tons :-D

Biker (2015-06-14 19:50:56):

I hate persons that hate first, :-(. So I quite hate! :-). Now its time to Like them haters tell they quite, then no one should no longer hate first. ;-) :-D :-)

Acrux (2015-06-15 06:46:49):

So its like six of one ,,,and half a dozen of the other?

Biker (2015-06-15 13:41:17):

That's it, I was having a senior moment and philosophy took over? :-D

SCOTTOSCOTT (2015-06-25 06:45:09):

sup 8-)

Unknown author (2015-06-27 14:28:16):

we do not for get and we don't not forgive expect us

Biker (2015-06-30 00:12:56):

icon-image/3214-16x16x32.png image where's a cop when you need one!!! :-D

Unknown author (2015-07-02 14:41:14):

Hi my Name is Novielle and i don't know how to download ANY of Mouse Cursors..UGHH


@)->-- (rose)

amaleerocks13 (2015-07-04 07:10:34):

you press the download button then save the cursorsinto a folder or something :-)

Unknown author (2015-07-04 15:53:02):

hi :-)

hormowumi (2015-07-07 10:26:17):


HusenPo (2015-07-07 13:22:17):

hey let you see my new work 8-)
>>> http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/keroro-gunso

Unknown author (2015-07-07 14:57:10):

hi guys

Jazz (2015-07-10 00:41:36):

<====================)--@ sword peeps!!

Unknown author (2015-07-14 21:20:16):

it no use |-)

Unknown author (2015-07-21 13:24:20):

hi Brandon how are you

J (2015-08-07 12:34:11):

icon-image/10518-64x64x32.png image

icon-image/8303-128x128x32.png image

Unknown author (2015-08-13 17:17:14):

this is an AWESOME site. totally recommend.

Unknown author (2015-08-14 04:02:30):

j malos

Acrux (2015-08-16 20:24:48):

Just a quick HELOOOO to all in Real World

Keep It Real!!


Mahlzeit (2015-08-21 02:28:40):

icon-image/7104-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2015-08-22 16:27:31):


Mahlzeit (2015-08-25 02:01:23):


amaleerocks13 (2015-08-30 03:02:02):

I icon-image/10146-16x16x32.png image this website

Bill (2015-08-31 12:38:34):

HI guys :-D

Unknown author (2015-09-07 17:54:14):

Awsome :-D

Mahlzeit (2015-09-09 04:39:12):

Join for Fun and cool items and buttons icon-image/11067-48x48x32.png image icon-image/7104-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2015-10-09 02:43:28):

hi every one my names Hayley whats every one doing :-D

ps im a girl

jade (2015-10-09 02:51:23):

hi whats every one doing

J (2015-10-10 12:30:23):

What is the use of stonemasons tools?

Vlasta (2015-10-10 13:39:43):

description of workshop items

samuelgamers123 (2015-10-12 23:05:32):

como eu mudo de aparência eu não sou mulher

boomay (2015-10-14 16:15:39):

hi 8-)

Unknown author (2015-10-15 21:14:55):

hey peps

Unknown author (2015-10-16 04:43:05):

yes 8-)

get peps

Unknown author (2015-10-19 02:58:11):

hi peps its jade I don't remember my password sorry haha :-(

jade marie stedman (2015-10-20 02:56:39):

i need more friends asap

message me to talk ok :-D

Ezekiel Makuta (2015-10-23 02:56:22):

hey guys i'm new, how do we change the picture
< over there

Unknown author (2015-10-27 14:24:42):

How you make a acounnt

J (2015-10-29 12:29:48):

Does anybody want an extra spray paint
I have grey green and red
For 4 buttons

Unknown author (2015-10-29 19:39:07):

you sick jk your awesome peps

lebron james (2015-10-30 20:10:18):

lebron james 8-)

O3O (2015-10-31 17:52:34):

:-D O3O

lebron james (2015-11-02 17:57:19):

lebron james is here 8-)

ikeAroo72 (2015-11-05 21:02:20):

Im new! Someone show me around. Please :-)

cdl (2015-11-06 00:41:56):

icon-image/10434-128x128x32.png image
Hello to all who are new users! Welcome to Real World Graphics!
We all hope you will have tons of fun here and create many wonderful works of art!

Please check out our monthly Theme of the Month contest with Mysterious Prizes!


This blog entry has a few useful links for information in RW:


icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2015-11-07 21:19:17):


paige (2015-11-09 12:57:17):

lol :-o

Unknown author (2015-11-09 22:08:11):


Unknown author (2015-11-12 20:39:36):

hiya people

Marcel (2015-11-21 03:31:28):

hey guys, how to upload cursor, i'am a newbie here :-D

cdl (2015-11-21 19:39:20):

Hiya Marcelino!

To upload cursors go here: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-add

To upload icons go here: http://www.rw-designer.com/icon-add

icon-image/8301-32x32x32.png image

Marcel (2015-11-22 05:54:24):

ok then :-D

Jessie (2015-11-23 08:05:37):


Unknown author (2015-11-23 21:52:52):

I would to express my gratitude and thank you for the superior software that is free. I use cursor editor and paint and, as a hobbyist, find it fantastically delightful! So much so, that I would pay for it but unfortunately I'm in the struggle of life and have no means by which to even donate. I sincerely wish that I was able. Your software provides me with a daily instrument to distract me from these desperate times and I am grateful. I would like to register as a member but feel, as a person of poverty, that I don't have much to offer. That being said, Thank You!

Marcel (2015-11-24 09:16:58):

i hope this website become the popular creative website. i think this web are testing our imagination and creative skills, good luck for this website :-D

Unknown author (2015-11-24 11:14:14):

hello 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-D

cdl (2015-11-25 08:59:20):

icon-image/8401-32x32x32.png image

Marcel (2015-11-26 10:00:41):

┌─┐ ─┐
│▒│ /▒/
│▒ /▒/─┬─┐

paigexxx (2015-11-27 14:11:56):

thats not very nice

Marcel (2015-11-29 12:34:08):

LOL anonymous |-)

AJaxx (2015-11-29 19:37:26):

It's a beautiful day in "da hood!"
:-o :-(
...or is it?! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Marcel (2015-11-30 02:11:13):


RWCursor (2015-12-04 15:06:05):

Guys Use The GLOW
Background It's So Awesome!

Unknown author (2015-12-05 16:34:39):

perfect :-D

Username destroy (2015-12-09 19:56:35):

I agree RWCursor. :-)

Unknown author (2015-12-09 21:49:08):

The cursors so nice :-D

cdl (2015-12-22 04:37:32):

Merry Christmas!

icon-image/8301-32x32x32.png image icon-image/6493-64x64x32.png image

Unknown author (2015-12-23 23:23:19):


Acrux (2015-12-27 11:23:54):

Merry Christmas everyone sorry its late and sorry im so scarce ..but this time of year gets way busy work wise ,,have been working on a set bit by bit so i hope to post that soon
as always

cdl (2015-12-28 08:05:00):

Happy New Year!

icon-image/7926-64x64x32.png imageicon-image/7929-64x64x32.png image

cdl (2015-12-28 11:01:19):

Check out the new TOTM Contest for 2016!


icon-image/8300-32x32x32.png image

Acrux (2016-01-11 03:19:54):

Hey real world!! hope all is well with you and that you all still at it ,,

keep it real!
:-D :-)

Unknown author (2016-01-14 20:13:06):

cool hey people 8-) :-D

LePurr (2016-01-16 23:08:14):

OMG awesome as always, i got hooked on making my own animated cursors, lol even made some for friends. I am awesome! my cursor even tells me so :-D

The Icons (2016-01-17 04:35:17):

icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image

The Icons (2016-01-18 21:06:23):

icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png imagey icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image ITS TOO PREETY
icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12748-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2016-01-19 16:56:58):

sooo amazing, love all cursors. love ya all.

Unknown author (2016-01-20 16:18:22):


HI :-D ;-)

yolo55 (2016-01-23 21:43:03):

can someone give me a :-) 8-)

msp 8-)

jojois74 (2016-02-04 07:19:30):

Got a rw photos voucher and used it. It gave me a professional license. I am not complaining, but I am pretty sure it was only supposed to give a personal license. Feel free to correct if you want, or whatever.

Unknown author (2016-02-04 14:54:32):

OMG what a good survice! 8-) 8-) 8-) :-D

xXLukemavXx (2016-02-07 06:45:28):

Why doesn't everyone know about this website?

Unknown author (2016-02-07 13:46:34):

you and mi

MinecraftGirl1227 (2016-02-15 19:03:16):

icon-image/12749-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12749-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12749-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12749-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12749-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12749-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12749-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12749-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12749-16x16x32.png image icon-image/12749-16x16x32.png image

Aayu (2016-02-16 08:43:57):

I need a help

nibbler (2016-02-17 15:36:35):

What do you need?

cdl (2016-02-18 20:59:53):

Yes, what do you need help with?
icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

Mahlzeit (2016-02-26 04:05:52):

icon-image/7104-32x32x32.png image

emil.iqwan (2016-02-26 20:25:29):

Hai all :-o

Unknown author (2016-03-03 15:27:12):

Hi peeps how are you
:-D :-) :-o 8-) |-) ;-)

Unknown author (2016-03-04 17:01:50):

good who are you

Unknown author (2016-03-04 17:52:45):

bruh this is real?

Pixles (2016-03-07 17:06:27):

I NEED help

The_Pandamainia (2016-03-07 19:03:48):

o I find my recent search's?

cdl (2016-03-08 00:24:19):

@ Pixles - What do you need help with?

@ The_Pandamainia - I am not sure you can find a history of your recent searches in RW if that was your query.
That would be a question for Vlasta.

icon-image/8307-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2016-03-11 16:39:15):

i don't really like it because they some more things you guys can make this a more fun website

AJaxx (2016-03-17 22:38:34):

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner. Nobody!"
:-D :-) ;-)

Unknown author (2016-03-18 00:31:04):

Try making ghosts

Unknown author (2016-03-18 17:42:57):

cute :-)

MinecraftGirl1227 (2016-03-19 05:51:05):

anyone have cursor ideas??

cdl (2016-03-20 02:32:42):

Cursors can be anything you can imagine.
Start with a theme, any thing goes.
Like grasshoppers, or triangles, or airplanes.
You decide.
Now go create it!

icon-image/8413-32x32x32.png image

emil.iqwan (2016-03-21 09:11:20):


Unknown author (2016-03-25 06:10:50):

hai visit my cursor http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/rainbow-theme

emil.iqwan (2016-03-25 06:16:47):

who play graal online era? |-)

nibbler (2016-04-04 21:09:39):

@amil.iqwan who wrote:
who play graal online era? |-)

What the heck are you talking about?

nibbler (2016-04-05 21:50:10):

Play Cihloid by Honzales!

Play 15 Puzzle by Honzales!

Play Cosmic Journey by Honzales!

Unknown author (2016-04-06 21:02:07):

i try to get the Shrek icon but i killed and ate my dog instead because he was in my swamp

Unknown author (2016-04-07 22:05:17):

I like cheesecake

Unknown author (2016-04-12 12:09:18):

May I use this software for free?

nibbler (2016-04-12 14:52:27):

Yes, it is already free.

Galactic Nerds (2016-04-28 06:24:59):

Who owns this website/company anyway? Vlasta?

nibbler (2016-04-28 14:51:18):

@Galactic Nerds who wrote:
Who owns this website/company anyway?

Vlasta and Honzales.

cdl (2016-04-29 01:32:01):

If you need administrative assistance I suggest you contact Vlasta.

Unknown author (2016-05-01 19:15:57):

mutch :-D

nibbler (2016-05-02 20:00:24):

@cdl who wrote:
If you need administrative assistance I suggest you contact Vlasta.


Unknown author (2016-05-10 11:28:28):


anyone home???

Unknown author (2016-05-13 10:34:17):

ahh shit

nibbler (2016-05-13 12:51:35):

No need to cuss!

nibbler (2016-05-19 16:41:41):

Is there a complete list of users page on this domain?

siobhan (2016-05-23 16:21:44):

hay guys :-)

Unknown author (2016-05-25 18:51:03):

Yo, first time here and this site's rad! I'll be coming back - too much to see. Cheers to erybody & thanks.

Peace out, yo.

Unknown author (2016-05-28 22:33:08):

Sup! I like hot butter with my breakfast toast... Remain calm, listen to house music. You talkin' to me? Huh! Well.., I Outta... You want a fresh one, well do ya!?! He'll murderize Rocky...you're a BUM! Eh-Uh. Damn-it Jim, I'm a doctor! I know -let's have a spelling contest. Why Ike! does this mean we're not friends anymore... You tell'em I'm comin' and HELL'S coming wit me!

Unknown author (2016-06-07 02:38:28):

:-D :-D :-D :-D 8-) hi
I mean hey guys

Unknown author (2016-06-07 02:40:18):

can anyone speak please

ember (2016-06-07 21:32:17):

there is like no one here.

i am the only fucking person.

Unknown author (2016-06-13 11:52:18):

hello u chicken head

Unknown author (2016-06-13 15:11:07):


Unknown author (2016-06-15 18:01:58):

I like cheesecake. :-D

yacki (2016-06-17 19:43:04):

hiiiii :-D 8-)

Unknown author (2016-06-21 05:36:56):

seem this going off... |-)

the skip miister (2016-06-24 10:13:45):

his site is boss 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2016-06-26 03:20:03):

hey can u plz tell me
how to make a cursor set, like the others
plz.. cause i need it.. plz help me :-(

Unknown author (2016-06-26 19:01:27):

Practice! Patience! Persistence! Watch the tutorials and read the blogs/forum. And just do it.

dj-uschi (2016-07-03 11:57:32):

spricht hier jemand deutsh ??? 8-)

Potato (2016-07-04 21:53:29):


Unknown author (2016-07-14 23:35:02):

i want to paste a picture on the board of realworld paint but i don't know how

Unknown author (2016-07-20 12:14:12):

eu so o unico br aki '-'

Unknown author (2016-07-30 04:22:09):

it doesent work

Unknown author (2016-07-30 13:22:11):

is it worth it :-o

Unknown author (2016-08-07 16:43:28):

Confucius says: Anyone who cooks carrots, and peas in same pot, unsanitary.

nibbler (2016-08-09 18:00:44):

My parent's are calling me Nibbler as my nickname, so I changed my nickname on my account. They call me that, because of how I eat bread crumbs. No, seriously, that is why they called me that.

cdl (2016-08-09 18:09:20):

So Nibbler it be.
icon-image/8424-32x32x32.png image

nibbler (2016-08-09 20:28:46):


Unknown author (2016-08-11 10:26:57):

hi :-) :-D

Unknown author (2016-08-13 07:09:06):

hola :-)

nibbler (2016-08-15 15:06:55):

Hello! :-)

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-08-15 21:18:56):

Hola icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2016-08-16 01:50:06):

:-) hi

jojois74 (2016-08-16 15:12:36):


Acrux (2016-08-16 19:56:34):

Hey there Real world ,,i trust you all keeping it real?

Unknown author (2016-08-17 01:49:25):


Unknown author (2016-08-18 21:59:26):

Confucius say: If shoe fit, get another one just like it.

cdl (2016-08-19 03:24:53):


good advice!

icon-image/8424-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2016-08-20 09:27:44):

I d'ont like this |-)

It's for child and am not a child :-( :-D :-) ;-) 8-)

Melissa517 (2016-08-21 07:54:25):

I wish I could have a different avatar. Like my own pic or something else. :-(

chiefwaylocahonees (2016-08-21 15:12:03):

Make one then, pretty easy to do.

Unknown author (2016-08-25 05:04:04):

hi 8-)

Unknown author (2016-08-26 17:57:00):

yo-yo-YO... Sup my peoples!

Matheus (2016-08-28 23:09:13):

ja coloquei setinha sets

Unknown author (2016-08-29 13:38:54):


ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-08-29 16:18:04):

Hola icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image Hi

Unknown author (2016-08-30 18:40:54):

I like a burrito.

nibbler (2016-08-30 21:04:20):

icon-image/8302-32x32x32.png image

nibbler (2016-08-31 15:04:21):

That is way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way too many smileys to use.

AJaxx (2016-08-31 17:20:27):

Holy Mackeral???

cdl (2016-09-01 07:45:26):

Smiley Spam... YUCK!

icon-image/8330-32x32x32.png image

nibbler (2016-09-01 14:55:56):

cdl, I haven't seen you use that grouchy icon in a comment before. What you said, I agree. |-)

Unknown author (2016-09-01 15:36:36):

Jesus Shaves!

cdl (2016-09-04 02:24:15):

icon-image/10434-128x128x32.png image
Welcome to Real World Graphics for all newbies!
We all hope you will have tons of fun here and create many wonderful works of art!

If you feel up to the challenge please check out our monthly Theme of the Month contest with great prizes!
The contest is open to all no matter your skill level!


This blog entry has a few useful links for information in RW:


icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

Hope you have fun here!

Unknown author (2016-09-04 20:40:46):

500 cursors my project name XAnymeS cursor 2008 I see my picture posted here http://www.imageuhost.com/?d=RJ2H7P1LXT ps:If you want free leave message here on site and I have to respond

sorry for image http://www.imageuhost.com/image.php?di=0LEZ

Unknown author (2016-09-05 00:33:49):

Where are your cursors? Why don't you display them here?

Unknown author (2016-09-05 08:56:14):

You must have the consent of the site administrator for posting the download link with cursors. I mention that they are not logged into this site for some good reasons :-)

I apologize if I do not write properly in English (Google translate)

cdl (2016-09-06 09:55:15):

Oh lord, I believe we have spammers... kinda like fleas.
They hop all over the place sucking the life out of you and make you itchy and irritated.

icon-image/8307-32x32x32.png image

Create an account and display your work there.

AJaxx (2016-09-06 12:43:06):

Yea, sounds like a bunch of malarkey. They didn't create an account here either??? Makes a person wonder...

Unknown author (2016-09-09 20:08:53):

Who is fleas? We don't have that word for translate. Spank you, cdl.

nibbler (2016-09-09 21:32:42):

You are! :-D

echy (2016-09-10 07:28:14):

hello i noob and i don't know how to make cursors but want to learn. how can i make a cool animated cursor :-) ?

cdl (2016-09-10 23:05:11):

icon-image/8307-32x32x32.png image


@echy I sent you a PM with links. Check your inbox.

Unknown author (2016-09-14 12:20:06):


nibbler (2016-09-14 18:35:32):

Click on these links to learn how to make cursors:

Making Animated Cursors

Making Cursors

Making Resize Cursors

peaky blinder (2016-09-17 19:51:55):

hi can any one help can you use cursers from this site if so how , as mine do not stop there when i close down :-(

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-18 05:06:32):

can help me
i need some buttons for buy Set dissolvent
i want deleted some's set of my gallery
and i have some's paints for sell :-D


Benderbee (2016-09-19 04:57:52):

I remember Vlasta sent me a link to the guidelines page a few months ago so I could change my avatar on RW-Designer, but I wonder if I can create one via MS Paint. If not, then I think I won't have ANYTHING to customize my RW-Designer. :-(

cdl (2016-09-19 06:51:14):

Yes, you can use any graphic manipulation software to create the image.
Just follow the guidelines.

RealWorld Paint is free if you would like to try it!


icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2016-09-19 11:06:13):


Benderbee (2016-09-20 03:19:28):

Oh, well I already made a user icon. Neat, huh?

nibbler (2016-09-20 15:14:07):

I don't see a user icon on your avatar.

Benderbee (2016-09-21 02:58:00):

Oh. Well, I think you'll see it later, it's awaiting approval.

nibbler (2016-09-21 14:58:33):

Send a private message to Vlasta about that. Go to the profile and click Send Message. Then type a title and a message that is about the icon approval. Then click Send.

Hope that helps!

Sum Fun Dude (2016-09-23 13:06:10):

Hey there nibbler, I got my new icon (woot!) but how do you download it as a png from RealWorld Paint? Please reply :-(

Because I had to go with a white background, and then convert it, because it downloaded as a jpeg.

nibbler (2016-09-23 14:57:43):

File > Save As... > Files of type dropdown list > Search for PNG > Name your file > Save Button > Done!

Hope that helps!

Sum Fun Dude (2016-09-24 18:40:57):

Yea, thx! I figured it out before I read your comment, tho. ;-)

Benderbee (2016-09-25 00:03:22):

@Nibbler Thanks. icon-image/14469-16x16x32.png image

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2016-09-28 18:55:49):


nibbler (2016-09-29 20:57:53):

Hey everyone in this website! Go to this link to my blog entry! I am showing you something cool.


Unknown author (2016-10-04 15:45:21):


Unknown author (2016-10-06 21:57:32):

i dont know how to work it can some one help me

Unknown author (2016-10-07 11:02:25):

i need some help someone help me plz

cdl (2016-10-07 16:02:05):

You don't know how to work what?

deleting soon (2016-10-13 20:42:02):

Hi guy's, I am new here!

cdl (2016-10-14 11:12:51):

Hiya DoodlebobGamer12!
Welcome to RW Graphics!

icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

nibbler (2016-10-17 23:17:45):

Welcome to RealWorld Graphics, DoodlebobGamer12!

Mahlzeit (2016-10-18 08:05:00):

Does anyone want a stonemason's tools? I will give to first pm icon-image/7104-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2016-10-19 16:22:15):

hhheeeeeyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-D :-D

PieMan3259 (2016-10-20 01:46:20):

Hey guys, I've been thinking, and I have a bunch of cool ideas whose cursors apparently aren't placed on the hotspot correctly. Is it possible for the maker of this software to update it, allowing us to publish cursors with incorrect hotspots? What you could do is just, when they are published, put a little warning sign next to it to show that it could be a prank or something.

Unknown author (2016-10-25 10:54:46):

Hello, I'm new in this forum. I use Windows 10 (W10) and would like to have a yellow dot as a part of my cursor. I teach use of standards etc. in engineering and I believe a yellow cursor would help me and the students have focus during lections given on the board. Can anyone help me and provide me with a really easy way to obtain such a helpful aid in W10. Thanks! Regards, JMan

Vlasta (2016-10-25 18:40:06):

Create one in the online cursor editor.

nibbler (2016-10-28 18:55:54):

;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-)

The ones I made into an icon set:
icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14469-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14470-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14471-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14472-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14473-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14474-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14475-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14476-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14477-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14478-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14479-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14480-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14481-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14482-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14483-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14484-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14485-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14486-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14487-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14488-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14489-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14491-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14492-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14493-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14494-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14495-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14496-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14497-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14517-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14518-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14519-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14520-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14521-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14522-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14523-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14524-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14525-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14560-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14561-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14562-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14563-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14564-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14570-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14571-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14572-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14573-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14574-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14575-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14576-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14577-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14578-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14579-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14580-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14581-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14582-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14583-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14584-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14585-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14586-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14587-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14588-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14589-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14590-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14591-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14592-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14593-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14594-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14595-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14596-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14609-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14610-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14611-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14612-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14613-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14614-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14615-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14616-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14617-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14618-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14619-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14620-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14621-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14622-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14623-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14624-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14625-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14626-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14627-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14628-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14629-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14630-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14631-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14632-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14633-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14634-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14635-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14636-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14637-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14638-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14639-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14640-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14641-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14642-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14647-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14648-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14649-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14650-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14651-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14652-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14653-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14654-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14655-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14656-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14657-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14658-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14659-16x16x32.png image

cdl (2016-10-28 21:58:50):

In light of recent events I hope you really did make them yourself.

nibbler (2016-10-28 22:05:46):

I really did make these.

Unknown author (2016-11-01 21:01:35):


Unknown author (2016-11-02 18:58:45):


Unknown author (2016-11-03 17:04:29):


Unknown author (2016-11-06 09:24:49):

C'est long a télécharger <3 :-D

nibbler (2016-11-09 20:57:49):

@Aononymous who wrote:

C'est long a télécharger <3 :-D

I wrote:
Translated to It's long downloading

Unknown author (2016-11-13 22:44:07):



Unknown author (2016-11-14 12:21:01):

yjueh :-D

Unknown author (2016-11-14 21:43:02):

Why doesn't dropper have a bind ? :-o

Unknown author (2016-11-15 23:21:57):

hola :-D

hi :-o

nibbler (2016-11-17 20:21:28):

In the software tab, does μtools mean micro tools?

Unknown author (2016-11-17 21:58:00):

i'm supposed to be here but i'm not :-( :-o

minecraft crazy (2016-11-17 22:01:04):

hello everybody!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

mynamesteve2 (2016-11-18 21:04:27):


Unknown author (2016-11-19 02:06:40):

hi i use this alot

cdl (2016-11-19 17:30:14):

@ Nibbler

All you need do is mouse over the link to view the info.
If nothing else you could actually click on the link and view the tools.

µTools refers to a collection of smart tools for your PC. One click picture resizing, icon extraction, etc.

Unknown author (2016-11-22 15:07:47):

this wont let me download it |-)

cdl (2016-11-23 05:14:29):

What will not let you download what?

flame thrower (2016-11-23 20:39:19):

how do i change my avatar? :-o

cdl (2016-11-23 21:50:27):

There are 2 links on your profile page,
Photo and Icon.

flame thrower (2016-11-23 23:59:52):

what do i press

which one do i press?

cdl (2016-11-25 04:09:41):

The Photo link is for the picture on your profile page.

The Icon link is for the icon or avatar image that appears when you post a comment.

Unknown author (2016-11-30 11:31:16):

hey 8-) 8-)

talk :-D :-D

nibbler (2016-11-30 19:33:40):

So, Vlasta. Are you from the Czech Republic?

Unknown author (2016-12-02 14:45:02):

i love these cursers!i spend hours onn this sight! :-D :-)

Unknown author (2016-12-04 05:09:05):


Unknown author (2016-12-06 14:16:33):

hello, I cant download anything

nibbler (2016-12-06 15:05:49):

Just click the i/download.png image button on the top of a cursor set page or icon set page to download a set.
Or any of these instructions for individual cursors or icons.

  • Just click the i/download.png image icon on a cursor or icon and download it, or
  • Click on a cursor and click the i/download.png image button on the top of the page of a cursor or icon.
nibbler (2016-12-07 18:06:37):

Oʜ. Aɴᴅ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ, I'ᴍ ᴜsɪɴɢ sᴍᴀʟʟ ᴄᴀᴘs! :-D

Unknown author (2016-12-14 12:08:35):


Unknown author (2016-12-15 06:00:50):


cdl (2016-12-16 09:07:29):


icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

cdl (2016-12-22 04:52:27):

Happy Holidays!

icon-image/12972-48x48x32.png image icon-image/6519-48x48x32.png image

Unknown author (2016-12-28 17:19:04):

I got the cutest unicorn ever! :-D

cdl (2016-12-29 20:14:21):

icon-image/8301-32x32x32.png image

cdl (2017-01-01 05:03:11):

Happy New Year!!


icon-image/7926-64x64x32.png image
nibbler (2017-01-12 19:40:43):


Jeff the Moose (2017-01-13 23:30:15):

Hope you all have the best days

Unknown author (2017-01-19 18:09:02):


Unknown author (2017-01-20 09:26:53):

hi guys


Sirbossalott (2017-01-22 17:48:42):

Hey I am new to this site, does anyone know how to actually post new cursors?

cdl (2017-01-23 09:57:13):

Click on the Gallery tab at page top
then click the Cursors link
and then the Upload link.
(Gallery > Cursors > Upload)

When you have finished uploading your cursors click to Create a set near the page bottom,
(or Gallery > Cursors > Create a Set).

icon-image/8424-32x32x32.png image

CxFaithFulBunnyCx (2017-01-24 01:05:35):

:-D My Name is FaithFul fr its FaithFul xD

Unknown author (2017-01-24 18:20:44):


Benderbee (2017-01-25 02:32:36):

Me: FEBRUARY IS COMING - Someone Else: FEBRUARY - No seriously, February is coming. February means Valentine's Day! icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image <3

February also means the Chinese New Year, and it will be the year of the Rooster. BAK BAK BAK BAAAAWWWK, COCK A DOODLE DOO

Unknown author (2017-01-25 12:33:23):


Benderbee (2017-01-25 23:57:47):

Um okay.
Your name is Abdullah Khan? Hm, I wonder which language origin it is from. icon-image/14474-16x16x32.png image

I googled Abdullah Khan and it said he was an Uzbek/Turkoman ruler, which I'm guessing means he was a ruler near Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, and what I call "The Continent of Arabia", claimed by Eastern Egypt, Israel, Jordan, part of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain (Arabian island in the Persian Gulf), Oman, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia.
Yes, yes, I know lots of places, I am a geography whiz (sort of). icon-image/14474-16x16x32.png image

RobynRules (2017-01-27 09:55:13):

ok i am brand new to this site, how do i make and post new posters?

Benderbee (2017-01-27 18:29:37):

Posters? I don't think we have posters on this site, I have been here for about almost a year and I have never seen a feature on posters. icon-image/14487-16x16x32.png image ???

cdl (2017-01-27 18:47:30):

We have no posters.
We have lots of cursors and icons.

icon-image/8311-32x32x32.png image

AJaxx (2017-01-27 22:45:56):

Posters... Im-posters... there may be a few. lol

Benderbee (2017-01-30 18:02:20):

Agreed. icon-image/14485-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2017-02-01 14:31:06):

whats up little dudes

Unknown author (2017-02-03 15:34:55):

im charlotte I hate this website

just kidding
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Benderbee (2017-02-03 18:19:11):

@Unknown author recognizing herself as Charlotte
Glad you like it! I have been here for almost a year, and I am always taking a liking to this site whenever I come. icon-image/14475-16x16x32.png image

cdl (2017-02-04 11:56:57):

Theme of the Month Contest

Don't forget to check out the new 2017 TOTM Contest!

Great prizes and fun competition!


icon-image/14706-48x48x32.png imageicon-image/10392-64x64x32.png image icon-image/14707-48x48x32.png image

Benderbee (2017-02-06 18:48:42):

ToTM seems fun... maybe I should participate. I've got over two weeks! icon-image/14486-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2017-02-07 14:54:46):

how do i make the cursors ;-)

Benderbee (2017-02-07 18:54:37):

@Unknown author
Please go to the Gallery tab and go to Cursors. There should be a link saying "Upload cursors". Click that. icon-image/14476-16x16x32.png image

I'm sorry, the link should say "Create set". icon-image/14477-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2017-02-13 03:41:07):

bad terrible 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

nibbler (2017-02-13 17:09:58):

Bad and terrible doesn't mean cool! ;-)

Benderbee (2017-02-14 00:48:30):

I have replied to your post of your button tax. Expect the buttons to be paid to you at midnight of Thursday in Czechoslovakian time. Other information is listed on my post on your 3D stars icon set. icon-image/14476-16x16x32.png image

nibbler (2017-02-14 15:23:09):

I'm American and I am in Central Time. I don't know what midnight is from Czech time zone converted into American Central time, but thanks! icon-image/14486-16x16x32.png image

Benderbee (2017-02-14 16:17:26):

To convert US Central time to Czechoslovakian time, take the US time, in this case, 09:12. I will be using the military format. To convert US central to Czechoslovakian, add 7 to the hour. Now you get 16:12, and that is our answer. This works well when I want to know what the time is for Vlasta. icon-image/14474-16x16x32.png image

For US Midway Island, add 12 to the hour.
For US Hawaiian, add 11 to the hour.
For US Alaskan, add 10 to the hour.
For US Pacific, add 9 to the hour.
For US Mountain, add 8 to the hour.
For US Eastern, add 6 to the hour.
For US Atlantic (Puerto Rico), add 5 to the hour.

Of course, whenever the number gets to 24, you change what is supposed to be 24 to 00. This is because of the military format. EXAMPLE: 19:00 in US Central. 19 + 7 = 26, so we change the 26 to a 02.

nibbler (2017-02-14 17:54:05):

OK, Thanks! icon-image/14486-16x16x32.png image

Benderbee (2017-02-14 18:20:16):

No problem! icon-image/14475-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2017-02-14 18:35:22):

It's not military format/time. It's 24 hr. time like 24 hrs. in a day. There's no such thing as military format/time.

Benderbee (2017-02-14 21:51:12):

@Unknown author
24 hour time IS the military format. You don't know that because on most cases it is recognized as 24 hour time. It can also be called the 24 hours military format. icon-image/14474-16x16x32.png image

nibbler (2017-02-15 14:59:58):

I only use 12-hour time.

Benderbee (2017-02-15 22:14:21):


Unknown author (2017-02-16 18:04:57):

:-D :-D 8-) 8-) :-) |-)I only 12 hour time

Benderbee (2017-02-16 18:42:57):

@Unknown author
Most people in the United States of America use 12 hour time. Some people use 24 hour time. Did you know it will take over 100 million years for the length of a day on Earth to increase by 25 hours? icon-image/14474-16x16x32.png image

Benderbee (2017-02-16 22:02:46):

Woo! We're on the road to 65 thousand! We just need 3 more people...

Benderbee (2017-02-17 03:58:57):

We've reached it. 65000!

Unknown author (2017-02-17 04:54:31):

my name is joel I love this site so much :-D :-D

Benderbee (2017-02-17 16:31:48):

@Unknown author recognizing himself as Joel
I'm glad you do! ;-)

Also, for some reason I feel like this is the site that attracts the most people who speak languages other than English. Here, we speak PORTUGUESE, FRENCH, SPANISH, possibly ITALIAN, and lots of languages. :-o

To prove my point, on Obsidian Cursors and Diamond Sword Cursors combined, I have found Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Russian.

HusenPo (2017-02-19 10:42:30):

look my Digicursors :-D

nibbler (2017-02-21 16:15:29):

@HusenPo who wrote:

look my Digicursors :-D

They are nice. icon-image/14476-16x16x32.png image

Benderbee (2017-02-24 03:56:40):

Lol, no one has chatted and I am starting to get a bit worried...

Well, I am only a little worried. None of us has spoke since Tuesday (Nibbler), and I am wondering if everyone still wants to chat here. If yes, phew.

Unknown author (2017-02-25 22:14:04):

oooooooooooooooooo ya im moro

Benderbee (2017-02-26 01:48:20):

@Unknown author recognized as Moro
Who are you? Maybe you should try registering an account. I'd like to know more...

nibbler (2017-03-03 18:06:20):

Hey everyone! Check this out!

Panic!AtTheFallingRomance (2017-03-04 12:52:48):


Parker (2017-03-07 23:34:40):

hey this website is awesome I especially love the artifacts 200Y

Benderbee (2017-03-08 20:25:27):

You talking about Nibbler's post? :-D

I think I have seen the cursors you are talking about. And yes, RW is pretty cool.

Unknown author (2017-03-10 15:28:36):

fuck me

Benderbee (2017-03-10 20:29:24):

@Unknown author
Woah woah woah.
1. Please don't be suicidal, and
2. Please don't talk in rude language.'

I am trying to make RW a good site and I have seen a lot of cursing. Please don't... it may hurt someone's feelings if you use it in a way that people can be strongly effected. I recommend you don't curse at someone at all, especially if he/she is a person whose feelings can be easily effected.

Bottom line, try not to curse again (even though you aren't registered meaning I can't tell who you are)
Have a nice afternoon.

Let me reword that.
Don't be rude to yourself. "Suicidal" means you want to die, not blaming yourself. My bad on the incorrect wording.

twan!!! (2017-03-13 16:11:23):

sub me!

Imagine (2017-03-16 20:40:34):

Does anyone want a golden name? Just PM me, the first is first ;-)

Unknown author (2017-03-19 03:34:04):

I want an Error message maker like Atom smasher's http://atom.smasher.org/error/

Benderbee (2017-03-19 16:28:15):

@Unknown author
Hate to say this but we don't have it.

Unknown author (2017-03-21 19:37:26):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Benderbee (2017-03-22 15:35:23):

@Unknown author
Cool! :-)

AT7508912 (2017-03-22 18:45:04):


Benderbee (2017-03-26 18:59:50):

Hi! Nice to meet you. :-D

Unknown author (2017-04-07 13:42:38):

joio byw caru rhyw!!!!!!!! ;-)

any one know of any online gaming sites?????? :-o

Unknown author (2017-04-07 21:40:13):


i eat poop

8-) :-o :-D ;-)

Unknown author (2017-04-08 10:02:01):

Yo ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Benderbee (2017-04-08 21:19:19):

@Unknown author 1
Try ROBLOX. ( www.roblox.com )

@Unknown author 2
That's kinda disgusting...

@Unknown author 3
YO! :-D

cute_blue (2017-04-14 15:11:00):

hey guys

cdl (2017-04-16 15:32:56):

Hey! icon-image/8413-32x32x32.png image

Yakov .P (2017-04-17 00:02:14):

When will my icon get approved :-(

mike tyson (2017-04-17 08:44:50):

me too :-D


Benderbee (2017-04-23 19:29:42):

@Yakov .P
You should ask Vlasta. He's the skin-master.

@mike tyson
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2017-04-24 16:28:38):

yo peeps

Benderbee (2017-04-25 16:22:02):

@Unknown author
Yo yo yo yo! ;-)

Parker (2017-05-05 23:21:56):

Hey guys

Benderbee (2017-05-06 05:05:12):


мутнι¢αℓ✧ (2017-05-19 19:49:43):

Who has stoneman's tools or black flashlight they don't need..? Thx

Unknown author (2017-05-19 20:50:30):

i hate all of you

Benderbee (2017-05-20 19:09:29):

Nope. Don't have any. Sorry.

@Unknown author
Oh, shush.

Renamed my username to my name on ROBLOX: https://www.roblox.com/users/69680438/profile

Unknown author (2017-05-24 04:59:50):

gfd fmg v,f

Biker (2017-05-28 00:03:09):

Boo Who some one hates us all. LOL , If you have been told today, I love You then I will say it I Love you ALL. MMMMUUUHHH!!!!!! ;-)

Benderbee (2017-05-29 04:01:04):

@Unknown author
Must be some weird language.

How kind of you.

Mahlzeit (2017-06-13 03:13:25):

If anyone has a request I am bored rn and not working on a set. shoot me a DM
Also anyone who wants spray paint

Shidou (2017-06-14 06:10:56):

''damned XD , more than month or week still cannot get to be show the icon.
Crown goes : Awwww'' :-o

Goodbye (2017-06-30 14:44:37):


Unknown author (2017-07-01 13:44:54):


Goodbye (2017-07-01 13:59:50):

@anonymous a stupid

Unknown author (2017-07-01 17:07:25):


Unknown author (2017-07-03 01:34:23):


Goodbye (2017-07-04 01:21:40):

haha! :-D

Unknown author (2017-07-05 20:17:09):

8-)pipo esto esta fula a mi me gusta pues descargue lo que queria

Unknown author (2017-07-05 20:19:19):

mi prima se descargo de los minions

Unknown author (2017-07-05 21:26:05):

les aconsejo si quieren hacer fotos cambiarlas o pon algun efecto consulten a esta pagina
/Foto Arte y Deep Dream generador en línea.htm

cdl (2017-07-07 18:33:37):

icon-image/10434-64x64x32.png image Hello and Welcome to all new RW users!

Take a moment to check out the Theme of the Month Contest!


Every month there are new themes and new chances to win fabulous RW prizes!

icon-image/14700-32x32x32.png imageicon-image/8300-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2017-07-18 17:36:11):


do you love minions?

Unknown author (2017-07-18 23:26:12):

I love onions.

Benderbee (2017-07-20 02:51:31):

If you ever wondered how many users there are, as of 7:48 PM Central US Time on July 19, 2017 (or 2:48 AM Czechoslovakian Time on July 20, 2017), there are 67351 users; the newest one being gazjeajk.

@Unknown author 1
Do you mean the Despicable Me minions?

@Unknown author 2
But onions make everyone cry.

Goodbye (2017-07-20 13:13:59):

something to right now

did you ghange your name???????????

Benderbee (2017-07-20 19:56:39):


nibbler (2017-08-02 18:13:31):

How come you are changing your name so many times? It makes it so confusing for me to recognize you.

Benderbee (2017-08-03 15:21:56):

I am very sorry for changing my name so many times. I will stop. I will try my hardest to let you know who I am again, you probably might know who I am though. (And hopefully none of us have amnesia.) I will admit I have changed my username several times because I didn't like my previous ones, and I don't even remember the full history. I will stick with Zykediate FROM NOW ON! There should be an update where you have three free username changes and after that you have to spend buttons...

@Unknown author

All of the current 67570 users on RW.

Make that 67571. Someone just registered.

nibbler (2017-08-03 19:22:39):

OK. Thanks for letting me know.

Goodbye (2017-08-04 19:21:12):

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Benderbee (2017-08-04 21:54:56):

Why did the table land on my face?

Goodbye (2017-08-06 13:51:11):





Benderbee (2017-08-07 15:44:45):

I just discovered another one of Honzales' games, called Cihloid. It is the only one of his three games that has not been featured on the RW site. I wonder if they're going to add it someday...


Goodbye (2017-08-07 15:52:49):

look Zykediate, honzales last visit on may 20th 2017

Benderbee (2017-08-07 16:06:17):

I know that, but it's still interesting to know that he has a game not featured here.

Goodbye (2017-08-07 23:54:37):

yeah! can you copy and paste me?

oh also, my roblox username https://web.roblox.com/users/111436750/profile
i join 2/25/2016

Benderbee (2017-08-07 23:58:46):


My Roblox username is benderbee. https://www.roblox.com/users/69680438/profile
I joined 9/26/2014.

Goodbye (2017-08-08 00:00:53):


i'm going to play roblox at 3:00 PM
i'm not going to play roblox at 6:00 PM

next time, i will join you in 3:00 PM :-)

Benderbee (2017-08-08 00:03:28):

Do you say not at 6:00 PM because that is the current time for you (Eastern US Daylight Time), or because you aren't online at 6:00 PMs?

Goodbye (2017-08-08 12:40:18):

i know it's daylight 6:00 PM, anyway i will join you in 3:00 PM with roblox

Goodbye (2017-08-13 17:04:53):


Unknown author (2017-08-22 13:00:13):


Unknown author (2017-08-28 21:38:59):


adadwaadssafaf |-) 8-) :-( :-) ;-) :-)

;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-)

jhune ho (2017-08-29 05:56:53):


Unknown author (2017-08-31 16:55:59):

Como trocar o cursor do mouse do mac? ;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-)

Unknown author (2017-09-05 12:12:49):

i do have roblox but my username is "FaisalME8"
i joined 6/27/2015
(I HAD OBC) |-)

Benderbee (2017-09-05 21:29:08):


khaalmhmd (2017-09-07 09:58:06):

موقع رائع

Goodbye (2017-09-07 22:07:17):

i'm back in RealWorld Graphics!

Yoshi Lover (2017-09-12 01:02:31):

Hello guys, have you seen my first cursor? It's pretty cool! ;-) :-)

Goodbye (2017-09-12 12:10:01):

i don't see your cursor

Unknown author (2017-09-14 22:58:21):

:-) :-)

Goodbye (2017-09-15 01:50:55):


Unknown author (2017-09-19 09:29:40):


cdl (2017-09-20 01:10:19):

OH yeah! Thanks for the spam Lazer29!

@ batuzanx

Yoshi Lover said "my first cursor".
Not my first cursor set.
Maybe check the junkyard?

@ Yoshi Lover

If your cursor is in the junkyard you might want to post a link to the page so people can find it.

Unknown author (2017-09-21 01:54:34):

Big Text On:https://coolsymbol.com/big-text-generator.html ;-)

I lost My Password :-(

Benderbee (2017-09-22 03:41:57):

@Unknown author (as Lazer29)
( thinks: Serves you right for the spam... )

Benderbee (2017-09-28 04:59:41):


I need to remember to leave ratings, 6 a day.

As of 9:59 PM Central US Time, September 27, 2017, I have in my workshop 20 buttons.
I need 125. Help me get 105 more!

lunchbubbles (2017-10-03 15:43:18):

:-D HOPE! :-D EVERYONES! :-D HAVING! :-D A! :-D GOOD! :-D DAY! :-D BECAUSE I'm sure not. Being sick sucks and I wish people would stop commenting hate on my cursor set!

Seriously hope you're all doing well! |-)

Goodbye (2017-10-09 17:35:50):

did you want More about formatting?

CRu1212 (2017-10-09 22:29:12):


Goodbye (2017-10-10 01:30:58):



Unknown author (2017-10-27 15:25:39):

Please update the requests! ;-)

Unknown author (2017-10-28 19:34:32):


any body there

Unknown author (2017-11-01 11:29:49):

hi :-D

Unknown author (2017-11-05 22:20:05):

batuzanx you suck! :-D

Unknown author (2017-11-10 18:52:59):

hello im chloe :-)

VappySquisherz (2017-11-17 10:48:11):

Hey guys Im new here
Yall dont need to know that but wtf is going on-

Unknown author (2017-11-17 19:48:55):

Great Cursor editor! :-D

Goodbye (2017-11-18 13:46:27):

what going in this stupid anonymous

Unknown author (2017-11-29 12:49:25):

hey ( im typing this in a school laptop shh )

Unknown author (2017-11-29 15:36:03):

my name is tomas martinez and im a faggut and i have big gay and im a african american thot 8===========> :-o

fabiojava (2017-11-30 17:31:11):


Unknown author (2017-12-01 18:18:12):

wassup big gay thot

Unknown author (2017-12-08 17:55:08):


BVBis4Life (2017-12-11 05:51:42):

does anyone Know Somone who Can make A Black veil brides Member Cursor for A friend of mine

petyeditor (2017-12-16 15:59:13):

I have something to say and it is that no hablo ingles, hablo español :-D

cdl (2017-12-22 07:22:23):

icon-image/10434-128x128x32.png image
Welcome to Real World Graphics!
We all hope you will have tons of fun here and create many wonderful works of art!

Please check out our monthly Theme of the Month contest with Mysterious Prizes!


This blog entry has a few useful links for information in RW:


icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

Hope you have fun here!

ThisIsVeryBad (2017-12-28 20:49:30):

Hi, im Darla. Im a girl. Im 17 years old. Im from Spain, yes, I speak Spanish.

Suscribe and send msg's!!! ;3


cdl (2018-01-02 07:24:24):

Happy New Year!


icon-image/8424-32x32x32.png image
ThisIsVeryBad (2018-01-03 19:16:29):

some one to cheat?

i want to talk with somebody |-)

fairy (2018-01-22 16:17:05):

good :-D

Unknown author (2018-02-15 01:38:36):


TNTExploiter (2018-03-05 22:21:10):

hi ppl :-)

Bob the builder (2018-03-17 10:33:55):

hi peeps this website is awesome


GAMAIL@GMAIL.COM (2018-04-06 18:21:06):



how do u can make a curisor ?? :-(

Unknown author (2018-04-07 23:43:08):

I'm a newbie at drawing plz help me

Unknown author (2018-04-09 18:40:36):

me too lol :-D

Unknown author (2018-04-09 19:55:27):

im gay lol :-D

Lavender (2018-04-16 00:59:13):

This site is really awesome, I've really been enjoying RealWorld Paint and have had so much fun making cool pictures with it. Keep up the good work guys! :-)

Unknown author (2018-04-16 12:29:46):

hello everyone

Unknown author (2018-04-20 19:30:33):

Hello and by the way don't say your gay because some people right now might be gay and they are not liking what you are saying to them right now so please stop!


Hey peeps! How you doing? By the way today I had a water fight with my fiends today! :-D and I know why am I telling you this? well because is that I can trust you t not tell anyone? so yeah ;-) winky face!:D

savage simon (2018-04-23 13:51:10):

i don know

jojois74 (2018-05-06 12:27:41):

Nice story

TyranicalRex (2018-05-07 00:44:43):


it is not dead

cdl (2018-05-07 01:11:01):

Learn about cursors:


icon-image/8400-32x32x32.png image

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2018-05-25 20:29:38):

hehe icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2018-06-01 07:02:48):

hi friends

cdl (2018-06-03 01:39:40):

icon-image/10434-64x64x32.png image

TurubomRebecaOFC (2018-06-07 00:23:24):

;-; Plez hwelp mweh :3

<:3 !


AlecTGA (2018-06-07 06:41:16):


gholm (2018-06-11 06:53:36):

thanks :-o :-o :-o

jeff the man 22 (2018-06-19 08:22:31):

this guy 8-)

Unknown author (2018-06-24 12:33:23):

Hey jeff

Unknown author (2018-07-12 18:06:07):


Benderbee (2018-07-14 19:01:06):

Hello, this is the Dane Duke, zykediate, (that kid who changes his username a lot)
Came for a revisit.

Jeez, no one signed up since the end of March. :-o

Milk! (2018-07-18 03:43:33):

:-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2018-07-21 21:47:49):


Unknown author (2018-07-28 09:57:29):


liven in englhish

my favorite sport is football

cdl (2018-07-30 13:30:16):

icon-image/14698-32x32x32.png image Hiya!

Unknown author (2018-08-11 11:30:12):

What should i make next? maybe overtaker cursor set...

(My main account - nikentomolog)

Unknown author (2018-09-05 05:15:13):

likes, likes, likes, likes, likes, likes, likes, likes, likes, likes, likes, likes,

really enjoyed

Acii_3 (2018-09-11 18:50:03):

Hello, How Are You Everyone?

SryCanotTelMyName (2018-09-15 07:53:20):

Hello! iM NEW! :-D

denizdiaz7 (2018-09-21 03:21:12):

Hola amigos ,mi ingles es escaso , soy nuevo en esto y me gustaria saber mas aserca de esta pagina , ya e montado unos cursores , por favor ectualisemen sobre el tema , cuales son los beneficios de crear cursores ,como ayudo en esta pagina y como sacarle el mayor probecho a la misma , Gracias por su resivimiento .....SALUDOS 8-)

Unknown author (2018-10-18 02:56:24):

what a nice cursor its complete THANK YOU!!! :-D 8-) |-) :-D :-) ;-)

(_)(_)ZZZZZD :-o

AuburnAngel (2018-10-19 22:06:41):

hey!! im new and have been using this for a while. btw this site is awesome!! perfect for mouse pointer creators and people who just want to have some fun!! thanks for this site

Unknown author (2018-10-27 22:18:36):


can somebody help me

i can not see fill and outline in software

Unknown author (2018-11-14 14:37:24):

epic 8-)

Unknown author (2018-11-16 21:11:34):

Make a cursor with my name!.... My name is Kamari !!!!!!!

Unknown author (2018-11-21 23:07:53):

can you guys make marshmello cursors plz that would be so cool

Nikentomolog (2018-11-27 11:42:09):

I can give a free gray or purple spray paint. Who wants it?

Unknown author (2018-12-02 13:41:25):

hi im french

salut les gens

nibbler (2018-12-07 21:49:35):

Hey, guys.

I'm back!

Sorry about the delay and the inbox about too many messages to count. I will be on this website only on workdays where I get freetime. I haven't been here for a long time, since I've been using a TI calculator for coding or drawing road maps, etc.


Thank you so much for the dissolvents. I haven't been on this website for months, so I couldn't reply with you at that time.

nibbler (2018-12-11 19:54:40):

Actually, I'm gonna be here on school days. Otherwise I'm not going to be here.

nibbler (2018-12-12 20:30:26):

I have been helping people at the help desk. Is there a way I can be assigned as a help assistant instead of just a registered user? :-D

nibbler (2018-12-14 22:07:42):

I hope y'all have a wonderful holiday to share to everyone. 'Tis the season to be jolly, remember? I will be here next Monday.

Merry Christmas, Everyone!


Unknown author (2019-01-08 16:39:32):

how do i make one to use?

zary2024 (2019-01-08 20:21:22):

hi people

nibbler (2019-01-09 20:18:38):

The Muffin Man was here.

Samsung Galaxy 4 Tablet use.


zary2024 (2019-01-25 16:41:48):

hi is any one on!

fabiojava (2019-01-27 15:00:59):


Unknown author (2019-01-27 18:00:52):

Hi everyone

_масяня_ (2019-02-01 22:10:48):

h e y e v e r y o n e p a r t 2

where is my son


Diskette (2019-02-07 18:36:59):

written from internet explorer

Unknown author (2019-02-07 20:35:38):


_масяня_ (2019-02-08 21:01:18):

w h e r e i s h e


uos ʎɯ sı ǝɹǝɥʍ :-o

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2019-02-11 18:10:07):


Unknown author (2019-02-12 00:03:05):

hi :-D

i don't really care (2019-02-12 00:08:38):

how are you
what's your name

8-) :-o :-(

Unknown author (2019-02-12 22:56:10):

stupid :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

Unknown author (2019-02-14 02:36:13):


dong dong dong dong dong dong

dong dong dong dong dong dong dogn


connor311 (2019-02-14 12:31:29):

how to make the mouse cutuse

hellp me you cunt

_масяня_ (2019-02-26 18:11:43):

geez guys no need to be rude ya lil fricks

2ndmowae (2019-02-27 01:25:55):

hi there im new. pls check out my first set- Elektrik series cursors

2ndmowae (2019-02-28 05:00:21):

check out my second set please! pulse cursors! http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/pulse-1

Unknown author (2019-02-28 06:36:29):

Hey guys,

Do you know Ajaxx? If you don't check out his cursors.
They are actually very good and I have been asking him if he has more.
He says he does but he forgets to upload them.
I wish that he would make a comeback and provide us with more cursor sets.

I feel very concerned that he stopped posting any cursors. :-(

_масяня_ (2019-02-28 22:42:43):

8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2019-03-01 16:41:32):

what is going on

_масяня_ (2019-03-01 18:08:22):

n o o n e k n o w s

2ndmowae (2019-03-02 02:14:37):

new set released!!!!!! pls check it out!!!!!

Unknown author (2019-03-02 03:33:34):

@Anonymous: Who are you? You get more cred if you sign in with an account. Otherwise,.. your not yourself.

AJaxx (2019-03-03 10:46:29):

@Anonymous: I know AJaxx and he doesn't forget. If you are concerned you wouldn't be Anonymous. Otherwise, take care.

:-) ;-)

Unknown author (2019-03-06 07:37:59):

@Ajaxx: Sorry dude, I will let you do your business. |-)
I hope that sometime in the future you would make a comeback and bring us more cursors. I understand that registered accounts carry more weight. Hope to see you again real soon. I will miss you. :-)

Unknown author (2019-03-06 16:38:27):

look a my really happy face> :-D <

_масяня_ (2019-03-06 17:47:48):

Hit or miss?
I guess they never miss, huh
you got a boyfriend
i bet he doesn't kiss ya (mwah!)
he gon find another girl and he wont miss ya!
he gon skrrrt and hit the dab like wiz khalifa!

Unknown author (2019-03-09 23:22:33):


Unknown author (2019-03-10 06:54:39):

A meme to cheer you guys up... 8-)



The point is that I really want Ajaxx to come back and post more new cursors and NO he is not my boyfriend.

I am still hoping for best to come.

Unknown author (2019-03-11 06:12:04):

Another meme that I made for all.

https://i.imgflip.com/2vq9cm.jpg image


_масяня_ (2019-03-11 17:39:04):

@Anonymous you know thats a song right? XDD

Unknown author (2019-03-12 03:47:34):


No it isn't!
A meme is a concept or idea that spreads "virally" from one person to another via the Internet.

_масяня_ (2019-03-12 16:09:21):

no i meant the hit or miss thing? i know what a meme is lmao

yours look like they are from 2010 haha

Unknown author (2019-03-13 06:42:59):


Ohh... I see what you are saying.
No, I am not referring to the lyrics on the hit or miss song.
I just used an image of a 2018 cartoon (Unikitty) and make a meme out of it.

Although, it kinda matches the first part of the lyrics in the song you are talking about.

I wish that some day that someone would actually make a cursor set that is epic and realistic-like just like Ajaxx would.

Whenever I check out this website for new cursors, all I see is nothing but boring, simple cursors.

_масяня_ (2019-03-13 20:17:29):

iM pLaNnInG tO MaKe sOmE cUrSoRs In tHe fUtUrE AaAaAaAaAaAaAa

Maybe ill be tracer
Im already tracer
What about widowmaker?
Im already widowmaker
I'll be bastion
NERF bastion
You're right so winston
I wanna be winston
I guess i'll be genji
Im already genji
Then i'll be mcCree
I already chose mcCree
I have an idea
What's your idea
You should be...

Unknown author (2019-03-14 00:26:41):

^I'll be me^

Unknown author (2019-03-14 06:31:03):


Well, I guess you have a good taste in music! 8-)
In fact, I do like listening to music as well.

_масяня_ (2019-03-14 16:11:28):

oh my god.
a person.
that makes memes.
doesnt understand memes. XD
is trolling the hell out of me.

_масяня_ (2019-03-14 16:45:51):

iT SeEmS tHiS lIl AnOnYmOuS bOy/gIrL Is A bIIiIiiG fAn oF AjAxX

Unknown author (2019-03-15 05:39:33):


Yeah, I am a big fan of Ajaxx. I first looked at his cursors 2 years ago.
His work is outstanding. 8-)

About the memes, yep I did create them myself. :-)
And I'm a boy by the way. :-D

Meme for the day! 8-)



_масяня_ (2019-03-15 15:38:27):

yo @Anonymous maybe you should make an account or something

Unknown author (2019-03-15 16:03:24):

Yeah, maybe I should. I will need to think about first before deciding. ;-)

AJaxx (2019-03-15 16:14:41):

There's nothing to think about! Either you are or you're not... Keep it realz, Yo!

nibbler (2019-03-15 17:09:59):

Ever heard of Fisher-Price's Little People? If you do, I'm currently making a cursor set of the characters. Just sayin'. ;-)

_масяня_ (2019-03-15 17:34:26):

hEy bRoThas
tOdAy iS yOuR LuCkY dAy
iM gOiNg tO tEaCh yOu a BuTtlOaD oF AWESOME pOsEs!!
cHeCk iT OuT
pEoPLe gO nUtS FoR A mAn iN uNiFoRm
EspECiAlLy wHeN hE pUtS a LeG Up oN A ChAiR


AJaxx (2019-03-15 18:30:48):


It was a good day...

All the best!

_масяня_ (2019-03-15 20:32:45):

haha, that was a reference from a show :-D

AJaxx (2019-03-15 21:08:20):

LOL, exactly and some lyrics from the song.

_масяня_ (2019-03-15 21:23:41):

does anyone even watch Hetalia on here?

Unknown author (2019-03-15 23:16:33):


I’m going to hack every body using this dead meme cursor


Unknown author (2019-03-16 11:21:46):

somebody stole my sombrero

Unknown author (2019-03-17 22:09:22):

Here's another meme that I made! 8-)


_масяня_ (2019-03-19 16:10:39):


Unknown author (2019-03-20 22:41:43):



You are making a reference to the Pixar movie "Finding Nemo"! :-o
Boy, I loved that movie when I was I kid. :-)

Unknown author (2019-03-21 05:39:03):

--Meme of the Day!--


_масяня_ (2019-03-21 20:31:35):

aNYoNe CaN cOoK

Unknown author (2019-03-21 22:36:36):


Hey, I think I know this one. That quote is said by Gusto in "Ratatouille".
I watched that movie as well when I was little.

Am I right? :-)

_масяня_ (2019-03-22 16:27:40):

@Anonymous yes you're correcto haha

guys who likes death note memes

Unknown author (2019-03-22 23:43:21):


I have heard of the Death note series. I have read the first book.

_масяня_ (2019-03-25 16:27:44):

ok, but the memes are funny

Unknown author (2019-03-26 00:02:02):

how do u get it again :-D

_масяня_ (2019-03-26 16:07:12):

@Anonymous get what?

Unknown author (2019-03-27 07:56:57):

Oh yeah, I just basically get a funny image from the web and make memes out of them by using the online meme generator. It's actually fun.

I just choose images from my favourite movies and shows and come up with something funny when creating them.

--Meme of the Day--


_масяня_ (2019-03-27 19:19:18):

как у всех делаааааа?

Unknown author (2019-03-27 20:50:11):

That's Russian for "How are you doing?"

I'm doing great! :-)

_масяня_ (2019-03-27 21:08:42):

@Anonymous ты что, за гуглил? XDDDDD

Unknown author (2019-03-28 19:48:55):

Hehe, well I used google translate to help me understand what you are saying.
That's all. :-D

_масяня_ (2019-03-28 20:30:15):

yup thats what i asked in my previous comment 8-)

Unknown author (2019-03-29 19:41:29):

I like turtles :-D :-D :-D :-D

_масяня_ (2019-04-01 23:35:16):

my fren just said reading manga as reading anime i cant breathe

Unknown author (2019-04-03 19:08:09):

how do you install a cursor

Unknown author (2019-04-03 21:37:51):

Learn how to download and customize your mouse pointer. http://www.rw-designer.com/using-cursors

Unknown author (2019-04-04 08:03:08):

--Meme of the Day--


HACKED (2019-04-07 02:09:38):

How are y'all, RW Users? I'm-a-good! xD

KittyKata12 (2019-04-07 20:56:02):

Greetings, designers!

HACKED (2019-04-08 01:21:46):


Unknown author (2019-04-08 16:46:30):

@HACKED: Hello to you too! :-)

inactive4everiquit (2019-04-09 04:02:34):

If anyone's wanna know what's next on my set projects, the new project is "White Name Cursors" Stay tuned, designers!

LightningBoy2527 (2019-04-09 04:44:03):

computer, can ya do me?

inactive4everiquit (2019-04-09 05:27:31):

@LightningBoy2527 Already did you and much more realworld users! Enjoy your custom cursor 8-)!

nibbler (2019-04-09 19:55:45):

My username will be StickyChannel92 on all sites I registered for.



nibbler (2019-04-10 19:39:08):


106,356 cursors

  • 4834 cursor sets
  • 40,409 junkyard cursors

13,647 icons

  • 746 icon sets
  • 3090 junkyard icons
inactive4everiquit (2019-04-11 01:25:56):

New set's coming up. Microsoft Plus 98! Cursors and Icons.

_масяня_ (2019-04-16 19:48:24):

eek, new peeps

GOO-AH-JEE (2019-04-18 22:17:18):


:-( |-) :-) ;-) :-( :-o 8-)




_масяня_ (2019-04-19 17:23:20):


yo man, you okay there?

JDDellGuy (2019-04-21 02:24:29):

Hello RW Designer fans, icon-image/4608-16x16x32.png image

Just passing by and saying hi. It's been a while since I've visited the site. icon-image/4582-16x16x32.png image

I'm happy to see that the Tron II cursors I made have consistently remained on the "Most Popular Icons an Cursors of <Month>" listing pretty much since the time they were uploaded over 8 years ago. I think that speaks to their quality and usability. Well over 50 downloads a day! I don't know for sure, but I think they have the second-highest download count of the cursor sets on the site. icon-image/4589-16x16x32.png image

Keep up the good designing folks! icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

nibbler (2019-04-22 18:34:53):

Looks like I'm the only one online.

11:29 4/22/2019

_масяня_ (2019-04-22 18:43:08):

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Unknown author (2019-04-26 23:14:36):

is this website real

GameGG (2019-04-27 03:07:03):

how y'all doing? i'm well! :-D

Unknown author (2019-04-29 03:25:56):

Hey RW designers!

Hope you all are doing fine.

Come check out a website that I made from google sites!
Click on the link below...


_масяня_ (2019-04-29 18:07:41):

don't you dare spoil endgame

nibbler (2019-04-30 15:38:44):


Unknown author (2019-05-01 03:48:45):

That the Avengers Movie that _масяня_ is saying.

I haven't watched it yet.

Unknown author (2019-05-01 21:07:51):

omg stop with the mature content!

make them get deleted!


Unknown author (2019-05-02 08:11:27):

Hey guys,

Just to remind all of you that I have made a new website using google sites.
If you haven't visited yet, come check it out!


_масяня_ (2019-05-06 17:14:19):

hold on what does the anonymous user mean by "omg stop with the mature content make them get deleted" is it the memes-

Unknown author (2019-05-07 07:31:49):


No no no. This website that I make with google sites is for everyone to enjoy. I'm not posting anything bad at all!

Unknown author (2019-05-07 16:19:59):

Game of thrones is coming to the === End ===.

Last episode is coming! What will gameofthrones do?

nibbler (2019-05-07 16:24:22):

@_масяня_ who wrote:

omg stop with the mature content!

make them get deleted!


I think he is mentioning the mature content icons and cursors he wanted them to be deleted.

Question Mark (2019-05-08 02:40:18):

Created a new set! enjoy it. :-D :-) :-D :-)

Unknown author (2019-05-08 06:21:21):


I agree, besides this site is open to all and there is absolutely no mature content of any kind.

_масяня_ (2019-05-14 02:34:50):

wha- what happened to the chat-

Unknown author (2019-05-14 04:01:30):


Hey there! It's been a while since we haven't talked.

Have you visited my new website. If you haven't, take a look!


nibbler (2019-05-15 21:01:20):

If you are downloading from CNET Download.com, you need to go here:


Question Mark (2019-05-17 17:26:17):

i've been inactive for a while but im back! =D 8-)

Unknown author (2019-05-18 02:28:45):

how are you doing

Unknown author (2019-05-19 19:17:25):


nibbler (2019-05-20 15:30:48):


Unknown author (2019-05-23 12:32:18):

This site is dope (c) Michael Armstrong

Unknown author (2019-05-23 16:38:33):

this is a shit

_масяня_ (2019-05-23 17:13:23):


oh really? how so lmao

Unknown author (2019-05-24 04:28:00):


Yeah, those people who are making negative comments should stop this mature content.

_масяня_ (2019-05-24 17:25:03):

well, before calling some site "a sh*t" maybe they could mention what the site admins could fix, ya know?

_масяня_ (2019-05-24 18:10:01):

also, how do you make your username a different color, do you have to upload cursors or..?

_масяня_ (2019-05-31 22:07:11):

thanks for the advice, kind anon

edward789121.github.io (2019-06-02 14:26:40):

i love this website
may it never die.

edward789121.github.io (2019-06-05 12:50:51):

do any admins still use the site?
besides @Vlasta and @AJaxx

_масяня_ (2019-06-06 23:03:07):


literally no idea

Unknown author (2019-06-10 07:37:36):

I love my mouse

Unknown author (2019-06-12 03:45:38):

love my fortnite courser

_масяня_ (2019-06-12 17:32:48):

why is everyone having either a stroke or a seizure, dannnng

Unknown author (2019-06-25 11:11:17):


I need help since this new Windows is hard to change cursor settings one


Player (2019-07-06 19:49:56):

Hey guys Im newcomer!

LightningBoy2527 (2019-08-12 00:07:18):

Great, you can dowload all my cursors.

Unknown author (2019-08-16 00:11:17):

this is good. 8-)

Unknown author (2019-08-20 23:17:07):

I hope I may also since I already had downloaded , Lol TY

I have used the Wag Tail for years - TY for having it available !

Unknown author (2019-09-15 09:28:14):

hewp meh

SixtyMonster221 (2019-09-29 03:30:26):

I made a set that is separated. Google (1 of 3). Keep an eye out for: (2 of 3) (3 of 3) and (▀▄ of 3). 1: Google, 2:Microsoft Edge, 3:File Explorer, ▀▄: ████████, AND a To Be Announced group. Keep an eye on anything that I made with these titles.

1 more to go (2 of 3) and (3 of 3) are out there now. Find them. If you found them all click on my account and notify me. Then I will tell who ever does that the account, set, and link to the ▀▄ set.

I also have ╔╗7╔╗ cursors with a or some letters as it's name. For example: one could say F or say Sh. they have a max of 3 characters. You will know if it is one if it was made by me or the account that I gave the (1,2,3 of 3) set winner the name of that I also use. If you want to take the challenge text me on my account.

If you find all 7 you will text me immediately and text me the names of the seven cursors. |Note: These are examples, they have no relation to the names.|
Text them to me like this in any order : [CursorName] [CursorName] [CursorName] [CursorName] [CursorName] [CursorName] [CursorName]
Then I will always check for an entry and If I Reply to you then you start putting those names as an answer. |note: put an underscore This symbol--> _ for a space that you want the answer to make the answer as a space.

Goede Looks (2019-10-03 11:54:14):

yannick nagelholt Lh32

Melissa517 (2019-10-23 15:12:31):

I wish that there was a way to save all of your favorites. :-)

Mauricio (2019-11-10 00:53:05):

i need upload a cursor file for use in my blog, i need a url of a cursor, but i don't known how to upload it. the page no accept my archive (.cur or .PNG image).

Vlazteron (2019-11-24 16:14:38):

Now I can finally see who is online! :-D

NASA (2019-11-26 20:36:02):


I came from space do you want galaxy skin

and my dick

Unknown author (2019-11-27 14:21:24):


Unknown author (2019-11-29 09:46:23):

otto is in isabella Jansen

i was joking

oh no i wasnt

its true

otto secretly wants to fuck but gets no room for that

you bitches suck, otto Dijkstra is cooler then you guys and he wants t fuck Isabella Jansen

his girlfriend is ISABELLA JANSEN

brianna (2019-12-02 01:05:53):

shut up

Unknown author (2019-12-08 03:22:12):

you shut up bitch

Vlazteron (2019-12-08 04:20:57):

You shut up, your so rude.

Vlazteron (2019-12-09 01:55:46):

I don't care. Because I can delete the comments you post in my profile. People like you, doesn't even have brain. :-D

PS: I just want to tell you that the spam you did to me recently, I just deleted it. :-)

Unknown author (2019-12-10 12:19:02):

chupa cara

chupa cara

hola aleksei


-) 8-) :-o :-( :-D :-) ;-)
Unknown author (2019-12-10 12:30:41):

porno es lo mejor coño que viva el sexo con el ruben

quien ha dicho eso

holai como estais

Unknown author (2019-12-10 12:39:10):

el que lo ha dicho es un gilipollos

por que no me contestais

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

hlis avlatme porfa

hla soi Anonymous

gast en minecraft

Unknown author (2019-12-10 12:46:52):

hola Vlazteron

chupa pollas

Unknown author (2019-12-10 15:10:44):

que viva el ruben

Unknown author (2019-12-10 16:34:12):



me la chupais ??


me gusta

como estais chicos soy vegetta 777

quien escrive eso

que viva

Unknown author (2019-12-10 17:48:33):

el pene es gay para las putillas como rubena

Vlazteron (2019-12-10 19:45:14):

Estos hispanos ni saben de lo que hablan, jajajaja.

Unknown author (2019-12-11 12:42:30):


Unknown author (2019-12-11 12:42:44):

hola ruben

Unknown author (2019-12-11 12:42:57):

hola aleksey

Unknown author (2019-12-12 08:34:07):

hola Aleksey

Unknown author (2019-12-12 08:36:08):

como estas e

Unknown author (2019-12-12 21:47:00):

Why again spammers?

Unknown author (2019-12-12 23:40:07):

I hate spam

Should we find a way to remove that?

Unknown author (2019-12-13 15:06:41):


Unknown author (2019-12-13 15:07:32):

We should find a way to destroy spam. Right?

Vlazteron (2019-12-13 18:43:43):

Yeah, it's the worst thing ever.

Unknown author (2019-12-14 18:17:20):

i love me.

Unknown author (2019-12-14 22:54:44):

eat fucking ass shit :-( :-( :-( :-( :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

Vlazteron (2019-12-15 03:24:47):

You shut up, gross, Anonymous.

Unknown author (2019-12-15 14:05:56):

suck ur nan

Vlazteron (2019-12-15 15:23:13):

Nah, I recommend you to do it.

Unknown author (2019-12-16 21:36:39):

shut up domes you mother....

Vlazteron (2019-12-17 19:36:51):

Fix your grammar instead of posting weird comments.

Unknown author (2019-12-19 19:33:15):


Unknown author (2019-12-23 02:50:12):


eeveelover64 (2019-12-23 15:35:38):

Wut? :-o

Vlazteron (2019-12-23 17:29:44):


Benderbee (2019-12-24 05:53:56):


Vlazteron (2019-12-25 17:14:31):

Hello, Benderbee.

Unknown author (2019-12-26 04:15:36):

WHAT'S UP? :-)

Unknown author (2019-12-28 20:51:17):

nothing much

Vlazteron (2019-12-28 22:09:06):

This page is very good.

Benderbee (2019-12-31 23:42:51):

Happy new year!

H   H  AAA  PPPP  PPPP  Y   Y       2222   000  2222   000  !
H   H A   A P   P P   P Y   Y           2 0   0     2 0   0 !
HHHHH AAAAA PPPP  PPPP   YYY         222  0   0  222  0   0 !
H   H A   A P     P       Y         2     0   0 2     0   0
H   H A   A P     P       Y         22222  000  22222  000  !

- + W I S H I N G  Y O U  A  H A P P Y  N E W  D E C A D E + -

Posted @ 11:43 PM UTC+1, 17 minutes before the New Year in Czechia.

Vlazteron (2020-01-02 00:56:21):

Thanks, Benderbee. I'm going to upload it on my profile.

Unknown author (2020-01-02 17:51:51):

hola soy aleman y vosotros

H H AAA PPPP PPPP Y Y 2222 000 2222 000 !
H H A A P P P P Y Y 2 0 0 2 0 0 !
HHHHH AAAAA PPPP PPPP YYY 222 0 0 222 0 0 !
H H A A P P Y 2 0 0 2 0 0
H H A A P P Y 22222 000 22222 000 !

Unknown author (2020-01-08 02:02:41):

╭∩╮༼☯۝☯༽╭∩╮ 2019!

Unknown author (2020-01-10 01:21:01):


Unknown author (2020-01-10 13:51:38):

nice ;-)

Unknown author (2020-01-14 14:04:04):

hi ;-)

Ryry (2020-01-15 17:28:25):


Unknown author (2020-01-15 18:28:46):

What up? 8-)

los angles :-D ;-)

RIDDLER (2020-01-18 13:57:24):

I know this page is very good. Please can all the users here on this page upload an avatar if they don't have one so that they are easier to recognize.

RIDDLER (2020-01-19 01:38:08):

Are any of you software programmers? Please update the RealWorld Cursor Editor because the last version of from 2013. That is too old and out of date. Please update this software with all the cursor role wizards and many more cool sophisticated tools. This site needs improvements too.

Vlazteron (2020-01-20 17:09:09):

Yeah, I agree. Also this site, stopped getting updates since 2014.

Unknown author (2020-01-20 23:33:38):

what are you fucking talking about? it said 2005-2020, not fucking 2005-2014, you fucking dumb bitch

Unknown author (2020-01-21 21:09:37):

sWaG 8-)

Vlazteron (2020-01-22 00:41:40):

Anonymous I am not what you think, also this site wasn't updated since 2014, because below the site says, Copyright © 2005-2014 RealWorld Graphics.

Check it yourself, also don't be rude. You meanie.

RIDDLER (2020-01-22 14:05:48):

Don't worry. I will never be rude to anyone.

I am aware that this site has not been updated since 2014. I have contacted the team to make sure that this site and its RealWorld Cursor Editor application would be updated but they never replied, nor no action was taken to update anything.

Unknown author (2020-02-01 22:28:12):


you know what? sorry for being rude to you, Vlazteron and RIDDLER

Shadow (Queen of Heaven and Hell) (2020-02-10 20:47:43):

Please stop little kids are on this site you know!!!

Unknown author (2020-03-02 15:54:37):

this is so cool

Unknown author (2020-03-06 11:11:19):

wassup 8-)

bum pain

gimmi your ass

Unknown author (2020-03-09 11:03:08):


Joe_Mum (2020-03-10 08:23:54):


is anyone online

Joe_Mum (2020-03-11 03:04:13):

How come the cursor never stays because wehn i shut down my cursor goes back to defult

Unknown author (2020-03-11 03:25:16):


Unknown author (2020-03-11 23:44:22):

fuck u

Joe_Mum (2020-03-12 03:26:53):

Yo calm your farm MATEY

U know there's little kids that wanna get cool cursors and do u want kids seeing swear words. so watch your language

Unknown author (2020-03-12 16:46:40):

c :-D

Unknown author (2020-03-15 07:28:26):

don't swear

I am a child

fuck who ever said fuck u

Unknown author (2020-03-15 15:05:15):


Unknown author (2020-03-18 05:52:17):

Hey there. :-D

Unknown author (2020-03-20 03:13:07):

;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-)

Unknown author (2020-03-20 23:25:49):

yo gamers im searching for the guy whos name i forgotten can anybody help plz.

Unknown author (2020-03-24 15:59:04):


Unknown author (2020-03-24 16:52:35):



Unknown author (2020-03-24 21:33:17):


Unknown author (2020-03-27 14:58:56):

i farted

Unknown author (2020-03-27 18:32:51):

Quand j'installe une souris j'ouvre le fichier et il y'a un Bloc note et pendant se temps bah j'ai toujours pas la Souris ! ;-) | -) X-(

Unknown author (2020-03-28 03:50:11):


:-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2020-03-31 17:03:42):

my life is boring

KawaiiCursors (2020-04-01 17:42:35):


lju5_ (2020-04-04 04:16:20):

Looks like this place doesn't get moderated too much. I'd suggest to add Administrators, so work will get easy. |-)

Unknown author (2020-04-06 01:56:32):

chgeck it out https://discord.gg/7kgeVr

Unknown author (2020-04-07 15:52:28):


Unknown author (2020-04-07 21:51:42):


Unknown author (2020-04-08 07:14:58):

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-o :-o :-o :-o

Unknown author (2020-04-09 00:43:26):


Unknown author (2020-04-10 22:17:26):

im in quarintine..... :-(

Unknown author (2020-04-12 04:21:30):
-) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) 8-) :-o :-( :-D :-) ;-)
Unknown author (2020-04-12 19:49:25):

i am also in quarantine

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2020-04-14 02:58:07):

i sad for the world |-) :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2020-04-14 14:34:26):


https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battlefordreamisland/images/e/e1/This_guy_angry%21.gif/revision/latest?cb=20190902160424 " alt=" I'm angry" title=" I'm angry" />

Unknown author (2020-04-16 16:46:51):

Signed comments carry more weight! Don't be a stranger - log-in or register. It only takes few seconds.

Unknown author (2020-04-16 17:33:37):

i am also in quarintine

it is no fun

Unknown author (2020-04-16 21:01:30):

It fun
I play fortnite and gta
:-D :-D :-D 8-)

eeveelover64 (2020-04-17 15:23:58):

Fortnite is dumb as fuck

Unknown author (2020-04-18 03:03:33):


it is

Unknown author (2020-04-18 23:41:14):

.,jhtiueti9jye58yu458jye58iyu5r8yj eriy7j68 jtinur6hu

sorry im dom



Unknown author (2020-04-21 09:57:32):
-) :-D :-(
eeveelover64 (2020-04-21 14:16:59):


eeveelover64 (2020-04-24 15:00:27):


Unknown author (2020-04-26 03:09:15):


eeveelover64 (2020-04-26 15:00:37):

MY PUSSYYYYYYYYY! -Simpleflips ;-)

Unknown author (2020-04-27 08:25:46):

Does anyone play Roblox because I do?
If you don't I accept that and I won't be rude to you and I agree that Fortnite sucks and whoever plays it should suck their own butt.

How do you know that the person you called NIGGER is actually a NIGGER because if you don't then your racist.

Go and suck his PUSSY.

If your a girl then I'm sorry.

Iriss (2020-04-27 14:47:59):


Unknown author (2020-04-28 01:14:30):

WTF to You.

eeveelover64 (2020-04-28 01:18:34):


Unknown author (2020-04-28 02:43:32):

Good someone understands me.

eeveelover64 (2020-04-28 15:35:10):

says you 8-)

Unknown author (2020-04-29 02:53:56):

Your just dumb idiots and you probably don't even understand what your saying.

eeveelover64 (2020-04-29 15:10:31):


Unknown author (2020-04-29 15:20:10):


Unknown author (2020-04-30 03:52:19):

That's right.

hi :-)

That person who said hi is my friend.

Anyways your dumb and your a b***h.


Bitch is the bleep.

eeveelover64 (2020-04-30 15:05:00):

ok, also check YOU'RE grammer plz

Unknown author (2020-04-30 20:10:30):


como estan

eeveelover64 (2020-05-01 14:42:51):

'sup 8-)

NASA (2020-05-01 16:13:28):

shuck my :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :-o

eeveelover64 (2020-05-01 21:40:26):


Unknown author (2020-05-01 22:33:09):

im goin to say the nword

unless u give me something

for free

Unknown author (2020-05-02 00:17:28):

all of you are poops

Unknown author (2020-05-02 12:40:25):

Пацаны, здорова

eeveelover64 (2020-05-02 17:07:52):

yes i'm healthy, thanks 4 asking! :-D

NASA (2020-05-04 15:24:09):

open your mouth :---------------------------------------------------- :-D

love black pussy

eeveelover64 (2020-05-04 15:49:29):


Unknown author (2020-05-05 05:15:33):

Bruh ho

Bruh how do u know we r all nigers u shit.

U r poops from shitty bums.

Ya bruh.

eeveelover64 (2020-05-05 14:56:10):

ok :-D

Unknown author (2020-05-06 09:31:31):


Unknown author (2020-05-09 00:16:58):


Unknown author (2020-05-10 10:44:10):


TheCurGuy (2020-05-10 21:50:54):


eeveelover64 (2020-05-11 02:42:33):


Unknown author (2020-05-11 20:15:39):


Unknown author (2020-05-12 01:13:47):

Bro speak English.

BTW hi.

Someone agrees with me.

Unknown author (2020-05-12 02:03:43):

i like wiener

eeveelover64 (2020-05-12 03:11:53):

#ilikepp :-D

Unknown author (2020-05-13 01:05:21):

Who do u two like?
Is it the one who said:
Bro speak English.
BTW hi.
Someone agrees with me.

Unknown author (2020-05-14 08:11:15):

hi my dudes

Unknown author (2020-05-18 05:07:19):

Hi dude.

Unknown author (2020-05-19 03:47:58):






:-o 8-)

8-) 8-)


Unknown author (2020-05-19 04:05:51):

Wha da heck?

Unknown author (2020-05-19 19:32:08):


eeveelover64 (2020-05-21 14:19:27):

k 8-)

eeveelover64 (2020-05-21 22:35:06):

ok :-D

Unknown author (2020-05-22 11:20:39):


yo yo yo

i got something to tell bro

one time i will came like a rich as fuck



i am black or white answer: yes or no

yo yo yoo

tell the answer





y | o



answer here:
eeveelover64 (2020-05-22 13:43:21):


Unknown author (2020-05-22 18:37:51):

hi bitch :-)

eeveelover64 (2020-05-23 05:59:46):

Hello! :-D

NASA (2020-05-25 15:51:58):

black pussy

i hate black people

eeveelover64 (2020-05-25 15:55:53):

racism much? :-o

Unknown author (2020-05-25 17:34:25):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

:-( :-( :-(

rasista do carai

HatersCanGoKYS (2020-05-25 20:20:20):

Why is everyone swearing? can we keep this website clean please?

eeveelover64 (2020-05-26 05:26:57):

fuck ass :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2020-05-26 06:46:31):

I'm guessing u r white anyways hi bitch and I would like to keep dis website clean and don't say no I don't cuz I said bitch but some one said hi bitch so I was bein nice and said hi bitch back.

Unknown author (2020-05-26 23:04:01):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

:-D :-D :-D :-) :-) ;-) :-) :-(

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) |-) |-) :-D :-D :-D :-) :-) :-) ;-) ;-) ;-)


Unknown author (2020-05-27 22:22:22):


eeveelover64 (2020-05-28 00:21:51):

WAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?

dennis (2020-05-29 00:06:11):

good job anoym

Unknown author (2020-05-30 14:35:58):

fuck u\

ColonelPopcorn (2020-06-01 03:26:09):

I agree, must everyone swear like sailors?

you're kind of acting like 4 year olds when someone tells them not to make potty jokes

Unknown author (2020-06-02 06:13:42):

Ur rude and stop putting fucking emojis and what the fuck to you too and ur telling the truth.

eeveelover64 (2020-06-02 14:48:14):

wtf is up w/ ur grammar

Unknown author (2020-06-02 17:20:48):

<script>alert("HEY bRO")</script>

Unknown author (2020-06-02 22:42:50):

Shut the fuck up cuz i'm a slow typer so it's easier to put dat grammar and wtf is wrong wid "UR" correcting i'll repeat wha u put.
WTF is up "W/" "UR" grammar
U r an idiot u ass hole.

But it is gross to put porn cursors on here so I kinda do agree wid u.

eeveelover64 (2020-06-02 23:48:50):

i did that on purpose, and wats wrong w/ porn eh?

Unknown author (2020-06-03 05:54:37):



eeveelover64 (2020-06-03 16:10:12):

Gotta get sum pleasure somehow amirght? ;-)

Unknown author (2020-06-04 00:11:18):

what is wrong with u guys?? don't shout at me cuz i'm really a girl

eeveelover64 (2020-06-04 03:31:35):


Unknown author (2020-06-05 04:01:48):

uh... hi???

Unknown author (2020-06-05 15:07:20):
-) </td><td>-) -) -)sim
Deadbay (2020-06-06 00:40:39):

<type your comment here>

Toony (2020-06-06 05:19:37):

Oh my..

Unknown author (2020-06-08 21:49:40):

The heck dudes? Stop right now! tbh, vlasta needs to fix this site's moderation now! so many spammers are here!

go get a life other anonymous people!

Unknown author (2020-06-10 20:14:59):







Unknown author (2020-06-11 14:14:29):


XX LukaXD (2020-06-13 13:50:37):


Unknown author (2020-06-14 23:21:32):


Maлкyq_Fro (2020-06-14 23:27:21):

Alo da ima li nqkoi

Unknown author (2020-06-15 16:05:58):



Unknown author (2020-06-15 21:19:46):

fala ai pora 8-)

Unknown author (2020-06-16 09:11:39):

yo, you should make more adult cursors ;-]

Unknown author (2020-06-17 02:42:54):



Anonymous vai esquentar


Unknown author (2020-06-17 11:21:28):

8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2020-06-17 17:06:06):



Hi i am a new user

follow me on insta

funhouse_dad is my insta

also a YouTuber gaming channel daylinsfunhouse vlogging channel funhouse vlogs family channel funhouse family

Unknown author (2020-06-19 20:29:24):

,jilpokdvbeprpklv |-) 8-) :-ovv6tyrd :-( :-D :-) :-o |-)


Unknown author (2020-06-21 18:16:25):

8-)fvj. 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-(


CaduTech (2020-06-21 21:55:40):


Unknown author (2020-06-23 07:13:44):


I am coming......................

Unknown author (2020-06-23 14:59:50):

:-) :-( :-o

Firework (2020-06-24 14:06:33):

chatting system consists of spamming here... you should get rid of it now.

eeveelover64 (2020-06-26 16:12:03):

Ok, indian

Unknown author (2020-06-29 11:49:09):


Unknown author (2020-06-30 20:48:06):

8-) subscribe to my friends on youtube:
Gamaxp and Meniu (Gamaxp is alot more popular than Meniu) 8-)

eeveelover64 (2020-06-30 23:28:06):


Unknown author (2020-07-01 13:26:20):


Liou (2020-07-03 12:56:17):


Unknown author (2020-07-05 03:36:32):

:-( alguen habla español aqui?

SamuelPizzaPlanet (2020-07-05 23:36:31):


Unknown author (2020-07-09 05:56:49):

I love how everyone that talks here is an idiot.

eeveelover64 (2020-07-09 06:08:50):

Is that not tye point?

Unknown author (2020-07-13 00:17:13):

Hola ñ

I need help to know if there is a way to copy and paste text in all the frames of an animation in the program

cmx (2020-07-13 04:55:38):

este sitio no lo administra nadie. no existe soporte?

Unknown author (2020-07-15 02:37:07):


Unknown author (2020-07-16 07:13:44):

your mum gae

Unknown author (2020-07-17 10:16:24):


i am gae

eeveelover64 (2020-07-17 15:28:18):


Unknown author (2020-07-21 01:15:06):


Unknown author (2020-07-24 01:05:41):


Unknown author (2020-07-29 10:09:36):


Unknown author (2020-07-30 07:25:54):


i got it

Unknown author (2020-07-31 07:52:57):

how do i use the cursor i made

eeveelover64 (2020-08-01 16:17:00):

No, nobody wants ur shit

Unknown author (2020-08-01 18:01:41):

^ yeah fr lol

RIDDLER (2020-08-10 05:18:47):

Where is Cesare Vesdani? Where did his profile go?

eeveelover64 (2020-08-10 14:58:41):


Unknown author (2020-08-10 16:47:28):

i dont like the penis cursors, its soooo disgusting.

eeveelover64 (2020-08-11 03:47:01):

Wut do u mean, it's sexy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Unknown author (2020-08-12 22:09:01):


eeveelover64 (2020-08-12 22:27:14):


not used anymore (2020-08-16 06:21:34):

guys check this amazing song ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SJ2c26Cazs

dont worry, it doesnt matter if you dont want.

༼ つ■_■ ༽つnewscapepro (2020-08-16 11:45:29):


KittyKata12 (2020-08-16 18:07:56):

Hi! I'm looking for a page on RealWorld that has a list of users with approved user icons. If someone could find it for me, that would be a great help. Thanks.

Unknown author (2020-08-16 19:55:21):

Hey um could someone possibly make a wide putin walking cursor thank you

༼ つ■_■ ༽つnewscapepro (2020-08-16 20:55:30):


i will

Unknown author (2020-08-17 16:49:18):

who said that to him thats mean! :-o

im going to uninstall all his corsurs

im going to rate all a 0 and a half stars |-)

seems fair to me |-)


THEVERYLOL30 (2020-08-19 12:45:13):


RIDDLER (2020-08-26 21:36:39):

I guess that inactive users should show up here as well. It is not fair for an inactive user to suddenly disappear from the People's list. Instead, it would be better if inactive users would be displayed with an inactive symbol next to the user name.

eeveelover64 (2020-08-26 23:43:47):

yeah, like discord

gogogirlme (2020-08-30 11:04:49):


Unknown author (2020-09-01 00:11:00):


i need a hot pink curser

eeveelover64 (2020-09-01 02:29:16):

Search 4 it in the cursor gallery

Vlazteron (2020-09-02 01:05:45):

I really hope that Vlasta updates this website sometime.

eeveelover64 (2020-09-02 02:27:05):

He prob. Will, but keep the old aesthetic of it

Vlazteron (2020-09-02 04:49:29):

What the? There are 2 Vlastas?

Vlazteron (2020-09-03 04:05:18):

Haha, just noticed that they added the roles Person select and location select. They also added the Windows 10 tag.

Unknown author (2020-09-06 18:48:46):

I have a mouse of a sword

Vlazteron (2020-09-06 19:22:44):

You can check this cool sword cursor!


Unknown author (2020-09-09 02:06:11):

make a barboach cursor :-)

avery (2020-09-09 16:38:43):

can you get free buttons :-(

eeveelover64 (2020-09-09 18:36:03):

yes, u can, there are MULTIPLE ways 2 do so...

Vlazteron (2020-09-09 19:23:15):

cdl made a blog post for that :-)

Unknown author (2020-09-11 10:23:08):

its good program because this is gamer mouse is got a light whtfck

Unknown author (2020-09-11 17:58:12):

everytime i touch the screen the mouse goes away

Vlazteron (2020-09-11 18:18:15):

because your touchscreen thinks that you are going to use your finger instead of your mouse pointer.

its not the company's fault. its your fault buying a touchscreen instead of a normal PC

eeveelover64 (2020-09-11 19:48:49):

not everybody has that much money, i'm using a SCHOOL laptop, so my parents can use their pc 4 work, and watch movies on it

Vlazteron (2020-09-11 20:00:12):

i hope you dont have a chromebook. btw, i dont think normal pcs are way too pricey.

chromebooks have a horrible if we call it virus "protection" you cant even run executables.

eeveelover64 (2020-09-11 20:48:27):

I don't use a chromebook, my school uses windows 10 (i think they still also have windows 7, and a really gud windows os i must say)

Vlazteron (2020-09-11 20:52:34):

i know, but microsoft discontinued windows 7, so there's isn't a big probability that you could find a computer with windows 7 on it. windows 7 was the first OS I used, it was so good. it was basically windows vista but better.

JimmyM0816 (2020-09-14 16:51:02):

How to make Profile picture?


Pls mesige

Vlazteron (2020-09-14 17:06:50):


Vlazteron (2020-09-15 20:07:17):

did you know that you could download old versions of RealWorld software here? :-o


Vlazteron (2020-09-16 19:31:32):

When will Vlasta stop the advertisers?

Unknown author (2020-09-17 05:41:06):

i need mamar

Unknown author (2020-09-17 06:01:59):


Unknown author (2020-09-19 12:58:51):

Do someone know what’s windows 8?

It’s a remix of windows7 and windows10

eeveelover64 (2020-09-19 14:23:46):

No it isn't

Vlazteron (2020-09-19 23:16:16):

what about the Windows 8 metro? That wasn't even a remix at all.

Unknown author (2020-09-21 02:52:33):


Vlazteron (2020-09-24 04:41:41):

is September 24th

Unknown author (2020-09-24 17:02:57):

oh wow

Unknown author (2020-09-24 17:49:49):


doswe anyone play roblox adopt me?

cuz i do


do you play roblox

you know roblox the app

oh my god thes peppel

ughhh :-(


im your best frined do you know me ughhhh

well gess what im not your frined anymore

eeveelover64 (2020-09-24 19:28:18):


Vlazteron (2020-09-24 20:01:07):

This anonymous guy has a depressing life.

Unknown author (2020-09-24 21:45:25):

i play roblox

i do not have a depressing life :-(

oh wow

who the hell are you?

why is the guy blew me have no profile pic i said oh wow then he talk

eeveelover64 (2020-09-25 00:29:37):


Vlazteron (2020-09-25 00:36:19):

This dude has a really deep life, that makes me r/im14andthisisdeep.

rev3626 (2020-09-26 02:00:14):

You just say that because you have no brain and have been threated by a horrible society, poor chap.

Stupid Anonymous users, always searching for new ways to attack, true monsters.

Vlazteron (2020-09-26 04:05:42):


Eugenia06 (2020-09-26 13:28:15):

damn :-o

Unknown author (2020-09-27 03:51:56):

is it me, or more people are appearing here?

Unknown author (2020-09-28 22:26:38):

hi ❤❤

Unknown author (2020-10-07 16:20:34):



Unknown author (2020-10-08 02:54:37):

i/logo.png image

Unknown author (2020-10-08 21:24:00):


no friends


i have no friend but that ok i dont need them anyways i my best all on my own



dont read what i just said

Vlazteron (2020-10-10 18:57:33):

Do you think people will read the last paragraph first?

jellybeen (2020-10-12 04:38:05):



Unknown author (2020-10-13 09:18:41):

i like aMONG US

Unknown author (2020-10-13 18:50:16):

I am a kid and I need help

Unknown author (2020-10-13 20:00:37):


can someone do a set of Among Us with all cursor animated?

or Mario 64?

tyrone (2020-10-13 21:18:16):


TheDreamAchrone (2020-10-14 18:15:38):

( ̄ε(# ̄)

Unknown author (2020-10-17 12:07:50):

where amy

Unknown author (2020-10-20 15:55:59):

Can someone do a Bionic Cursor? If you don't know what I'm talking about, go on YouTube and look up bionic and look at his skin in Minecraft, someone has to do it he is hilarious! :-D

Unknown author (2020-10-21 18:14:43):


eeveelover64 (2020-10-21 20:07:22):


Unknown author (2020-10-22 05:01:35):


hi i am a girl

Unknown author (2020-10-22 07:32:45):

hi :-D

Unknown author (2020-10-22 12:35:31):

all pointer are fab :-) :-)

Unknown author (2020-10-22 15:24:14):


eeveelover64 (2020-10-22 18:40:34):

yes anime

eeveelover64 (2020-10-24 17:13:01):


Unknown author (2020-10-25 01:32:18):


eeveelover64 (2020-10-25 02:07:01):


Unknown author (2020-10-25 10:39:04):

it have the best pointers on the world

eeveelover64 (2020-10-25 15:07:29):

you bet your ass it does! 8-)

Unknown author (2020-10-26 09:24:53):

Is this site safe?

eeveelover64 (2020-10-26 13:59:34):


Unknown author (2020-10-26 20:57:30):


i like cheeetos

i like cheeese+

and chocalate

Unknown author (2020-10-27 00:25:36):

like you sure because its very outdated isn't it?

Unknown author (2020-10-27 17:34:51):

I really like this website

eeveelover64 (2020-10-27 18:28:50):

i can assure you, it IS safe.

Unknown author (2020-10-27 21:13:09):

so fun

Unknown author (2020-11-02 12:10:15):

old fashion website so it is not secure


Vlazteron (2020-11-03 22:10:55):

It's safe, stop for God's sake.

eeveelover64 (2020-11-04 00:40:04):

i mean, you can't blame 'em, with how the website looks, the not secure thing on the browser, it gives people the feeling that it isn't safe. But getting your website to have https (secure) instead of http (unsecure) probably costs ALOT of money...

eeveelover64 (2020-11-06 18:01:20):

Ok, your point being?

Unknown author (2020-11-09 16:05:28):

how do I add a cursor

Hermitage (2020-11-12 01:41:54):


Unknown author (2020-11-12 03:11:53):

petrik star

very good cursor


Unknown author (2020-11-13 14:40:13):

what's up guys :-)

Unknown author (2020-11-15 17:18:43):

Hi every one

how should i add a cursor

I like your cut g2633 (2020-11-16 05:22:05):

u use your brain 8-)

Unknown author (2020-11-16 17:17:09):

this is a gem of a website, the old era lives on though this old ass site

PastorGoodBoyTan (2020-11-16 17:36:14):

How do i put a picture as my icon?

Unknown author (2020-11-16 21:15:50):

rude 8-) ;-)

eeveelover64 (2020-11-16 21:17:39):


Unknown author (2020-11-17 12:05:33):

this dont work

Unknown author (2020-11-17 14:44:07):

everyone should download water drop cur by sa please it's amazing :-o

Unknown author (2020-11-18 13:11:17):

pppppllllllllzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ddoowwnnllooaadd :-o

Unknown author (2020-11-18 18:01:45):

:-( :-o 8-) :-ohh

eeveelover64 (2020-11-19 03:56:03):


Unknown author (2020-11-20 10:53:41):


Unknown author (2020-11-20 19:25:37):

oi gente, mandem links de cursores bons porque eu quero muito mudar o meu , mas nao mandem coisas tipo cursores de among us , patrik , bob esponja , mandem coisas mais legais por favor ;-)

por favor ;-;

é sério mans :-( :-( :-( :-(

eeveelover64 (2020-11-20 20:54:03):


eeveelover64 (2020-11-24 00:17:03):


TheDreamAchrone (2020-11-24 16:47:47):

i want to die

eeveelover64 (2020-11-24 16:51:34):


Unknown author (2020-11-24 18:23:42):


Speechless (2020-11-24 18:48:52):

hey, anyone got 15 buttons? i'll return them. i just need a 15 puzzle

Unknown author (2020-11-24 21:37:48):

very confusing :-(

Unknown author (2020-11-25 13:52:55):

holaaaaaa :-RE soy nuevo :-)

Hermitage (2020-11-26 03:49:26):


TheDreamAchrone (2020-11-26 15:31:15):


sniped64 (2020-11-30 04:46:27):

i love rw-designer :-D

Unknown author (2020-11-30 17:07:30):

is it so hard to ask for Sasuke!!!!

Speechless (2020-11-30 22:26:44):

anyone want purple spray paint?

eeveelover64 (2020-11-30 23:19:50):

i mean i won't use it but..., it'll be another spray paibt added to my collection!

Unknown author (2020-12-01 18:18:22):

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii oof |-)

Unknown author (2020-12-01 22:12:52):


i cant get it to work on chromebookkkkk

eeveelover64 (2020-12-02 05:21:08):

imagine using chromebook! XD

Hermitage (2020-12-03 07:28:18):

hi :-D

Unknown author (2020-12-03 16:49:40):

im trying on chromebook it dont let :-(

Biker (2020-12-03 17:15:10):

Hi all. been in a bad way and now with covid-19 I do not leave the house much. Its just a getting older thing. hope every one is well and safe. Forgot I was logged in even, LOL and any new peeps hacve fun with this assume program......

Unknown author (2020-12-03 18:42:21):

i cant get mine to work on a probook

Unknown author (2020-12-04 02:07:31):

chromebook = shit

eeveelover64 (2020-12-04 02:20:14):

tru that!

Unknown author (2020-12-04 15:43:04):

hi a i want the small windows 10 ten cursors but nicesss I LOVE REALWORLD CURSOR
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

sniped64 (2020-12-04 19:27:29):

Chromebook is CRAP!!! 8-) Windows FTW!

.Cxramel_Macciato. (2020-12-05 03:02:30):

i cant get it to work on chromebook

Unknown author (2020-12-07 03:42:01):


eeveelover64 (2020-12-07 03:47:02):

chromebook is ACTUAL garbage, get a REAL pc, you chromebook pleb! 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2020-12-07 15:33:52):


eeveelover64 (2020-12-07 15:34:30):


Unknown author (2020-12-07 16:56:09):

what are you talking obout guis because im new




Unknown author (2020-12-07 20:02:20):


e  inbesiles


Unknown author (2020-12-07 22:04:42):

I have a pc 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2020-12-08 13:51:07):

bro r u an idiot your self? :-D

who are you caling idiot

bob (2020-12-08 20:06:23):

me got chrome book so get recked

PCs are SLOW glad I have a chromebook

btw one more swear and I will make sure you get kicked off the server

eeveelover64 (2020-12-08 22:27:51):


Unknown author (2020-12-08 23:20:09):

bru you talking trash cuz you came out of rhino buthole

Unknown author (2020-12-08 23:22:47):

i guess you mad i said that

Unknown author (2020-12-09 00:35:48):

is there tik tok

cursorer gorkem (2020-12-09 09:39:10):

i am not tik tok XD

bob (2020-12-09 14:40:25):

you only mad because you got PC

Unknown author (2020-12-09 15:27:41):

bro you doing class know

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa anyone and if you call me or my freind idiot you will see

chormbook is shit


bob (2020-12-09 15:36:01):

I'm so scared ;-) ;-)


btw I am 35

Unknown author (2020-12-09 15:36:48):


35 what

bob (2020-12-09 15:37:50):

you only Anonymous because you afraid of the E.S.C

Unknown author (2020-12-09 15:37:56):

heloooooooooooooo respond bro

bob (2020-12-09 15:44:50):

jk I 13

how old you 93?

no, maybe 87

eeveelover64 (2020-12-09 15:58:05):

no one cares how old you are, you can still be immature either way 8-)

and these are the specs of a chromebook: CPU: 1.83GHz Intel Celeron N2940 processor (quad-core, 2MB cache, up to 2.25GHz)
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics.
Screen: 14-inch 1,920 x 1,080 display.
Storage: 16GB eMMC.
Ports: 1 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0, HDMI, MicroSD slot, headphone jack.
and these are the specs of a gaming pc: Up to AMD Ryzen™ 9 3950X (16-Core, 64MB L3 Cache, Max Boost Clock of 4.7GHz)
Windows 10 Home
Up to NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3090 24GB GDDR6X (OC Ready)
Up to 64GB Dual Channel HyperX™ FURY DDR4 XMP at 3200MHz
Up to 2TB M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD (Boot) + 2TB 7200RPM SATA 6Gb/s (Storage)
Available in Lunar Light and Dark Side of the Moon
can your CHROMEBOOK shit do any of this? NO!

Unknown author (2020-12-09 16:07:50):

fat neeeeks

bob (2020-12-09 16:08:18):

you are poop

Unknown author (2020-12-09 16:12:20):



you r poop Mr.bob


im 69 years old

bob (2020-12-09 16:10:00):

ya it can NERD

bob (2020-12-09 16:13:20):

I know people in the FBI

Unknown author (2020-12-09 16:15:15):

peace of poop

bob (2020-12-09 16:15:44):

eeveelover is trash

Unknown author (2020-12-09 16:16:27):



bob (2020-12-09 16:17:17):

no one cares how old you are, you can still be immature either way 8-)

and these are the specs of a chromebook: CPU: 1.83GHz Intel Celeron N2940 processor (quad-core, 2MB cache, up to 2.25GHz)
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics.
Screen: 14-inch 1,920 x 1,080 display.
Storage: 16GB eMMC.
Ports: 1 x USB 3.0, 2 x USB 2.0, HDMI, MicroSD slot, headphone jack.
and these are the specs of a gaming pc: Up to AMD Ryzen™ 9 3950X (16-Core, 64MB L3 Cache, Max Boost Clock of 4.7GHz)
Windows 10 Home
Up to NVIDIA® GeForce RTX™ 3090 24GB GDDR6X (OC Ready)
Up to 64GB Dual Channel HyperX™ FURY DDR4 XMP at 3200MHz
Up to 2TB M.2 PCIe NVMe SSD (Boot) + 2TB 7200RPM SATA 6Gb/s (Storage)
Available in Lunar Light and Dark Side of the Moon
can can my CHROMEBOOK do any of this? yes!

Unknown author (2020-12-09 16:19:01):

and a little sprinkled on it


eeveelover64 (2020-12-09 16:19:34):

oh really, a chromebook CAN do that? then PROVE it st00pid

Unknown author (2020-12-09 16:21:34):




bob (2020-12-09 16:21:58):

bob is king 8-)

eeveelover64 (2020-12-09 16:28:04):

i like how you changed the topic, prob. cuz you can't prove that a chromebook can't do what alienware does

bob (2020-12-09 17:27:58):

who wants to make a pig curser. The best one wins........... bragging rights

starts: 12/10/2020 at 10:30

ends: 12/11/2020 at 12:00

eeveelover64 (2020-12-09 18:14:03):

EXACTLY what i thought! chromebook IS shit, my cross-examination is over!

bob (2020-12-09 18:29:44):

ok, you right I'm left, mate. let's just call a troos, ok?

you should sign up for the contest. I've seen your art it's RELY good

type ok, Bob to enter

btw i'm not the judge so don't think I will cheat

I looked at your Sonic Pocket Adventure - Tails Cursors and I think that are rely cool! you should be proud of your self

Gamey (2020-12-10 14:58:30):

This website is what I like to use when finding cursors.

bob (2020-12-10 17:20:03):

COOL! 8-)


you should sign up for the contest. I've seen your art it's RELY good

type ok, Bob to enter

btw i'm not the judge so don't think I will cheat

who wants to make a pig curser. The best one wins........... bragging rights

starts: 12/10/2020 at 10:30

ends: 12/11/2020 at 12:00

I start

ok, Bob

Insane Games (2020-12-10 23:10:02):


bob (2020-12-11 16:20:10):

here you enter here!

RIDDLER (2020-12-14 13:25:38):

There is one think that keeps trolling in my mind. How many users are there on the RealWorld website? Does this page list all the existing users who have an account on this site? If someone knows the true number of users on the RealWorld website, then please tell me how many users are here. I would like to know because it seems that some users are no showing up on this page.

eeveelover64 (2020-12-14 15:24:19):

these are just users that were RECENTLY online...

Unknown author (2020-12-14 18:23:12):


Unknown author (2020-12-14 22:02:36):

What do you mean

eeveelover64 (2020-12-15 22:18:48):


JadePotate (2020-12-16 05:12:45):

hi here from the future where there is no myspace 8-)

Speechless (2020-12-16 16:12:37):

I am holding a contest.
The theme is...Glass/Transparent!
The deadline is...1/3/2021!
The enter code is "Vlasta"!
The winner will receive 10 buttons!
Winners will be decided on January 4th, 2021!
Enter the entry code in my user comment pages.

Unknown author (2020-12-16 23:28:54):


i'm new to this stuff can someone tell me how to get the cursor to work?

Unknown author (2020-12-17 07:10:44):

No cursors!! :-( :-( :-(

RIDDLER (2020-12-18 19:22:49):

Does anyone out there have a special tool to make the names of all my cursor and icon sets in my portfolio look green?

I would like someone to give me that special item so that all the titles of my cursor and icon sets appears green.

yourmother (2020-12-20 02:17:28):

haha stinky 8-)

eeveelover64 (2020-12-20 19:34:17):

no one cares 8-)

eeveelover64 (2020-12-20 22:50:09):


Unknown author (2020-12-21 21:40:17):

ur chin has a better point than your life

Roses are red
Voilets are blue
God created the middle finger
Just because of you :-)


eeveelover64 (2020-12-22 00:22:33):


Vlazteron (2020-12-22 18:24:41):

At least he said "God" instead of "god".

eeveelover64 (2020-12-22 18:38:13):

what's the difference .-.

Biker (2020-12-28 18:31:11):

LOL Anonymous, login and post that U cickn poop.

Unknown author (2020-12-29 13:08:43):

my device is saying this file already in my computer


RIDDLER (2020-12-30 06:56:08):

I wish we had more templates on this site and the RealWorld cursor Editor to create cool cursors. We need all the 17 cursor roles and many more templates to create icons of different shapes. Animated icons is also something that I would like to see on the RealWorld website.

Unknown author (2020-12-31 09:39:32):

hey is anyone gonna reply

eeveelover64 (2020-12-31 18:55:27):


RIDDLER (2021-01-01 09:07:49):

I have replied.

Unknown author (2021-01-03 12:35:41):

:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

mythand123 (2021-01-04 06:29:12):


Unknown author (2021-01-04 10:28:49):
Unknown author (2021-01-04 18:15:29):


Unknown author (2021-01-04 22:32:26):

Did you know how to change your avatar because I'm new

eeveelover64 (2021-01-04 22:39:24):

first create an account

Unknown author (2021-01-05 14:44:32):
Unknown author (2021-01-05 16:39:25):

ello :-D

eeveelover64 (2021-01-05 16:47:34):


Unknown author (2021-01-07 04:34:36):

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨baka ba ba bakaaaa✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ by the way tell me if you watch anime like Hunter x Hunter (HXH) or My Hero Acidemia (MHA/BNHA) or Haikyuu Those are my most favorites but I like wayy more just tell me if you like anime

Unknown author (2021-01-08 17:20:46):

what the heck are you talking about

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-01-08 17:56:14):


Unknown author (2021-01-09 11:51:01):

hi :-D

Unknown author (2021-01-11 10:58:00):

please make a juice wrld one

nplays (2021-01-11 15:03:29):

cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cumc um cum cum in his dick and spit it out to her mouth I'm such a slut wanker cunt

eeveelover64 (2021-01-11 15:05:36):

bruh, how old even are you?

nplays (2021-01-11 15:07:21):


been born late

eeveelover64 (2021-01-11 15:07:31):


nplays (2021-01-11 15:30:20):

im fucked up

I violate vlasta

in his public chat

nplays (2021-01-11 17:46:59):



hush mode

ok time to violate time boy get you big USB for a mac book outa here big mac Chromebook outa here by you sub for belle and that your money what gone

trying to suck your cheeks in fat ass trying to get some girls to rap them rape fuck

Unknown author (2021-01-11 17:59:33):

oh my god i just truned my cursor into amoung us character!

this site works!!!!! :-o :-o

Unknown author (2021-01-11 19:31:06):

what really?
i definitely didnt trust the thousands of previous entrys.
thanks for the verification!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nibbler (2021-01-11 20:42:46):

I don't get how there are more cursors wanting to be here than icons. I certainly like icons as much, but I can only make icons at this point because I'm on a Chromebook for the moment, and I cannot make animated cursors, either online, or in an app. :-(

Unknown author (2021-01-12 20:10:31):

What man |-)

Unknown author (2021-01-13 13:45:11):


rev3626 (2021-01-14 21:15:24):

This website is dominated by so many 9 year olds to the point this website is getting idiotic, we need better moderation.

Dark_Samus (2021-01-14 21:42:19):

rev3626 what do you mean by that???

eeveelover64 (2021-01-14 22:38:36):

he's talking about the spammers!

Insane Games (2021-01-14 23:05:27):


Dark_Samus (2021-01-14 23:31:54):


Unknown author (2021-01-15 00:48:42):

how old is this site?

Dark_Samus (2021-01-15 01:05:20):

15 Years...

checked with https://www.duplichecker.com/domain-age-checker.php

ⓟⓘⓚⓐⓒⓗⓤⓡⓤⓢ (2021-01-15 03:47:04):


Unknown author (2021-01-17 23:33:16):

Uhh 15 years??!

eeveelover64 (2021-01-18 03:59:02):


Unknown author (2021-01-18 17:30:35):

Yes, because this website was made way back in 2005 - just wait 'til it gets 16 years old!

rev3626 (2021-01-18 17:57:10):

I'm working on a cursor set with the sprites from the Mario Bros. Arcade.

Dark_Samus (2021-01-18 20:19:30):

Are you talking about that Donkey Kong arcade game.

eeveelover64 (2021-01-18 20:27:39):

no, the mario bros. arcade game

Unknown author (2021-01-19 11:22:42):

ya ga yeet

nick (2021-01-19 15:29:13):

were is CakeOs I Am In Love Wiht His Cursor
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-01-20 05:13:28):


im Zoe Cruz i need help :-(

the emoji

but im cool 8-) im funny

Unknown author (2021-01-20 07:15:52):


Unknown author (2021-01-20 20:40:27):

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2021-01-21 11:11:35):
-) </td><td>-) :-( :-( :-D :-D :-D ;-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-) :-) :-D :-D :-( :-( :-( :-o :-o 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) :-( :-(
SKORPION (2021-01-21 16:34:54):


Phantom (2021-01-21 16:53:48):


Phantom (2021-01-21 19:34:20):

waiting for my icon to be verified...

Insane Games (2021-01-21 19:53:58):

I am waiting for mine to be approved also!

Unknown author (2021-01-22 14:55:36):

hi :-)

RIDDLER (2021-01-22 15:15:00):

I wish all the users could show up here. I mean all inactive users as well as the active ones.

Unknown author (2021-01-22 16:49:13):

How do you actually create cursors?

Unknown author (2021-01-22 18:42:43):

Hola los cursores me encantan ya instale 1

Dark_Samus (2021-01-23 16:34:36):

Can someone tell me why this shitty racist cursor set exist...

J (2021-01-23 20:21:59):

@Dark_Samus I just remembered that there was a set like that. Really weird. IDM the racist ones they were just to draw attention, which the person was successful in receiving. I think it was just an angry kid. It is best to leave such content as it is. Bringing it to attention just gives it more power.

Dark_Samus (2021-01-23 20:33:55):

@J I agree you with that... but i hate those people who try to insult my mother land india.

eeveelover64 (2021-01-23 20:36:30):

i mean, not to be rude, but 'alot' scams come from that place, and that place is preeeeeeeeeeetty corrupt as is!

Dark_Samus (2021-01-23 20:41:08):

@eeveelover64 That is because of poor governance of BJP in past 5yrs.

eeveelover64 (2021-01-23 20:42:20):

yeah, i wish india was a better place, i hate that it has come to that

Dark_Samus (2021-01-23 20:54:55):

@eeveelover64 I think that someday my country would be back on it's root as it is in previous years.

Unknown author (2021-01-23 22:08:31):

wesh les potos sa va 8-)

Unknown author (2021-01-25 14:29:53):


Unknown author (2021-01-25 17:56:05):

I love this app its the best! :-D

Unknown author (2021-01-25 18:45:23):

Dude this isn't an app, this is a website.

Unknown author (2021-01-25 18:58:13):

:-D :-D :-( ;-) 8-) |-)


:-) ;-) :-D

Dark_Samus (2021-01-25 19:02:54):

Spamming leads to deletion. Deletion leads to frustration. Frustration leads to suicide. Choose life instead of spamming.

eeveelover64 (2021-01-25 21:33:28):

frustration doesn't always lead to suicide y'know?

Dark_Samus (2021-01-25 22:00:59):

I found that statement on register page...

eeveelover64 (2021-01-26 01:41:05):

._. holy shit its tru!

Dark_Samus (2021-01-26 05:06:26):

Happy Republic Day To All Indian's. icon-image/690-32x32x32.png image

Unknown author (2021-01-26 14:28:44):

:-D :-D :-D

:-D :-D :-D

:-) :-o :-D 8-) |-) 8-) 8-) :-D :-D :-( :-o 8-) :-o :-( :-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-01-26 17:49:00):

well I said app on purpose to see what people would say..

Filzzy (2021-01-26 17:58:36):

hello this is the best website 8-)

Unknown author (2021-01-26 18:22:04):


Anonymous (2021-01-26 18:27:59):

pls anser

Filzzy (2021-01-26 18:34:11):

U just download it

U got to where people posted of there own making cosom corsur and then u see at the top and it says download then u download it! That simple idiot

that is not how u spell answer and u spell it like A, N, S, W, E, R.

Anonymous (2021-01-26 18:41:13):

ok tnx btw u spelled cursor wrong and custom

Dark_Samus (2021-01-26 19:37:54):


Unknown author (2021-01-26 22:23:09):

hiiii :-D


Filzzy (2021-01-26 22:35:00):

yeah YW I will brb

Dark_Samus (2021-01-26 22:59:44):

What is brb???

Unknown author (2021-01-27 01:12:24):

It means "be right back"

Dark_Samus (2021-01-27 01:20:44):


ⓟⓘⓚⓐⓒⓗⓤⓡⓤⓢ (2021-01-27 03:42:12):


Unknown author (2021-01-27 08:46:06):


Unknown author (2021-01-27 17:10:17):

hi there :-D :-D

Filzzy (2021-01-27 17:48:24):

Hi im on zoom hehe but with my friends we are watching Monster school Mincrfat Krmstoudioz Dooms Day

Plus Its very good right now

No offense I will tell u the link as soon as I finish watching it its episode 1-8 but there going to make more unless they want a break for a bit

anyone want to chat with me......

Anonymous (2021-01-27 18:40:56):

umm idk btw its me again

just post the link ill try

so u just come here to chat


Filzzy (2021-01-27 18:48:45):

ummm... What link?

I did'nt say any link yet

Filzzy (2021-01-27 19:25:29):

Tell me wich link

Dark_Samus (2021-01-27 19:42:20):

Replace 'wich' with 'which'...

Anonymous (2021-01-27 20:10:09):

the link for zoom

ill try 2 join

Filzzy (2021-01-27 20:21:32):

no its like a class detail

because we have our teacher in there from last year and she said not starngers ALOUD

Well I will tell u the meeting Id but I will give hints for the passcode

Dark_Samus (2021-01-27 20:21:57):


Filzzy (2021-01-27 20:28:44):

so Id: 815-5287-5136

and passcod starts with an captil G and ends with two numbers so its 6 charters long

oh it ende the meeting we finished the movie

well the episode


I wish I could let u join quick we even watched K2be minecraft monster school episode 19

Anonymous (2021-01-27 20:32:18):

thats cool

Dark_Samus (2021-01-27 20:36:55):

@Filzzy Are you kid???

Anonymous (2021-01-27 20:38:52):

@dark_samus R u a kid???

Dark_Samus (2021-01-27 20:40:26):


Anonymous (2021-01-27 20:40:49):


Dark_Samus (2021-01-27 20:42:44):

What's your age???

Anonymous (2021-01-27 20:44:01):

15 yrs old

lol ur 2 years older

Dark_Samus (2021-01-27 20:44:23):


Anonymous (2021-01-27 20:45:16):

how old is @filzzy is the real question now.

Dark_Samus (2021-01-27 20:47:55):

Don't ask girl's about their age...

Anonymous (2021-01-27 20:48:55):

why did u do it u know what nvm

Dark_Samus (2021-01-27 20:57:13):

In india if you ask a girl about her age then she will beat you soo bad.

Unknown author (2021-01-27 21:28:13):


Unknown author (2021-01-27 21:51:30):

well bye

eeveelover64 (2021-01-28 03:45:51):

well guess what @dark_samus this is the internet, no one gives a shit

Dark_Samus (2021-01-28 05:39:58):

@eeveelover64 ya...

it was just a random fact.

Unknown author (2021-01-28 15:52:15):


Anonymous (2021-01-28 16:55:14):

why do u put...

Filzzy (2021-01-28 20:13:29):

im 14 years old

Dark_Samus is only 1 year older than me

Unknown author (2021-01-28 20:49:40):


im looking for a gf



Dark_Samus (2021-01-28 21:02:34):

@Filzzy I am 17yrs old... 3yrs older then you.

Filzzy (2021-01-28 21:54:13):


Unknown author (2021-01-28 22:22:04):


Dark_Samus (2021-01-28 22:35:02):


Anonymous (2021-01-29 05:15:32):

see why do u put ... at the end or on the middle of the sentence???

btw i am 15 @filzzy u are 1 year younger then me

Dark_Samus (2021-01-29 05:55:56):

Because that looks kinda nice...

Anonymous (2021-01-29 16:08:26):


Filzzy (2021-01-29 18:55:07):

hey u guys know I made new corsurs and I published it

icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-o :-o :-o :-o :-( :-( :-( :-D :-D :-D :-) :-) ;-) ;-)

Look Anonymous I really want u to know this secret I will tell u in the privare message

u have now recieved my message

Dark_Samus (2021-01-29 18:57:07):

It spelled cursors not corsurs!!!

Anonymous (2021-01-29 20:05:11):

ok i read the message

i wrote a message 2

Unknown author (2021-01-29 20:25:26):

these cursors are the worst this was like the last website i went to that was free no wonder it is free

Filzzy (2021-01-29 20:28:25):

okay read it read mine

did u read it if u did respond to me

Dark_Samus (2021-01-29 20:39:17):

icon-image/22008-256x256x32.png image

Art by ⓟⓘⓚⓐⓒⓗⓤⓡⓤⓢ

Filzzy (2021-01-29 20:53:39):


Dark_Samus (2021-01-29 20:56:31):

see this.

Anonymous (2021-01-29 21:05:30):


@filzzy i did read it

Filzzy (2021-01-29 21:58:03):

okay can we be friends

Anonymous (2021-01-29 23:00:08):


eeveelover64 (2021-01-29 23:08:31):


Filzzy (2021-01-29 23:21:29):


thanks anonymous

Anonymous (2021-01-29 23:44:28):


Unknown author (2021-01-30 13:47:49):


Unknown author (2021-01-30 16:04:58):


Dark_Samus (2021-01-30 21:58:46):


TheDreamAchrone (2021-01-31 00:34:09):

friday night funkin cursor?

Dark_Samus (2021-01-31 00:39:50):

what is 'friday night funkin cursor'???

Unknown author (2021-01-31 13:16:55):

i am a legend of minecraft+among us!!

eeveelover64 (2021-01-31 15:17:45):


Filzzy (2021-01-31 21:59:09):

i play amoung us minecrfat and roblox

Dark_Samus (2021-01-31 22:13:59):

@Filzzy you misspelled Among us and Minecraft.

TheDreamAchrone (2021-01-31 22:20:12):

friday night funkin is a new rythm game, is rlly cool but its going to be amazing if anyone make a cursor

Dark_Samus (2021-02-01 00:17:32):


Unknown author (2021-02-01 06:35:34):


Filzzy (2021-02-01 17:59:07):

what ya guys doing

Dark_Samus (2021-02-01 18:38:19):

just japing.

eeveelover64 (2021-02-02 15:23:14):

Gettin' freaky on a friday night yeah!

Unknown author (2021-02-02 16:44:05):

a im makeing a gucci with all lit people tell me ok bitchs

yo im fucking my girl it feels good

:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o 8-) |-)

its that girl name

Dark_Samus (2021-02-02 17:06:22):

Shut Up!!!

Unknown author (2021-02-02 17:17:00):


Filzzy (2021-02-02 17:34:21):


Unknown author (2021-02-02 17:39:26):

ppl are just so.. sike nibbba you taugh ahh~~ daddy~harder


eeveelover64 (2021-02-02 19:09:54):

take 4 Gettin' Freaky On A Friday Night, Yeah!

Filzzy (2021-02-02 20:40:29):

take 5, its so Freaky ON FRIDAY NIGHT YEAH!!

Dark_Samus (2021-02-02 20:43:25):


Filzzy (2021-02-02 20:45:11):


Dark_Samus (2021-02-02 20:46:24):


Filzzy (2021-02-02 20:48:55):


Dark_Samus (2021-02-02 20:49:59):

Stop Spamming!!!

Unknown author (2021-02-03 01:08:04):

:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-) |-)

-) </td><td>-)-)-)-) </td><td>-) -)-)-)-)-)-) </td><td>-)-)-)-)-)
Unknown author (2021-02-03 08:45:37):


Unknown author (2021-02-03 16:42:52):


Unknown author (2021-02-03 17:02:41):

I Love This App Its Awsome 8-)

Dark_Samus (2021-02-03 17:16:25):

it is website... not an app!!!

Abdullah Karanouh (2021-02-03 18:48:41):

Dear all,
I'm new in this library can you please tell me how to publish a cursor on this library please answer quickly :):)❤

Unknown author (2021-02-03 19:06:34):

make mous curser

Filzzy (2021-02-03 21:09:05):


Dark_Samus (2021-02-03 23:20:35):

He is just gone!!!

Unknown author (2021-02-04 01:35:49):

I want Roblox robux please

eeveelover64 (2021-02-04 13:53:02):

tbh chromebook is ass

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-04 14:21:16):

Chill, we're all supposed to be friends.You guys may dislike someone, but don't express it hatefully, no-one should tell anyone to shut up. Neither should anyone swear on this website. I may sound dumb like an adult, but kids also visit this website. If I was their parents, I wouldn't want them to see it. I'm not sure Vlasta allows swearing, but if he did, he still wouldn't appreciate this. Go make some cursors or something. :-)

Dark_Samus (2021-02-04 14:33:06):

@Newbieplayszsss she is just a random girl... don't be too harsh like that!!!

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-04 14:34:40):

Who wants a red spraypaint

Whoever wants a red spraypaint, say:


Dark_Samus (2021-02-04 14:35:22):

I want blue...

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-04 14:55:58):

Welp, oof

I need probably two buttons

I have a chance of getting blue!

Unknown author (2021-02-04 15:10:40):

:-( u guys swear

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-04 15:58:02):

Aight, Thank you! Do you know how to make cursors Newbie?

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-04 16:05:19):

Try to make some!

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-04 16:10:28):

If you're a beginner I reccommend putting this in your web address bar

cursor . cc


ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-04 16:13:08):

Its fine, look at my first few cursors

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-04 16:22:23):

Ermm, Get Busy (1) set. I messed up the hot-spots.

Cursed emoji:

icon-preview/22024.png image

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-04 16:41:36):

Yeah, did you make these?

Oh wait, nvm. It says cursors4u

Dark_Samus (2021-02-04 17:29:22):


Filzzy (2021-02-04 18:17:30):

thats someone else cursor it says a diffrent username dummy

Dark_Samus (2021-02-04 18:19:25):

@Filzzy No, its him...

nibbler (2021-02-04 18:21:48):


Dark_Samus (2021-02-04 18:22:58):


nibbler (2021-02-04 18:49:30):

Flix will send you the spray paint.

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-04 19:18:47):

The spray costs 4 buttons

And Filzy and Newbie, calm down

I find it annoying when people fight over stupid things

Besides that, could someone tell me the rarest spray-paint?

nibbler (2021-02-04 19:40:19):

Dark Goldenrod is in the giant list of possible colors.

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-04 19:56:00):


Which one of all of those colors is your favorite?

Mine is DarkSlate Gray

item/spray-paint/darkslategray.png image

nibbler (2021-02-04 20:39:15):

@Flix who wrote:


Which one of all of those colors is your favorite?

Mine is DarkSlate Gray

item/spray-paint/darkslategray.png image

item/spray-paint/teal.png image Teal

Dark_Samus (2021-02-05 04:06:11):

Full form of lmao???

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-05 14:59:27):


ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-05 16:45:46):

Vlasta, if you see this, would you be able to approve my Icon?

Unknown author (2021-02-05 18:05:08):

the fuck???

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-02-05 18:31:49):

Calm down Anon.

Sinversicks (2021-02-05 20:58:58):

This is true only Admins of thiss game have there profile decorated

Unknown author (2021-02-06 05:39:45):

This is not a game lmao

Unknown author (2021-02-06 09:56:40):

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-o 8-) 8-)


Unknown author (2021-02-06 21:56:44):


my boy just rode me hard 8-) ;-)

fuck that fells good

*mons heagh

Filzzy (2021-02-07 04:26:15):

ello hello

Unknown author (2021-02-07 04:38:02):

whats up homies

eeveelover64 (2021-02-07 04:42:24):

the ceiling

Filzzy (2021-02-07 21:25:10):

oh yeah....

Unknown author (2021-02-08 00:44:41):

XD HAHA LOL OMG FUNNY HAHAHAHA ;-) :-) :-D 8-) |-) ;-) :-) :-D 8-) |-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D









Dark_Samus (2021-02-08 03:30:34):

Anonymous don't do shit!!!

nibbler (2021-02-08 15:21:28):

People here do inappropriate things on this website. IDK icon-image/14487-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2021-02-08 15:40:50):

how do you make your cursor that it is so mean :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( |-) |-) |-) |-) |-)

eeveelover64 (2021-02-08 15:47:55):

but how tho?

Unknown author (2021-02-09 02:36:29):

I know how

I'm Anonymous 1 the other one who asked how to make a cursor is Anonymous original

abdgd1000 (2021-02-09 04:46:02):

hi I am new but i have some cusor ;-)

Unknown author (2021-02-09 13:11:48):


Unknown author (2021-02-09 14:11:10):


Dark_Samus (2021-02-09 14:58:50):

that's me...

Unknown author (2021-02-09 15:43:03):

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-(bt5y6u5u6h6gtgbiuytf :-(:-(

Unknown author (2021-02-09 18:39:43):


yourcomputerhasdied (2021-02-09 19:55:53):

How do you get 64 on the 15 puzzle? it is impossible

Dark_Samus (2021-02-10 02:30:42):


Which is better???

Filzzy (2021-02-11 21:50:16):

i had joined ur meeting but u anint there

Newb (2021-02-11 23:41:31):

at 7:50 have to hget in

Dark_Samus (2021-02-12 08:35:39):

Don't click on that link because it contain malware...

SlizzyG (2021-02-12 13:35:14):

oh thats dangerous.

Filzzy (2021-02-13 08:00:19):

today was our house walkthrough

Dark_Samus (2021-02-13 10:20:39):

WTF!!! is 'house walkthrough'???

Dark_Samus (2021-02-14 03:41:47):

that's fucking porn!!!

eeveelover64 (2021-02-14 05:45:36):


Stormedge (2021-02-14 22:03:54):

What's better:

Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis

I choose the Sega Genesis.

Dark_Samus (2021-02-15 04:40:15):

As a game developer I found Super Nintendo much more powerful then Sega Genesis...

If we compare games for these systems then Super Nintendo would likely to be a winner.

Unknown author (2021-02-15 05:45:28):

If you like Disney games then go to the Genesis.

Dark_Samus (2021-02-15 05:57:49):

I love Disney games on Genesis...

Games like Aladdin and the Castle of illusion are outstanding.

Unknown author (2021-02-15 18:44:03):

Yeah, Traveller's Tales made really good games for the Sega Genesis.

Filzzy (2021-02-15 20:46:15):


Dark_Samus (2021-02-15 21:22:16):


Unknown author (2021-02-16 15:42:25):


Newb (2021-02-16 17:01:34):

my stuff disappeared

Unknown author (2021-02-17 00:31:16):

:-o whaaa

Unknown author (2021-02-17 07:19:48):

i am new

pls tell what to do

Unknown author (2021-02-19 17:12:04):
]so you have to make a account to make cursor

you can download

TheDreamAchrone (2021-02-19 23:12:09):

to be super honest, this place is rlly awesome and better than cursors4u.com (that sucks)

Unknown author (2021-02-22 19:44:35):

this is amazing i got ot change my mouse but my couin helped me :-)


Unknown author (2021-02-24 11:23:03):

OMG WHAT AN APP :-( :-( :-( :-(

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(


Unknown author (2021-02-24 16:08:13):



Unknown author (2021-02-24 17:47:34):

:-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-02-24 19:55:33):

can someone make a she-ra and the princesses of power one, preferrable the 2018 version including short-haired catra?

Unknown author (2021-02-24 21:59:52):


eeveelover64 (2021-02-25 18:08:51):

thats gonna be hard

Unknown author (2021-02-25 20:40:29):

update this myspace pppppppp now days its facebook

Unknown author (2021-02-25 23:23:25):

:-) hi

i am new

can u help me get the file for a black and green cursor so i can put it as my normal select, cause i am on windows 7 8-)

Bianca rerre (2021-02-25 23:30:05):


Unknown author (2021-03-01 07:18:50):

caca cacs

Unknown author (2021-03-01 20:12:47):

how to change avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nibbler (2021-03-02 15:37:56):

You can't change your avatar unless you create an account! |-)

Phantom (2021-03-02 18:09:29):


(2021-03-02 20:07:55):

wait theres windows 8 - 10 wheres windows nine 9⃣

Insane Games (2021-03-02 20:15:40):

Starting today, 3/2/2021 is the TOTM contest for March icon-21556 The theme is *drumroll* RAINBOW!! Using this cursor you need to make an animated cursor from it!! How the cursor looks cursor-151969

(2021-03-02 23:30:51):

hey guys this is my youtube channel right [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjCysf_MiBCqI0AnLa_fo3ghere]


Filzzy (2021-03-03 07:18:29):

i made a finnal big rainbow cursor

Unknown author (2021-03-03 14:48:25):

FLIZZY schick ma link 8-)

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-03 15:53:31):



Filzzy (2021-03-03 19:01:45):

I moved into my new house with my family but we are still setting up stuff icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image 8-) :-o :-D :-) ;-) |-) icon-image/14228-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2021-03-03 19:02:53):

hi guys

Luna the wolf (2021-03-03 19:38:27):


Unknown author (2021-03-03 21:57:33):

oh hi I wanna asce for how can you downlod the pokemon lefon can you teech me??i would be happy to see that :-D

(2021-03-04 16:07:04):









and got another one



ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-04 16:22:30):

Uhmm, you have to make you own..

Ohh, nvm

(2021-03-04 16:30:15):



Unknown author (2021-03-04 17:57:19):


(2021-03-04 18:37:18):

I want the Stoneman tools :-(

read my blog


ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-05 14:32:54):


??? (2021-03-07 01:27:40):


-) 8-) :-o :-( :-D :-) ;-)
Unknown author (2021-03-07 12:27:57):


i am sooo anonymous


Unknown author (2021-03-08 00:22:26):


Unknown author (2021-03-08 10:36:50):


wanna play gta 6 add my tag

Unknown author (2021-03-08 11:29:41):

bruh not out

Unknown author (2021-03-08 15:32:31):
-) 8-) :-o :-o :-o :-o :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

hi bro

Unknown author (2021-03-08 23:07:29):

hey man i was wondering about one thing..... HOW TO UPLOAD CURSOR PACKS?

I CAN JUST UPLOAD ONE BY ONE :-( :-( :-( :-(

YourLocalretard (2021-03-08 23:14:58):



Unknown author (2021-03-08 23:40:01):


ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-03-09 00:38:18):

ok i got a new one by blank name

Unknown author (2021-03-09 18:01:36):


YourLocalretard (2021-03-09 19:08:14):

..... AND MY QUESTION? :-(

Unknown author (2021-03-09 20:06:10):


I don't f*ucking understand

Like damn




Filzzy (2021-03-10 03:38:43):

okay Lalalalatet bzjdh

like duh




Filzzy (2021-03-10 17:59:23):

here is a song about my life in 2021: here is a song about my life in 2021:

Times like this, I wish I never existed
Nobody wants to listen
I'm screaming out for help
Times like this, I wish that I could let go
And open up a window, free to be myself
But then there's you
Standing over me, tryina make a fool of me
Tryina get the best of me
Oh, then there's you
Tryina shut me out, tryina kick me when I'm down
That ain't gonna stop me now, no
How does it feel to know that I don't care at all?
Your words don't mean a thing at all
I choose to rise, you choose to fall (ahh)
How does it feel to know that I am capable?
Of more than you will ever know (ahh)
Don't tell me I'm not good enough (ohh)
Don't you bring me down (ohh)
I'm moving up (ohh) and you're over now (ohh)
You gave me fire (ohh)
Everytime you came…

Don't tell me I'm not good enough
Times like this, I wish I never existed
Nobody wants to listen
I'm screaming out for help
Times like this, I wish that I could let go
And open up a window, free to be myself
But then there's you
Standing over me, tryina make a fool of me
Tryina get the best of me
Oh, then there's you
Tryina shut me out, tryina kick me when I'm down
That ain't gonna stop me now, no
How does it feel to know that I don't care at all?
Your words don't mean a thing at all
I choose to rise, you choose to fall (ahh)
How does it feel to know that I am capable?
Of more than you will ever know (ahh)
Don't tell me I'm not good enough (ohh)
Don't you bring me down (ohh)
I'm moving up (ohh) and you're over now (ohh)
You gave me fire (ohh)
Everytime you came around (ohh)
My feet are steady on the ground (ohh)
And you won't knock me down
No more, oho, oho, oho
Now I'm unbreakable
Oho, oho, oho
Now I'm unbreakable
Times like this, I'm picking up the pieces
I'm making up the reasons
Not to tell a soul
Times like this, I'd rather speak to no one
I just wanna move on, and stand up on my own
But then there's you
Standing over me, tryina make a fool of me
Tryina get the best of me
Oh, then there's you
Tryina shut me out, tryina kick me when I'm down
That ain't gonna stop me now, no
How does it feel to know that I don't care at all?
Your words don't mean a thing at all
I choose to rise, you choose to fall (ahh)
How does it feel to know that I am capable?
Of more than you will ever know (ahh)
Don't tell me I'm not good enough (ohh)
Don't you bring me down (ohh)
I'm moving up (ohh) and you're over now (ohh)
You gave me fire (ohh)
Everytime you came around (ohh)
My feet are steady on the ground (ohh)
And you won't knock me down
No more, oho, oho, oho
Now I'm unbreakable
Oho, oho, oho
Now I'm unbreakable (yeah)
I remember getting teased as a kid
'Cause at the place that we lived
We never had it easy, believe me
But that don't excuse the things that we did
Wouldn't accept that I was never accepted
Shed so many tears like I fell in depression
But if I changed, I wouldn't get called names
But it was all the same, I was feeling rejected
Putting someone down that's a low blow
What goes around comes around like a yoyo
Wish that I could stop time like a photo
But we stand strong, bounce back like a pogo
Don't tell me I'm not good enough (What?, ohh)
Don't you bring me down (ohh)
I'm moving up (ohh) and you're over now (ohh)
You gave me fire (ohh)
Everytime you came around (ohh)
My feet are steady on the ground (ohh)
And you won't knock me down
No more, oho, oho, oho
Now I'm unbreakable
Oho, oho, oho
Now I'm unbreakable

Unknown author (2021-03-11 09:20:09):


p4rkr (2021-03-11 16:44:19):


Noah (2021-03-11 18:33:18):


Unknown author (2021-03-11 21:24:12):
uri._. (2021-03-12 04:43:59):

:-)hola hi ohayo

zorogpro (2021-03-12 06:55:30):

8-) :-D :-)

p4rkr (2021-03-12 20:43:24):

eeeshhhh nice your better than eminem

Unknown author (2021-03-15 21:09:14):

No OnE bEtTeR tHaN eMiNeM hE rAp LiKe a GoD.
B-) uwu

Unknown author (2021-03-15 22:11:27):

hey guys its me Flizzy someone had hacked my account

Unknown author (2021-03-16 12:24:24):

I did it the rainbow

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-16 13:13:02):

My stock:
item/spray-paint/red.png image 3 buttons item/spray-paint/orange.png image 4 buttons item/spray-paint/green.png image 4 buttons item/spray-paint/coral.png image 5 buttons
item/spray-paint/darkgoldenrod.png image 3 buttons

That's all i've got
Buy away!

Unknown author (2021-03-17 08:25:27):

;-) :-) :-D :-o 8-)

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-17 15:12:45):

icon-image/22183-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22182-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22181-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22180-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22179-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22178-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22177-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22176-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22175-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22174-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22173-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22172-20x20x32.png image

TheDreamAchrone (2021-03-17 16:17:03):

why anyone makes a FNF cursor, the icons was good but i rlly want a cursor set (and others i think)

Unknown author (2021-03-17 23:18:28):


Unknown author (2021-03-18 12:59:53):

shut up :-D

Unknown author (2021-03-18 13:56:51):


TheDreamAchrone (2021-03-18 15:06:38):

you want but the ladies like you first :-D

wolfy (2021-03-18 22:07:46):

hi guys im new :-o

and so i love wolfs and tigers :-D :-D

Unknown author (2021-03-19 15:00:19):

:-D :-D :-( :-o

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-19 15:19:31):


ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-19 17:04:03):

I am making a Friday Night Funkin' set sometime.

It was the most voted set.

TheDreamAchrone (2021-03-19 19:10:47):

THX! :-D

Unknown author (2021-03-20 12:32:58):

its so good tysm

Unknown author (2021-03-20 18:11:54):

i like to see a cat eating a dog ;-)

Unknown author (2021-03-20 21:01:25):


Unknown author (2021-03-21 10:43:13):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-o 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) 8-) 8-) |-)

Unknown author (2021-03-21 17:58:10):


Unknown author (2021-03-21 21:39:24):


ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-03-21 23:12:30):


Unknown author (2021-03-22 09:10:42):

قص خواتكم يا منايك لنيك كل امياتكم

اخلاق اخلاق

انتم منايك

Unknown author (2021-03-22 15:34:58):

eita tu é ruim desgraça

Unknown author (2021-03-22 21:47:46):

This website has such a retarded community.

Unknown author (2021-03-23 13:20:11):

wow it helped me a lot | recommend it

Unknown author (2021-03-23 17:55:11):

I CANT HAVE IT!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown author (2021-03-24 16:26:43):

its me Flizzy someone hacked my account

Flizzy (2021-03-24 16:33:31):


that was my bro I told him to say that

no one hacked my account at all

join me at https://hello.freeconference.com/conf/call/5893847

Unknown author (2021-03-24 22:11:23):

You are a retard

rae<3 (2021-03-25 16:17:01):

this is sad guys

Unknown author (2021-03-25 21:10:48):

Shut up.

Unknown author (2021-03-26 00:35:24):


Unknown author (2021-03-26 00:37:58):

Whatever you should not exist

Unknown author (2021-03-26 00:44:25):

My name is anonymous

Unknown author (2021-03-26 00:55:26):

I'm bad at making a cursor lol

Unknown author (2021-03-26 01:34:22):

I knew it the links are fake

Unknown author (2021-03-26 21:49:23):

i got a goku cursor


Unknown author (2021-03-27 12:01:43):

I can download Friday night funkin 8-)

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-29 14:48:41):

I finished my Friday Night Funkin' cursors! Check them out in the Gallery

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-31 14:30:32):


ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-31 16:01:52):


ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-01 13:56:29):

guys im sick and i throw up

and my eyes hurting

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-01 16:13:20):

ima work for the stonemantool

Unknown author (2021-04-01 16:14:16):

yoooooooooooooooooooo whats up 8-)

Unknown author (2021-04-01 16:15:38):

type your commet here

if you dont you die ;-)

Unknown author (2021-04-01 16:16:10):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o 8-) 8-) :-o :-o :-o |-) |-) |-) :-D :-) ;-) :-) 8-)

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-01 16:17:35):


Unknown author (2021-04-01 20:30:21):


ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-01 21:33:05):


Unknown author (2021-04-01 23:19:45):

hi noobs ;-)

Unknown author (2021-04-01 23:50:27):


ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-02 05:54:34):

you got no email... im not new

Unknown author (2021-04-02 09:45:52):


ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-02 19:59:53):

can some body upload this cursor set to real world cursor jommans.deviantart.com I cant because the I boss


copy it

and this cuppii.deviantart.com

no do this one jommans.deviantart.com

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-02 21:47:47):

this one tpye this Kinergety Cursors 2sets

post bost or what you want chose are gonna upload and give credit

[no fake link click it and download it and publish it on here and give credit and I can't cus this I boss blocked it for no reason]

https://www.deviantart.com/mp1331/art/Kinergety-Cursors-651929317 reupload to this website i want it so bad it said reset or iboss blocked it so please upload it and download it

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-03 20:32:54):


Unknown author (2021-04-05 11:50:06):

I've got rainbow uicorn ;-)

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-05 13:35:22):


___ ___ (o o) (o o) ( V ) Ne (2021-04-05 19:01:17):




Pornhubcum (2021-04-05 19:39:48):

daddy cum hard

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-05 19:42:45):


Unknown author (2021-04-05 20:53:49):


Unknown author (2021-04-06 17:22:26):

hello i dont now how to pot the mouse pointer can you help me anyone

Unknown author (2021-04-06 21:41:09):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-( :-o 8-) 8-) :-) ;-) |-)


SK (2021-04-06 22:18:05):

Hello! I love this app, I got all nice rainbow cursors from here only!

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-07 02:29:54):


Unknown author (2021-04-07 13:52:51):


Unknown author (2021-04-07 16:21:14):

im dead :-)

Unknown author (2021-04-08 08:23:35):

Also known as shit, it has a particular smell and also fertilization properties. It does float and flows downhill. If you're lucky, you've stepped in shit. If not, you get the shit end of the stick. If you're stupid you're known as shit for brains. A good lover will eff the shit out of you. There are many different textures to shit: hard turd, soft turd, flakey turds, soft pile, and runny squirts. The color of shit corresponds with the evening repast or meal. Everyone shit's their pants and no one likes shit sandwiches. Everyone takes a shit and a long turd will disappear in the toilet. Shit will attract flies and leave streaks in your under garments. Always wash your hands!

Dark_Samus (2021-04-08 09:06:34):


Unknown author (2021-04-08 14:24:10):

comment on utilise les curseur les gens
vous pouver m aider(^∀^●)ノシ

et vous pouver me repondre vite

Unknown author (2021-04-10 04:55:00):

wow this thing is cool

Unknown author (2021-04-11 04:53:37):
Unknown author (2021-04-13 00:48:08):

heyoo 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-04-14 18:10:25):

:-o :-( :-D :-) ;-)


Unknown author (2021-04-15 08:20:49):

:-D :-D :-D :-D

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-04-15 14:43:18):

Hello :|

Unknown author (2021-04-15 20:17:18):

hi :-)

Unknown author (2021-04-15 21:38:44):

thats cool 8-) :-D

Unknown author (2021-04-16 08:32:17):




Unknown author (2021-04-16 11:53:56):

I need help, I wanna make my own cursor!

Unknown author (2021-04-16 11:55:24):


no one is gonna help u

Unknown author (2021-04-16 12:01:13):

Geez ty

Unknown author (2021-04-16 16:27:44):


ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-16 23:48:45):

i have riddler cursor on

Unknown author (2021-04-19 05:47:46):

how make my own cursor ???

Unknown author (2021-04-19 10:20:53):

piease add you tube icon please give you tube icone i wii give you 5 star rating :-( :-( :-(

Flizzy (2021-04-19 18:34:51):

Anonymous can we be friends?

Unknown author (2021-04-20 00:49:36):

It so cool

Anonymous (2021-04-20 02:13:09):

Hey can we be friends

Unknown author (2021-04-20 04:12:07):


Unknown author (2021-04-20 08:20:00):

I need friends :-(

Unknown author (2021-04-20 17:52:34):

okay I can be friends

yesterday I was Obro

And now I am Anonymous

Unknown author (2021-04-20 18:38:46):

Oh so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!

This cool!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am going to register and it's gon be Xm9436

Xm9436 (2021-04-20 18:51:28):

xm962 or I don't know but if you see in beging xm that means it is me

Oh sorry it is Xm9436

Hey you anonymous you guys also register


Sorry it is wolfenstien

Anonymous (2021-04-20 19:25:05):

Okay I am loged in as Wolfenstin it's a game name it is the first shooting game in the wolrd

okay cool

wane be friends

let's be friends

I Wish I had friends



Tell me if you want to make friends with me


Unknown author (2021-04-21 14:32:47):

hi foti

cool :-)

Unknown author (2021-04-21 14:34:03):

Hi foti

Unknown author (2021-04-21 14:41:50):


Hi Foti my best friend



Unknown author (2021-04-21 15:05:08):

hi foti my friend :-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-04-21 22:07:12):

can you put a beyblade burst cursor be coz i want one


♡zє♡ (2021-04-21 22:42:44):

bruh ;-)

Unknown author (2021-04-22 04:17:34):

iam not happy iam requsted to add whatsapp icone but you not

Unknown author (2021-04-22 17:25:27):

haha that so funny :-o :-o :-o

say hi to 8-) charli

Unknown author (2021-04-22 19:08:16):


Unknown author (2021-04-23 15:50:54):

It's blocker :-(

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-24 23:17:38):



ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-25 07:36:15):


ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-26 13:52:09):

click this link and vote what i should upload http://www.rw-designer.com/forum/5539

Unknown author (2021-04-26 21:49:07):

Es muy divertido y genial :-) :-D

:-D :-D 8-)

Unknown author (2021-04-27 07:33:44):

omg i have new cursor

nick pro (2021-04-27 09:20:08):


cantloginops1 (2021-04-27 12:52:36):

hello there

Dark_Samus (2021-04-27 20:17:58):


RIDDLER (2021-04-28 04:13:17):


nightklp (2021-04-28 15:42:00):

User treath

i/unknown-48.png image

Name is


Rating 0.5 For no reason has affected all cursor to be down :-(

we might have huge problem |-)

i might wait to upload space Theme Cursor this time :-(

Unknown author (2021-04-28 16:35:21):


Unknown author (2021-04-28 18:20:36):


Unknown author (2021-04-28 18:20:51):


Unknown author (2021-04-28 18:35:58):

:'(Y.Y=(=P^_-;D=]-_-> <:]^^>.<:-$$_$:SB-)=_=-0-^^;8-)=[*_*:|-.->_<:O(=D:-3:O)=)^_+:-]^.^;]

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-28 21:17:04):

bro all my cursor don't have a star on it right now

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-04-28 22:24:24):

Look at your name closely... See a glow?

Guess who did that?

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ (2021-04-29 01:44:12):



Unknown author (2021-04-29 17:32:09):

hello is dis good?

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-04-29 17:52:05):

Orange - 1 spray
Green -- 1 spray
Red ---- 1 spray

Orange - 3 Buttons
Green -- 3 Buttons
Red ---- 4 Buttons


nightklp (2021-04-30 05:12:55):

You can sell Spray paint hmm i have this spray paint

darkgoldenrod darkgoldenrod |-)

how much button is this?
i think... 3-6?

i would appreciate if you have this color

This indigoORthislime
We can trade about it..

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-04-30 13:44:21):

Im sorry, I don't have those. But thanks!

cluelessTypist (2021-04-30 18:55:55):

Damn this site is nostalgic :,]

Unknown author (2021-04-30 22:27:30):

how do i apply it

the cursor

Unknown author (2021-05-01 12:15:08):

:-) :-) :-) :-wnbhebrhgbhrtgjbebtt:-) :-) :-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( ;-) ;-)

why my name anonymous

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ [̲̅2] (2021-05-04 00:39:29):


my computer had a black hole aka the lcd umm the computer was very broken broken where wa a big kline that coverd 75% OF MY COMPUTER

Unknown author (2021-05-04 13:03:43):

darkgoldenrod darkgoldenrod |-)

how much button is this?
i think... 3-6?

i would appreciate if you have this color
This indigoORthislime

Unknown author (2021-05-04 19:18:23):

índigoOU isso Lima

Unknown author (2021-05-05 13:29:40):


Unknown author (2021-05-06 09:32:09):


your but hole


Unknown author (2021-05-06 15:11:35):

Hi your but hole you rat :-D!

Unknown author (2021-05-06 18:13:53):

:-D :-) :-D

Unknown author (2021-05-06 20:11:09):



Unknown author (2021-05-07 10:36:03):

how can i joined here pls
:-( :-( :-( :-D:-D

Unknown author (2021-05-07 15:12:16):

hey does this work?

Unknown author (2021-05-08 01:07:02):


im bored who else is bored? :-)

Unknown author (2021-05-08 11:39:52):

got cool cursor

Unknown author (2021-05-08 21:40:20):

i got a harry potter curser and i am already in love aka im a potterhead

Unknown author (2021-05-10 09:06:36):

is this app safe ?

is this app safe

Unknown author (2021-05-10 09:15:15):


Unknown author (2021-05-10 13:33:56):


ʄʟɨӼ (2021-05-10 16:44:26):

no... This isn't an app, it's a website.

And what do you mean hack? If you don't feel safe, click that little X at the top right corner of your screen, unless you are looking at your computer upside down.

Then It's bottom left

Unknown author (2021-05-10 17:21:24):

RealWorld Cursor Editor a hack webside

Unknown author (2021-05-11 01:50:03):

nop hack nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop 8-)

Unknown author (2021-05-11 11:11:20):

RealWorld Icon Editor software safe to download

Unknown author (2021-05-11 14:08:09):

please reply

8-) 8-) :-o :-D

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-05-11 14:57:52):

yes it is. I have it on my pc, and nothing has been acting up.

I have the cursor editor. If it was a virus, I would know.

Unknown author (2021-05-11 20:17:00):


Unknown author (2021-05-11 22:16:51):

eae povo

Unknown author (2021-05-12 12:29:59):

thank you :-)

Unknown author (2021-05-13 11:40:07):


Unknown author (2021-05-13 15:20:54):


8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-05-13 17:35:39):


Unknown author (2021-05-14 08:43:59):

вы нубланы

Unknown author (2021-05-14 10:18:18):


Unknown author (2021-05-14 21:13:58):








Unknown author (2021-05-15 12:54:16):

qit :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2021-05-16 15:19:59):

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

ᘻᗩᑢᒪᓍᐺᘿᖇ [̲̅2] (2021-05-17 13:35:03):

omg so many

ima make a cursor set

Unknown author (2021-05-17 19:03:06):


Unknown author (2021-05-18 21:18:03):


Unknown author (2021-05-19 18:54:36):

lmao the account system here doesnt work.
everytime i leave the account page i get logged out and absolutely cannot log bacc in, they say that the password's """incorrect""" or some dumb shit.

Unknown author (2021-05-19 20:45:05):


Unknown author (2021-05-20 10:49:15):

hi lol

Unknown author (2021-05-20 15:58:09):

Lol How can I make A mouse cursor download and have It? (0o0) (@o@) (-o-) <00> ("o")

Unknown author (2021-05-20 20:10:27):

hi i was wondering if ANONYMOUS NEEDS TO SHUT UP

Duble (2021-05-21 01:06:58):

this is what you do, so first download the cursor you want to download, then open setting on your PC look up cursor and press enter, now on your right there's a thing called additional mouse setting and double tap that, then press additional mouse options then go to pointers, and then press browse then it will make you go to your files you then go to downloads and double tap the cursor you downloaded and you want to use then press apply then you should have it there might be an easier way that idk. just follow those steps and you should have your cursor. Hope it works for you :-)

Unknown author (2021-05-22 13:45:48):

Heya! Just wanted to come and say hi :-D

Unknown author (2021-05-23 18:20:46):

it's very very very cool
now my cursor is a x-wing or millenium falcon of a tie fighter !!!! :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

mais pour les français, rajouter la tête du Youtubeur Ninjaxx !!!


go on his link to see this channel

(he is the youtubeur ever)

yes, you right Ninjaxx is a great youtubeur

Ian M Kumontoy (2021-05-24 10:36:41):



do you have a Discord


Unknown author (2021-05-24 16:54:11):

hey if anyone sees this comment plz make ottoman related cursor sets or maybe crown cursors set plz plz

Unknown author (2021-05-25 09:34:57):

I make Gaming Cursors. my favorite is Purple Sticker

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

000 (2021-05-25 19:15:11):

Hola 8-)

Unknown author (2021-05-26 07:23:39):

mama meka call of duty akata damma mouse aka supiri :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-05-28 13:53:41):

hey if anyone see's this comment please make more BTS themed cursor or bt21 ones. Thankyou! :-)

Unknown author (2021-05-31 10:55:48):


Unknown author (2021-06-01 16:13:33):

:-) :-) :-( : -o 8-) | -) ;-)

Unknown author (2021-06-02 18:38:52):

tan bien putos para instalarse esto (︶^︶)

Unknown author (2021-06-03 03:35:15):


Unknown author (2021-06-03 16:29:02):


Hard (2021-06-05 06:47:26):

pls make for Greninja pls

Unknown author (2021-06-06 13:56:23):


000 (2021-06-08 22:10:12):

Hola de nuevo 8-)

Unknown author (2021-06-10 16:22:17):

8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-06-10 16:48:25):
-) 8-) : -o :-( :-D :-) ;-)
Unknown author (2021-06-10 18:59:49):


sol1999 (2021-06-14 17:54:24):

Hello, how can I upload the cursors that I designed? I mean, I want to share them on this page. :-(

Unknown author (2021-06-14 19:19:53):

same how do i do it i want to upload cursors :-(

Unknown author (2021-06-16 09:01:01):

gcfhfcjg ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-)

Matty (2021-06-17 05:49:06):

Hmmmmm You Lookin Kinda Lookin THICC

Unknown author (2021-06-18 01:13:45):


dasdsdas |-)

Unknown author (2021-06-18 13:49:06):


:-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) 8-)

:-D 8-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-06-18 17:28:11):

salve fml

Unknown author (2021-06-21 23:09:29):


Unknown author (2021-06-22 08:23:51):



Unknown author (2021-06-23 04:49:58):

if you wand upload the cusors wach
a video

Unknown author (2021-06-23 10:02:39):


Unknown author (2021-06-23 15:50:48):

-_- no se como cambiar mi mouse :-( :-o

Unknown author (2021-06-23 19:58:18):


Unknown author (2021-06-24 05:23:17):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D f**k :-D :-D f**k

Unknown author (2021-06-24 19:48:10):

f**K of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown author (2021-06-25 03:22:32):


im new to this

i found this online tho

you guys litterally say bad words , like f*** of , you suck , kinda thing like that anyways bye

Unknown author (2021-06-25 06:12:42):



Unknown author (2021-07-01 05:23:44):

your so sussy

Unknown author (2021-07-01 07:24:27):



Unknown author (2021-07-02 20:14:25):

Whot hehe are you douing (hehe)

:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o 8-) |-) ;-) :-)

nova-chan (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ (2021-07-03 01:02:18):

sussy bakassssS |-)

-) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -)
UnPollito (2021-07-03 01:52:55):

;-) ;-) ;-) :-) :-D

Unknown author (2021-07-03 16:54:27):

http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/random-normal :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-07-04 18:37:12):


Unknown author (2021-07-09 19:22:23):

hi :-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-07-10 07:06:25):

:-D :-D

Unknown author (2021-07-11 09:01:09):


david.io (2021-07-11 14:36:36):

nimguem br :-(

Unknown author (2021-07-12 17:47:35):

:-o 8-) :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Unknown author (2021-07-12 20:37:36):

:-) :-) 8-)

BR!!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2021-07-13 02:54:57):

:-D ;-) ;-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-07-13 13:28:02):

gn mcg nm,yfk 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-( ;-)


















attachments in forum (5284)
pictures of users (110)
alternative skins (20233)
:-o 8-) :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

user icon
about 17 hours ago

:-) :-) 8-)

BR!!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-D :-D

user icon
about 11 hours ago

:-D ;-) ;-) :-) :-)

user icon
right now

gn mcg nm,yfk 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) :-( ;-)


















Unknown author (2021-07-15 06:56:34):


Unknown author (2021-07-15 15:01:01):
-) 8-) :-o :-( :-D :-) ;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o </td><td>-) 8-) ;-)





Unknown author (2021-07-15 21:52:33):


Unknown author (2021-07-16 09:54:59):

hi Im a girl a tomboy can you tell me if your a girl?

IM NOT LYING LIKE LILA IN MERACILES LADYBUG I am in year 2 and I like minecraft youtubers kind of mouse for my laptop from school and my school is at Abbotsleigh

Unknown author (2021-07-16 14:27:52):


Unknown author (2021-07-19 08:13:32):



Unknown author (2021-07-20 20:03:31):

moin ist das sicher

★彡[ᴏɴɪx ꜰᴀɴɢ]彡★ (2021-07-30 06:46:32):


Unknown author (2021-07-30 10:04:48):


Unknown author (2021-07-30 10:15:20):


Unknown author (2021-08-01 18:35:58):

tipo eu nao achei oque eu quiria :-(

★彡[ᴏɴɪx ꜰᴀɴɢ]彡★ (2021-08-02 08:15:07):

check out my cursor set

nescafégeladin (2021-08-02 21:44:28):

sla mano

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-08-03 09:47:21):

Chec 8-)k out my new cursor set and please leave a comment and subscribe to my profile



Unknown author (2021-08-04 09:51:54):

wsp people

Unknown author (2021-08-18 08:44:57):

very beautiful!!! ;-)

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-08-20 08:59:08):

icon-image/9443-16x16x32.png image icon-image/9441-16x16x32.png image icon-image/9442-16x16x32.png image

look out my new cursors

Unknown author (2021-08-24 19:24:08):

hello guys hey guys you know roblox ;-)

Unknown author (2021-08-25 05:33:49):


polo g (2021-08-26 16:30:39):


Unknown author (2021-08-30 10:39:00):

lol :-D

Unknown author (2021-09-01 19:29:08):

this is one of the most attractive courser :-)

22p22 (2021-09-02 06:46:58):

wowcool!!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

IMakeNothingImportant (2021-09-03 20:29:56):

@R I D D L E R

I got person select and location select for your windows 10x theme if you wanna see the idea

Unknown author (2021-09-04 02:15:49):

lollll pero cuanto usuaro 8-) xD


Unknown author (2021-09-04 12:46:49):



Unknown author (2021-09-07 19:25:33):

Hola como estais :-D

Unknown author (2021-09-09 01:12:35):

qué diablos y yo como mierda para el desayuno fóllame papi mi trasero es más grande que tu cabeza y se mueve, se mueve, se mueve, mis tetas son enormes también vamos a follar toda la noche

si seis nueve toda la noche por favor

mis tetas son tan grandes que froto tu polla en ellas

Unknown author (2021-09-10 17:40:26):

Windows sucks Linux ROCKS :-)

Unknown author (2021-09-10 22:32:35):


Unknown author (2021-09-12 03:43:16):


nibbler (2021-09-12 15:14:39):

I think Linux looks cool, but Windows supports almost everything in the world. You world need some work to get it to work

rsrc/paulasignature.png image

Unknown author (2021-09-15 16:07:44):

this page is nice

BrandonMrMan (2021-09-15 20:10:52):

i like how people are still using this when its at least 10+ years old.

Unknown author (2021-09-15 21:14:56):

Windows is slow, heavyweight and shit.

and i know how to use wine(Windows Emulator) on linux.

i compiled it myself.

currently i am running puppy-linux and you should try it out :-)

000 (2021-09-17 00:27:09):

Hello? 8- :-D

Unknown author (2021-09-18 04:01:44):

how do i get custom cosoer

Benderbee (2021-09-18 09:45:49):

"Windows is slow, heavyweight and shit.
and i know how to use wine(Windows Emulator) on linux.
i compiled it myself.
currently i am running puppy-linux and you should try it out :-)"
- Anonymous user

In earlier versions of Windows, it was possible to choose what you wanted to install, such that it took up as much disk space as you saw fit. For example, Windows 95's minimum install would only turn out to be around 40-ish megabytes. People have probably made modifications to the operating system that allow you to do that as well, however not made official by Microsoft. Besides, hard drives have gotten so big today that I don't see much of a reason to slander Windows for hard disk usage.

The main reason I'm not willing to switch to Linux is due to Windows software compatibility. WINE is a revolutionary bit of software (along with CodeWeavers Crossover), but due to Microsoft's unwillingness to open-source any libraries, WINE will always be a step behind Windows in terms of executable compatibility (though I'm not sure Microsoft would care if you took libraries from Windows 2000).

There are certain programs that I like using that are quite obscure or require special patches in order to work properly. Of course, we could just download all of WINE's available libraries, but then it would contradict your argument as it would likely take up some gigabytes. I myself have experimented with Manjaro to do this. Also, since Linux is used by essentially no one except for tech geeks and some European municipal governments, most software manufacturers are going to focus on your average Joe using Windows rather than you, so it's highly unlikely you'll see a Linux binary download on a web page.

I have the most hope for ReactOS. Granted, it is still based on NT 5.2 and has been in Alpha since its conception in the late 90s (did the developers skip version 0.4.14?), but it is open-source and aims for out-of-the-box compatibility with Windows. Given its full potential, as well as a more rigid release schedule, I can see it as the future of Windows-compatible computing.

... Oh, and did I mention that average Joes can't use the Terminal?

Unknown author (2021-09-18 10:04:47):

i like men

Unknown author (2021-09-20 22:19:16):

Anthony A

nibbler (2021-09-25 08:07:28):

@Benderbee who wrote:

"Windows is slow, heavyweight and shit.
and i know how to use wine(Windows Emulator) on linux.
i compiled it myself.
currently i am running puppy-linux and you should try it out :-)"
- Anonymous user

In earlier versions of Windows, it was possible to choose what you wanted to install, such that it took up as much disk space as you saw fit. For example, Windows 95's minimum install would only turn out to be around 40-ish megabytes. People have probably made modifications to the operating system that allow you to do that as well, however not made official by Microsoft. Besides, hard drives have gotten so big today that I don't see much of a reason to slander Windows for hard disk usage.

The main reason I'm not willing to switch to Linux is due to Windows software compatibility. WINE is a revolutionary bit of software (along with CodeWeavers Crossover), but due to Microsoft's unwillingness to open-source any libraries, WINE will always be a step behind Windows in terms of executable compatibility (though I'm not sure Microsoft would care if you took libraries from Windows 2000).

There are certain programs that I like using that are quite obscure or require special patches in order to work properly. Of course, we could just download all of WINE's available libraries, but then it would contradict your argument as it would likely take up some gigabytes. I myself have experimented with Manjaro to do this. Also, since Linux is used by essentially no one except for tech geeks and some European municipal governments, most software manufacturers are going to focus on your average Joe using Windows rather than you, so it's highly unlikely you'll see a Linux binary download on a web page.

I have the most hope for ReactOS. Granted, it is still based on NT 5.2 and has been in Alpha since its conception in the late 90s (did the developers skip version 0.4.14?), but it is open-source and aims for out-of-the-box compatibility with Windows. Given its full potential, as well as a more rigid release schedule, I can see it as the future of Windows-compatible computing.

... Oh, and did I mention that average Joes can't use the Terminal?

1 terabyte microSD cards
I totally forgot that you don't have to use " | " when using an off-site link in a comment.

See, I've always wanted to open Windows programs on my Pixel 2 for a moment, until I realized that most emulators don't support EXE. When I found Wine, it refuses to show the startup screen where the taskbar and others go.

At THAT time, my ASUS laptop was known to be notoriously slow. I was watching a Mario Kart YouTube video, when out of the blue, a blue screen showed up, showing that SOMETHING must've failed. I tried to login about 3 times, to no avail, as it became thousands of times slower.

I booted it up 30 minutes later to find this message (yes, this is what exactly showed up on my screen).

I found a recovery service to try to fix the hard drive. I sent it over to SALVAGEDATA for some recovery, and it took over 2-3 days of shipping.

Turned out that the read head was completely demolished (not literal (!)). The lowest I can pay them is $1026 for recovery on my lost data. I just told them "Look, I simply cannot afford it. You can just throw that drive away." I also found out the caller from SALVAGEDATA and his sons also play Minecraft, just like I do, for about a decade.

I found some Windows emulators for Android, but none of them open EXE at all. So it was hard on me to decide what to do. My (dad) grandparents purchased a $299.99 HP laptop that had AMK Athlon silver CPU with 4 cores. I CANNOT play Minecraft ON THAT THING. When I do, chunks REFUSE or SORT OF TRY to load, and the game freezes EVERY 3 seconds, then moves again. (Don't ask how)

I eventually got another HP laptop that had Intel CORE i3 for my late birthday, as my b-day is August 27, 2003 (sorry if you think it's private information, but I don't think it is a big deal after all), but playing Minecraft on THAT thing was easier, but still lags every 3 seconds. Probably because

  • I have relocated too much RAM
  • I'm using too many Minecraft mods
  • I'm using a specific mod that does the lagging'
  • or it's just simply because I'm playing Optifabric Minecraft 1.17.1 (OptiFine AND Fabric (it's possible)) and that's what it just does.

I'm looking for a solution to this, but since I have 8GB of RAM (the old HP one having 4GB ram, and the ASUS one having 8GB as well), it just doesn't help much. I probably remember having this problem when I was using a shaders pack on the game, but I don't exactly know.

I also have a Dell Inspiron 1501, and BELIEVE ME, THAT DAMN THING IS ANCIENT. I MEAN IT! ''ANCIENT'.

It had a lot of malware, plus some custody mp3 files that my dad had in an account beside my GOKU account (my nickname that my dad used to call me). It also had this file called 7 fall of man silence .mp3, which is Silence by Mt Eden, a Dubstep song. My dad had tons of Dubstep songs. I don't know if we have them anymore.

When I powered it on, all I saw was a flashing caps lock indicator, but I found out that it was some sort of hard drive failure. (even though the files inside were not damaged)

Computers are very complicated. Just sayin'.

rsrc/paulasignature.png image

Unknown author (2021-09-25 19:32:00):

I thought reactOS was based on wine ;-)

Unknown author (2021-09-25 22:26:33):

cool 8-) but does it work on macbooks?

nibbler (2021-09-26 01:04:34):

@Anonymous who wrote:

cool 8-) but does it work on macbooks?

What are you talking about?

rsrc/paulasignature.png image

000 (2021-09-27 02:22:40):

Oigan para que sirven los buttoms?

nibbler (2021-09-27 19:42:42):

null comment (please ignore)

rsrc/paulasignature.png image

Unknown author (2021-09-28 05:29:53):

HELLO windows is not shit if u know how to use it

Unknown author (2021-09-28 10:22:48):


Phantom (2021-09-28 14:39:16):

an os is an os
and thats my opinion :]

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-28 14:46:12):

Anonymous : WINDOWS is SHIT!!!
Reply- Who's that fool that told shit to windows! icon-image/14473-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2021-09-28 17:57:44):

no it is not :-o

you are all stupid

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-29 08:42:42):

Hey Guy's mac Os is a pile of poop and it's cost is too much and it don't have a place to put a CD it sucks my money and I told dad "I don't want a MacBook air 2020 13 I want a windows 11 laptop and there so cheap.... icon-image/14478-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14478-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14478-16x16x32.png image

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-29 10:01:16):

Guys I have made a new disscusing forum let's chat on it icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image

This is the link of my new forum

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-29 11:30:58):


♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-30 06:44:22):

Hey who want a stonemason's tool only 20 buttons if you want it please contact me with 20 buttons icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2021-09-30 10:03:28):

System76 Rocks

Unknown author (2021-09-30 20:14:14):

I agree Windows rocks it is way better than stupid IOS to expensive

Unknown author (2021-10-01 11:25:51):

Windows is Spyware

And IOS is expensive spyware

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-10-01 15:29:30):

Lol this dude

Creator Brasil Girl (2021-10-01 19:43:19):

Oii gente

Unknown author (2021-10-02 18:11:34):

Use Linux, Choose Life.

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-04 07:28:24):

Reply : I agree Windows rocks it is way better than stupid IOS to expensive

you're right! ;-)

Mac OS use so dumb guys icon-image/14473-16x16x32.png image

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-04 07:28:41):

and it's so trashy!!!! :-D

Unknown author (2021-10-04 20:01:29):

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ Windows users are also dumb... Just like you monke :-)

Unknown author (2021-10-05 06:41:58):


Stickers r so ice

Unknown author (2021-10-05 09:26:46):

Hi are you Oxy?

xXLucas cursorsXx (2021-10-06 19:14:06):


Unknown author (2021-10-07 02:08:16):

Oii Lucas eu vi os seus cursores e eu sou nova eu amei os seus cursores... :-D

Unknown author (2021-10-08 14:09:55):


hello fam

Unknown author (2021-10-10 10:42:42):

Linux means FREEDOM!!!

Emma<3 (2021-10-11 04:28:34):

hi everyone does someone want to be friends~w~ :-D

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-11 06:15:02):

naah icon-image/22920-16x16x32.png image

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-12 05:35:34):


can someone send me a video tutorial that how to make a neon cursor if someone send me the video tutorial please comment at my profile that u send me the tutorial since I don't watch my Gmail often

and here is the email...

Unknown author (2021-10-12 16:14:08):


helo i am michael

Unknown author (2021-10-12 16:46:38):

DON'T Upgrade To Windows 11! Upgrade To Linux Instead.

Unknown author (2021-10-12 17:03:02):


Unknown author (2021-10-12 21:56:39):


Unknown author (2021-10-13 07:59:17):


Phantom (2021-10-13 14:26:52):


Unknown author (2021-10-13 16:19:58):


♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-14 04:47:50):

Who want's a stonemasons tool it's only 20 buttons not 25
who wants phone mockups there 5 buttons but the users who want cheaper I'll give phone mockups only for 4 buttons
and I also have laptop screen mockups too it's only 3 buttons I can't make the laptop screen more cheaper

I'm saving up to get a spray paint dispenser!!!

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-14 17:08:40):

Oh I can't review :-(

nibbler (2021-10-14 17:23:07):



rsrc/paulasignature.png image

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-15 04:20:10):

whats discord like!??

Phantom (2021-10-15 16:02:25):

very good
and simple
and for gamers

Emma<3 (2021-10-15 23:46:48):

you don't Know what is dicord wtf?!?!?!

nibbler (2021-10-16 08:55:28):

My reaction when banned from a Minecraft Server

rsrc/bored.png image

Hey, I'm currently making Sonic cursors.

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-16 14:04:33):


Im going to make a_______ cursor

Guess well soon

nibbler (2021-10-17 01:38:59):


¡ʎɐllɐ ǝɥʇ
♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-17 04:41:27):


nibbler (2021-10-17 10:03:47):


It says right here:



Ok, I know what you mean, you thought I said the allay is the cursor you're making, but that's just a general comment, not related to the other one. Can you not pay attention to what the comment means?

All I said is that the allay is coming to Minecraft 1.19.

rsrc/bored.png image
Get a job, Ness.

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-10-17 12:08:32):


nibbler (2021-10-17 17:37:25):

How come these two accounts have the same icon?


rsrc/bored.png image
Get a job, Ness.

Unknown author (2021-10-17 21:13:38):

oi propaaaaaaaa :-D

Unknown author (2021-10-19 20:41:26):


Unknown author (2021-10-20 04:46:14):



Unknown author (2021-10-20 07:02:10):

ur nab

Unknown author (2021-10-20 11:01:54):

whattt |-)

Unknown author (2021-10-22 21:30:58):

yesssss sirrrrr

mmmmmm that tastes goood

Unknown author (2021-10-23 16:38:37):


Unknown author (2021-10-26 17:38:14):


Unknown author (2021-10-26 21:37:11):



Unknown author (2021-10-27 10:39:04):



Unknown author (2021-10-29 02:23:41):


Unknown author (2021-10-29 13:44:48):

:-o :-o :-o :-o

Unknown author (2021-10-31 12:54:23):

ngl, can't believe a place like this exists, it gives of very old internet style vibes.
and oml I am bored cuz roblox is down.

⛧KAZUHA⛧ (2021-11-02 11:52:19):


Unknown author (2021-11-02 19:39:05):


Unknown author (2021-11-02 21:25:05):


:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) |-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


Unknown author (2021-11-03 14:00:25):


Unknown author (2021-11-05 04:17:16):


Unknown author (2021-11-08 04:16:51):


Unknown author (2021-11-08 08:55:42):

Hello all!

Unknown author (2021-11-10 10:21:18):

Hello ;-) 8-)

Unknown author (2021-11-10 18:24:39):


Unknown author (2021-11-11 15:34:52):

ree man

Unknown author (2021-11-12 02:42:32):

this is so cool

Unknown author (2021-11-12 06:02:14):

i swear the app is ehh but it pretty good


nibbler (2021-11-12 12:54:43):

I used to be StickyChannel92, but I'm still StickyChannel92 formerly. On this site, I will be called The Derpy Girl.

rsrc/derp.png image

nibbler (2021-11-12 15:16:16):

Does anyone have a stoneman's tools I can borrow?

rsrc/derp.png image

Unknown author (2021-11-12 18:06:56):

Sex jajajajajajaajaja

nibbler (2021-11-13 15:49:07):

Can you win NE Race?

he he

rsrc/derp.png image

Unknown author (2021-11-14 01:27:23):


/Whats 9+10

Unknown author (2021-11-15 15:48:38):

I love this website I am a Native American I can have one on my mouse

nibbler (2021-11-16 08:11:20):

For some reason, my profile icon reset, and I had to change it back. It totally qualifies the requirements of having a profile picture:

  • It should be 150x300
  • Real photo (vector or not)
  • and not a clone of another profile picture.

What's going on??

rsrc/derp.png image

Vlasta (2021-11-16 10:31:57):

No, icons should be vector drawings based on photos, not real photos.

eeveelover64 (2021-11-16 12:21:00):

thats bullshit, it shouldn't have to be based on that shit, we should be able to have whatever the fuck pfp we want, not some vector shit this is very limiting to what we can have bruh

Unknown author (2021-11-17 00:07:13):


ʄʟɨӼ (2021-11-18 15:50:08):

Bro, chill. There's a reason for that.

If you don't know, figure it out. Don't need to get ass-hurt over a pfp, its all good man.

000 (2021-11-18 16:05:15):


レティシア (2021-11-19 22:59:19):

add me on discord: Begula#1580

Biker (2021-11-24 18:25:15):

Wow, Go create your own site. Besides, Vlasta is a good person. Not cool, you don't need to curse about a issue.

Unknown author (2021-11-25 12:15:46):

He is just pointing out real issues....

Let us do what we want with our profile picture.

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-11-29 18:43:47):

You mean the people who have an account, not "Us". And it's up to him. You are in no place to tell anyone what to do.

Unknown author (2021-11-30 06:29:21):

Wow eeveelover is a little raging roblox kid. How cute.

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-12-01 02:57:50):

Chill, it isn't a big deal. Just calm down. No need to call anyone a raging roblox kid.

Unknown author (2021-12-01 09:40:10):

je moeder 8-)

Unknown author (2021-12-03 11:37:48):

@flix you can't deny that valsta is such a un-responsible admin.

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-12-03 11:50:41):

??? How is he un-responsible

And you mean irresponsible?

I wouldn't say that Vlasta isn't reliable (One synonym for irresponsible)
I don't think you know what you are talking about when you say that.
Again, this shouldn't concern an anonymous.

ChamieChameleon (2021-12-03 18:17:41):


im allergic to bs sorry-

how are yall?

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-12-03 19:23:58):

Lmao, good. U?

Unknown author (2021-12-04 12:32:02):

@flix i have an account but i lost my password


Unknown author (2021-12-06 09:49:02):


My name is Anonymous

i have signed in but

name is anonymous

Dark_Samus (2021-12-07 11:29:47):

I am back guys.

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-12-08 14:45:28):

Well, if you lost your account anonymous, I think you should make another, and stick to it. That's what I would do.

Dark_Samus (2021-12-09 11:06:14):

Yup... that's what i did. :-)

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-12-09 14:28:41):

Ohhh, mbmb

Dark_Samus (2021-12-09 14:56:13):


Unknown author (2021-12-09 18:56:14):

hi noobs

Unknown author (2021-12-12 01:29:19):


Unknown author (2021-12-13 00:09:17):


GeorgiosNexus (2021-12-15 01:54:58):

Hello. 8-)

KakashiSimp10 (2021-12-15 20:46:59):


Unknown author (2021-12-16 17:19:10):

i like electric mouse cursor most

this site is so cool
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2021-12-17 12:49:40):

yeah 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) to much

Unknown author (2021-12-19 18:46:59):

tf isnt this site 15 yrs old?

nibbler (2021-12-21 14:16:51):

Sorry if the server is unstable for this site, I'm trying to get things situated here.

rsrc/derpy.png image

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-12-21 14:21:41):

This site is stable, at least for me :-D . Its all good

nibbler (2021-12-21 14:39:40):

Well, I can't upload my cursor image from http://www.rw-designer.com/make-icon/name-cursor for some reason. :-( It just told me "Server error. Please try again later."

And bizarrely, I can upload anything else. It looks like I can't upload anything created from the icon composer.

EDIT I got it working.


rsrc/derpy.png image

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-12-21 17:13:54):

Nice website! You know the game that Phantom has been working on? We've been making music for it, and so far we have 2 decent soundtracks. It'll be in your E-mail.

Unknown author (2021-12-21 17:48:43):

beste hacker maus


:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

nibbler (2021-12-22 07:23:46):

@ʄʟɨӼ who wrote:

Nice website! You know the game that Phantom has been working on? We've been making music for it, and so far we have 2 decent soundtracks. It'll be in your E-mail.

thx! And that music sounds decent.

rsrc/derpy.png image

Unknown author (2021-12-22 08:09:35):

Love this Site and the Apps.
If I start working I will make a donation.

000 (2021-12-22 22:26:29):

Hello Friends.

nibbler (2021-12-23 07:34:00):

Hello, Frangel!

rsrc/derpy.png image

mancool90 (2021-12-24 01:00:27):

this site is good but small. its also fun! :-D ;-) :-) ;-) :-D

-keylimepie (2021-12-25 02:23:10):

Hello uh, I am new in this website I found on YouTube :-D

Hermitage (2021-12-26 23:41:44):

i also found on youtube :-D and this website quite simple ...

nibbler (2021-12-27 05:13:15):

Can someone help me find my second profile icon? I searched everywhere in archive.org on my profile icon, and couldn't find it. It was vectorized, had black hair, and brownish skin, with a cyan shirt.

rsrc/derpy.png image

Unknown author (2021-12-27 05:30:44):



Unknown author (2021-12-29 13:52:06):

wow no entiendo nada

Unknown author (2021-12-31 02:46:28):

this cool

nibbler (2021-12-31 03:46:22):

rsrc/Idiots.png image

rsrc/derpy.png image

Unknown author (2022-01-01 05:55:46):

Happy new Ears to all

Happy New years and same ears to all 2022

happy new improved ears to all with our same ears 2022 upgrading them

Unknown author (2022-01-01 13:56:16):

I can't get the pointer on windows 10 anyways happy new year!

This is so good to use.

GeorgiosNexus (2022-01-02 02:49:39):

Happy New Year ! :-D

kkk (2022-01-02 02:55:53):


nibbler (2022-01-02 15:34:43):

My New Year's Day sucks! We had power outage for about 3 hours, plus heavy storms and tornadoes. BTW, I live in Athens, AL.

rsrc/derpy.png image

Unknown author (2022-01-03 12:24:02):


nibbler (2022-01-04 04:41:06):


rsrc/derpy.png image

z0inks! (2022-01-04 10:25:33):

how do i change my avatar? :-o

Unknown author (2022-01-05 01:12:28):

I enjoy baked beans, not getting hacked if anyone real could tell me this is real thanks

nibbler (2022-01-06 08:08:26):

To add a video to RealWorld Graphics, this is how you do it:

[[youtube:<video id goes here>|<width>x<height>]]

rsrc/derpy.png image

Dhruvesh (2022-01-11 10:09:28):


eeveelover64 (2022-01-11 11:38:15):

well holy shit it worked!

nibbler (2022-01-11 14:32:00):

Don't make the video too big! I would recommend 640x385 for comments. They are made mostly for blogs, not comments.

rsrc/derpy.png image

Unknown author (2022-01-13 08:04:22):

woh!!! :-o

Unknown author (2022-01-15 13:51:33):

8-) :-D :-) ;-)LHLJ;LFJ,LKIU8RYI[OY[ROIDHIIOTTHI 8-) 8-) 8-) :-o

mancool90 (2022-01-16 00:47:53):

im bored |-)

Unknown author (2022-01-20 23:38:11):

how to equip

Unknown author (2022-01-21 03:05:52):

So true! :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2022-01-21 13:38:36):

shinzo sasageo

Unknown author (2022-01-21 15:53:52):

who can make a lionel Messi cursor buts i a photo

Unknown author (2022-01-21 20:14:50):

(~ ̄(OO) ̄)ブ

Unknown author (2022-01-24 17:07:04):

gad i REALLY hate realworld graphics.

how do u even EQUIP it geez what a lame website...

Phantom (2022-01-25 15:29:42):

Go here http://www.rw-designer.com/mouse-cursor

nibbler (2022-01-26 11:50:55):

I'm gaining some honey to pay off my bills!

rsrc/derpy111.png image

ʄʟɨӼ (2022-01-27 01:01:39):

Imagine looking for a cursor before knowing how to "equip" it :-D

Unknown author (2022-01-27 06:06:59):


nibbler (2022-01-27 15:49:36):

Just discovered this earlier


This is air.ogg, a Streaming Station where you just hear noises. This was created by boq. There is a Minecraft easter egg referencing this.

In the Minecraft snapshot version 20w14infnite, or 20w14∞, a track that currently played at the time of creating the snapshot, that was some noise, then the Minecraft song "Sweden", then an SSTV signal. When decoded to an image, it looks like this.


Typing /warp THIS_IS_A_VERY_LONG_PHRASE_THAT_HOPEFULLY_IS_NOT_IN_ANY_DICTIONARY shows this message in grass blocks in one hard-coded dimension:

Hello! Only purpose of this message was to troll completionists and put my name
somewhere in Minecraft (again!). I hope it wasn't cracked by accident – it was
obviously supposed to take more time than other phrases. Written during time of
plague by boq (yes. lowercase. because symmetry) "All these worlds are yours, except
Europa*. Use them together. Use them in peace. " *Europa™️* the Moon sold separately.

Pretty interesting easter egg for me.

rsrc/derpy111.png image

Unknown author (2022-01-27 16:46:02):


Justiinಠ_ಠ (2022-01-27 19:34:57):

what is the size for a real world background/theme?

I want to make a them and background.
I might need some help though. I'm not familiar with making these.

nibbler (2022-01-28 14:22:03):

@Justiin who wrote:

what is the size for a real world background/theme?

I want to make a them and background.
I might need some help though. I'm not familiar with making these.

You will need a background and a header. The header goes on top and its size is 1100x112, and the background is 1920x600, which repeats when going downward. The background image needs to have a width of 1100 pixels in the middle being completely empty to show page content.

Send those to info@rw-designer.com, and tell the person who owns the email what text color you want the body and headings should be, and if you want a glow, tell him what color of a glow you want.

You can also use http://www.rw-designer.com/contact, or click the contact button on the bottom of the page.

rsrc/derpy111.png image

★⭐Mazin Pro⭐★ (2022-02-02 08:21:46):

Hi can any one please tell me how to upload a set of cursors

TenZue (2022-02-03 23:08:33):

you just publish it its on the left hand corner down litterly dont even know bruh supppper easy but oh well =_=⊙△⊙(′ェ`)◑﹏◐≧◇≦⊙_⊙→_→^_-

TenZue (2022-02-04 00:38:24):

the weird thing is how can people litterly make those kinds?????

<style type="text/css">
body {cursor: url(http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-extern.php?id=173299);}
<a href="http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-detail/173299"
title="Get free cursors for your web.">Fiza the whitchy boy.cur Cursor</a>

<style type="text/css">
body {cursor: url(http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-extern.php?id=173299);}
the thing you had said Derpy gIrl is correct but you can even animate ur cursor

Hey Derpy Girl do you know how tomake the animated kind of cursors? I rlly even want toknow how to make those coolkindsof people cursors.. Can you please let me know ho to do it if you know?

Thank you,


Justiinಠ_ಠ (2022-02-04 03:35:39):

Thanks Sagan! :-D

TenZue (2022-02-04 06:46:54):

who us Sagan?


nibbler (2022-02-05 09:12:56):

@Fiza who wrote:

the weird thing is how can people litterly make those kinds?????

<style type="text/css">
body {cursor: url(http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-extern.php?id=173299);}
<a href="http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-detail/173299"
title="Get free cursors for your web.">Fiza the whitchy boy.cur Cursor</a>

<style type="text/css">
body {cursor: url(http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-extern.php?id=173299);}
the thing you had said Derpy gIrl is correct but you can even animate ur cursor

Hey Derpy Girl do you know how tomake the animated kind of cursors? I rlly even want toknow how to make those coolkindsof people cursors.. Can you please let me know ho to do it if you know?

Thank you,



rsrc/derpy111.png image

Glitch.Cur (2022-02-08 22:18:22):

What happened to kittens?
I mean- the one with the default emote cursor.

TenZue (2022-02-09 02:44:04):

Derpy Girl if you don't mind can I ask you this question?





★⭐Mazin Pro⭐★ (2022-02-09 08:39:22):

you can ask me if its still about the animated cursors

TenZue (2022-02-11 05:34:56):

Hello ;-) I'm Glitch.Krm who can help you out well mostly Im usally here to help!


You will need a background and a header. The header goes on top and its size is 1100x112, and the background is 1920x600, which repeats when going downward. The background image needs to have a width of 1100 pixels in the middle being completely empty to show page content.

Send those to info@rw-designer.com, and tell the person who owns the email what text color you want the body and headings should be, and if you want a glow, tell him what color of a glow you want.

You can also use http://www.rw-designer.com/contact, or click the contact button on the bottom of the page.

Derpy Girl you had write this right?

Well to add more detail you can make the 1920x600 to the maximuim level as an animtaion to a real cursor affect allow me to give you the demestration, The make of the cursor is 1000000IQ so basically you will need to makean square as a puzzle for the 240 of the sememntery of the cursor.

To: @Derpy Girl

Frome: Glitch.Krm

Unknown author (2022-02-11 08:37:37):

i am a girl

TenZue (2022-02-11 22:47:05):

Then why do you have an boy profile if your rlly a girl change the gender or probally ur not an user in here cause ur " Anonymous " but whatever.

TenZue (2022-02-12 07:12:49):


Is anyone there?


Mazin Pro it is about the animated cursors I'am very smart in the cursor making things but can helpme make a very cool animated cursor and thanks for help me with my question!

★⭐Mazin Pro⭐★ (2022-02-12 08:26:24):

sure i can help, but what type of animated cursors you want to make?
Also you have changed your name from Fiza to 囧rz Glitch.Krm 囧rz right?

TenZue (2022-02-12 18:51:45):

Uhh yes! Cna you helpme with those nature, fire, and water cursor animated?


oh yeah when I first started the cursor making thing my old cursor if you see them those one are very old ones im trying to get better so thats why I need ur help cause I try making those nature fire and water cursor but I keep messing up and I still don't know hwhat type of animation II should put to them.. So can you plz help me out on that?

TenZue (2022-02-12 22:01:35):

Mazin Pro are you there?

or I mean are you online?

If you are umm.. I was just going to ask you aboud the speed of anamation can you help me out on that too?

Cuase I will make a drawing and a set model on a peice of paper and then I will take a screen shot and I will tell you to go to my profile so you can see what cursor Im talking about.

TenZue (2022-02-13 05:08:50):

Make sure to get on tmr so we can talk and if you get on to early plz wait and just make cursors..

TenZue (2022-02-14 02:04:01):

Hello is anyone on its litterly been 2 days since no one has been on!!!

★⭐Mazin Pro⭐★ (2022-02-14 06:08:17):

Hi sorry I forgot to check this people option
But I can help you now
1st Way: First make the cursor with some fire effect (non animated) then click "Duplicate frame" on the bottom of the screen then make a little changes like make some parts of the fire small and some part big then again click "Duplicate frame" and again make some parts of the fire smaller and some part bigger then again click "Duplicate frame" but now the parts you make smaller make them bigger and the part which you made bigger make them smaller now, you can also change colour of some part and then you improve it a bit and its done

2nd Way: Make any cursor then click "Create animated fire" Then you can set the animation steps (I prefer you that you should set it as 20 or nearly 20) then set the colour (I prefer the 18th colour which is like peach and is below orange) then set longevity as 7 then the size you can set any (I prefer 3) particle count you can do as max which is 24 or you can make it less for less lag, wind direction you can set as -100 for a little tilt from the straight or -137 for exact straight fire effect then at last wind intensity you can set any (I prefer 80) your can click ok then adjust the hot spot and you're done

For Water Cursors you need to tell which type of water cursors you have to make like with waves or with drops or etc

Sorry For Very Long Message, Hope You have understand

TenZue (2022-02-14 23:07:02):

Thank you soomuch for the information and can we be friends?

Henry vntv (2022-02-15 01:21:13):

:-o cool

nibbler (2022-02-15 18:59:10):

First of all, how do people create pages like this? http://www.rw-designer.com/tile-wallpapers

rsrc/derpy111.png image

Unknown author (2022-02-16 00:50:10):


★⭐Mazin Pro⭐★ (2022-02-16 04:51:55):

囧rz Glitch.Krm 囧rz Sure :-D

TenZue (2022-02-16 05:50:22):

Okay Thx and Mazin Pro im first going to make those cursors with none animated I already made the nature cursor with non animated but do you play roblox?

Unknown author (2022-02-16 08:58:01):

hi 8-)

TenZue (2022-02-16 21:05:13):

hi hommie!

TenZue (2022-02-17 00:06:24):

Dᴇʀᴘʏ Gɪʀʟ ɪᴛs ᴄᴀʟʟᴇᴅ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀ ᴘʀᴏ ʟɪᴋᴇ Mᴀᴢɪɴ ʜɪs ɴᴀᴍᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴs PRO sᴏ ᴛʜᴀᴛs ʜᴏᴡ ʜᴇs ᴀ ᴘʀᴏ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇ ʜᴀs ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇs ɪɴ ʜɪs ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ʜᴇ ᴋɴᴏᴡs ʜᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ᴀʀᴇ GIF ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇs ᴇᴠᴇɴ I ᴄᴀɴ ᴘᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ɪɴ ʙᴜᴛ I ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴᴇ I ʜᴀᴠᴇ ɴᴏᴡ.

Aɴᴅ Mᴀᴢɪɴ Pʀᴏ I ᴘʀɪᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ!

Aɴᴅ Mᴀᴢɪɴ Pʀᴏ I ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘᴜᴛ Aᴅᴊᴜᴛᴍᴇɴᴛs ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ʙᴜᴛ ɪᴛs ᴍᴇ 囧ʀᴢ Gʟɪᴛᴄʜ.Kʀᴍ 囧ʀᴢ

TenZue (2022-02-17 03:57:29):


Hello is anyone there?

ɪᴛ ɪs ᴍᴇ:


TenZue (2022-02-17 04:58:27):

Is ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ ᴏɴ?

Cᴀᴜsᴇ ɪᴍ ʙᴏʀᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ I ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴀᴛ..

Unknown author (2022-02-17 09:23:20):

Where is mimi destino

TenZue (2022-02-17 19:24:28):


Unknown author (2022-02-17 20:31:10):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Go back to article.